saya pernah dalam keadaan macam ni , but since i was form 4 , my maths already improve from "Gagal" to "Lulus" and even higher ^^ !
so this is my tips :
- kalau boleh , masa class maths duduk kat depan
- in case you can't duduk kat depan , pay attention and jangan mengkhayal ( this mengkhayal thing always berlaku utk pelajar sesi pagi )
- bila cikgu bagi aktiviti , such as aktiviti berkumpulan , try to discuss together
- terus tanya kalau tak faham
- balik rumah , terus buat kerja maths yg diberi , so you won't forget the "jalan penyelesaian" that you just learn in class
additional :
- belajar basic dulu , and then try buat KBAT , then discuss ngan cikgu
- buat latihan sampai faham utk topik yg kurang faham
- kalau buat latihan kat rumah , such as your own exercise book for your study time , boleh chat cikgu if ada apa’ nak tanya ( kalau cikgu tak reply , cubalah bawa exercise book tu gi sekolah atau tanya cikgu maths yang lain )
💗 actually , maths ni seronok tau ^^ ! dulu saya pun tak minat maths , kadang maths kita tak minat sebab "cikgu" mungkin tak berapa jelas apabila mengajar atau terlalu laju 😭 . InShaAllah kalau tips ni dapat membantu , mana tau maths korang from gagal to lulus , from lulus to cemerlang , from cemerlang to cemerlang tertinggi , Aamiin :3 .
#matematik #tips