MUN TASHKENT - значит учиться ораторскому искусству и ведению дебатов, преодолевая страх перед публикой. Кроме того, это отличный шанс получить практику общения на иностранном языке. MUN TASHKENT – это жизнь. Яркая жизнь, наполненная интересными встречами и событиями.
MUN TOSHKENT - so'zlashish va bahslashishni o'rganish, jamoatchilik qo'rquvini yengish demakdir. Bundan tashqari, bu chet tilida muloqot qilish amaliyotini olish uchun ajoyib imkoniyatdir. MUN TOSHKENT - bu hayot. Qiziqarli uchrashuvlar va voqealarga boy yorqin hayot.
MUN TASHKENT means learning to speak and debate, overcoming the fear of the public. In addition, this is a great chance to get the practice of communicating in a foreign language. MUN TASHKENT is life. A bright life filled with interesting meetings and events.
#mun #unitednations #modelunitednations #tashkentmun #muntashkent #tashkent #uzbekistan #muntashkentmoments
MUN TOSHKENT - so'zlashish va bahslashishni o'rganish, jamoatchilik qo'rquvini yengish demakdir. Bundan tashqari, bu chet tilida muloqot qilish amaliyotini olish uchun ajoyib imkoniyatdir. MUN TOSHKENT - bu hayot. Qiziqarli uchrashuvlar va voqealarga boy yorqin hayot.
MUN TASHKENT means learning to speak and debate, overcoming the fear of the public. In addition, this is a great chance to get the practice of communicating in a foreign language. MUN TASHKENT is life. A bright life filled with interesting meetings and events.
#mun #unitednations #modelunitednations #tashkentmun #muntashkent #tashkent #uzbekistan #muntashkentmoments