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Forward from: Epithet of Paradoxical-Trumpery.
Giving the best warm greetings from the bottom of my heart, I'm calling NCT 127's RP-ERS out there for absenting. Kindly drop your name and your username here. Anyone who sees this can you help forward to your channel? Much obliged.

Hfw moots. NCT127 rpers absen disini yuk?? drop ur nickname && username. thanks in advance.

board tadi disini ya.

ily moots

hayo siapa yang deact terus ganti usn channelnya??

Forward from: [Actv]
Moots kalo gw unsubs ch lu berarti acc lu deak/left dari ch gw, lu mampir ke rc gw marah' bilang sama' ngemis heh-! Beda ya. Bedain mana yang ngemis mana yang ngajak lu tau kan ngemis itu minta' sedangkan gw? mana pernah gw minta' lu subs ch gw. Gw ngajak buat sfs tau sfs kan? Sfs = subs for subs bukan subs for unsubs. Gatau rules sfs? @sfsrules.

Dan juga nih ya buat yang sfs main acc, sfs main acc itu sfs dengan menggunakan acc utama bukan acc clone/side acc paham? gw udah banyak nemuin orang yang pake side acc blm lagi yang acc dijadikan nokos lu kehabisan nokos atau gmn? beli noh murah nokos jngn acc lu dijadikan nokos nyampah tau ga? Sfs main acc bukan cuma nambah mata doang, tapi juga isi sc/board yang ad di ch jangan cuma waktu disuruh drop @ doang lu ngisi sama aja lu kg ngasi fb paham?

𝗗ue to @Telegram’s policy, i want to declare that this channel is for 𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗲𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 purposes only and not that the real MKL. All the identities i use have nothing to do with the face of my role.

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