Xiaomi Mi5 | Masik X Final (Premium) | MIUI 9
Google Keyboard - keyboard from Google inc. instead of Xperia Keyboard
Xperia Keyboard - keyboard from Sony Xperia instead of Google Keyboard
Email App - standard mail client from MIUI
Screen Recorder App - a standard video recording application for what is happening on the screen
Fashion Gallery App - standard application for interval change of lock screen wallpaper
Blocking advertisements - blocking of malicious and sponsored links browser
mask in the style of the rounded - round mask desktop icons
mask in round style - round mask desktop icons
mask in the style of MIUI - original icons mask desktop
style Lite- transparent design of the notification panel + Material Design
Style MIUI - stock design style + Material Design
Simple reset menu - standard menu with simple system reboot
Extended reset menu - a menu with the ability to reboot the system in Fastboot and Recovery
► Download : https://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=732822&st=8200#entry59649468
Google Keyboard - keyboard from Google inc. instead of Xperia Keyboard
Xperia Keyboard - keyboard from Sony Xperia instead of Google Keyboard
Email App - standard mail client from MIUI
Screen Recorder App - a standard video recording application for what is happening on the screen
Fashion Gallery App - standard application for interval change of lock screen wallpaper
Blocking advertisements - blocking of malicious and sponsored links browser
mask in the style of the rounded - round mask desktop icons
mask in round style - round mask desktop icons
mask in the style of MIUI - original icons mask desktop
style Lite- transparent design of the notification panel + Material Design
Style MIUI - stock design style + Material Design
Simple reset menu - standard menu with simple system reboot
Extended reset menu - a menu with the ability to reboot the system in Fastboot and Recovery
► Download : https://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=732822&st=8200#entry59649468