📝My Medical Notes👨🏻‍⚕

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قناة تهتم بنشر ملاحظات سريرية في الطب الباطني مرتبة على حسب كل System
Internal Medicine

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♨️Pericardial Tamponade♨️
💠Patient will be complaining of dyspnea and chest pain
💠PE will show muffled heart sounds, JVD and hypotension (Beck’s triad), pulsus paradoxus
💠ECG will show low voltage QRS, electrical alterans
💠Echocardiography will show diastolic collapse of RV
💠Treatment is pericardiocentesis.


✅Use : One of ANTIHTN
🚫Avoid : Beta blocker

✍In HTN with DM
✅Use : ACEI, Ca blocker
🚫Avoid : Beta blocker

✍In HTN with RENAL Impairment
✅Use : One of ANTIHTN
🚫Avoid :ACEI In bilateral renal stenosis

✍In HTN with pregnancy
✅Use : alpha methyl dopa, Ca blocker, labetolol or hydralazine
🚫Avoid : Beta blocker, ACEI,Diuretics

✍In HTN with 💔 failure
✅Use : ACEI, Diuretics
🚫Avoid : Ca channel blocker

✍In HTN with Ischemia
✅Use : Beta or Ca Blocker
🚫Avoid : hydralazine

✍In HTN with Peripheral vascular lesion
✅Use : Ca or alpha blocker
🚫Avoid : beta blocker


📌Beta Blocker & HTN 📌

🔥Avoid BETA BLOCKER in :
🌵HTN with asthma
🌵HTN with diabetes
🌵HTN with pregnancy
🌵HTN with peipheral vascular disease

⭐️You can Use BETA BLOCKER in :
💥HTN with Ischemia
💥HTN with Thyrotoxicosis
💥HTN with Renal failure
💥HTN with Heart failure


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Kussmaul's sign- a paradoxical increase in pressure in the jugular vein in inspiration.

Kussmaul's sign is more common in pathologies of the right ventricle.‌‌

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🔰What should you be looking for?

💥Clinical signs of end organ damage:
• Fundoscopy: hypertensive retinopathy grades I–IV
• LVH: forceful/displaced apex beat, loud A2
• Proteinuria.

💥Causes of secondary HT:
• Coarctation of the aorta: have you felt the femorals, especially in the young patient?
• Renal disease: renal bruits/proteinuria/urea and electrolytes
• Cushing’s syndrome: obesity, striae; might have low K+
• Conn’s syndrome: no signs; usually low K+ and high normal Na+
• Phaeochromocytoma: presentation often atypical (e.g. acute pulmo-nary oedema, sweating attacks) rather than textbook flushing/palpitations.

💥Baseline investigations:
• U&Es, eGFR and glucose: look for electrolyte imbalances (e.g. Conn’s, renal disease and diabetes)

🤔🛑medical case 🛑

An anxious 33-year-old woman comes to A&E with a bad migraine. Her BP has been recorded as 180/120 on a number of occasions while she is waiting to be seen by the medical team.


😁 Common indications for echocardiography

①Assessment of left ventricular function

②Diagnosis of severity of valve disease

③Identification of vegetations in endocarditis

④Identification of structural heart disease in
atrial fibrillation, cardiomyopathies or congenital heart disease

⑤Detection of pericardial effusion

⑥Identification of intracardiac thrombus in systemic embolism


①Transthoracic echocardiography
②Transoesophageal echocardiography


🌌Heart contour in the posteroanterior (PA) view

🎯Right border (from caudal to cranial): right atrium, superior vena cava

🎯Left border (from caudal to cranial): left ventricle, left atrial appendage, pulmonary trunk aortic knuckle

🎯Inferior border: right ventricle


🌌The heart shadow can be viewed on a chest x-ray.

🌌Heart contour in the lateral view
Anterior border: right ventricle
Inferior border: left ventricle
Posterosuperior border: left atrium


🫀Chest X-ray
🌌useful for determining the size and shape of the heart, and the state of the pulmonary blood vessels and lung field
🌌Most infor-mation is given by a postero-anterior (PA)
🌌projection taken in full inspiration.
🌌 Anteroposterior (AP) projections can be performed when patient movement is restricted but result in magnification of the car-diac silhouette.



🌟assess cardiac rhythm and conduction
🔥diagnosis of myocardial ischaemia and infarction.


🩸Haemodynamic effects of respiration


How to read a 12-lead electrocardiogram:

🎯lead II
determine heart rate and rhythm
🎯Cardiac axis
Normal if QRS complexes +ve in leads I and II

🌊P-wave shape
①Tall P waves
denote right atrial enlargement (P pulmonale)
②notched P waves
denote left atrial enlargement (P mitrale)
⛳️PR interval
denotes impaired atrioventricular nodal conduction
②A short PR interval
occurs in Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome
⏰QRS duration
If > 0.12 sec
①ventricular conduction is abnormal
(left or right bundle branch block)
🔋QRS amplitude
occur in
①slim young patients
②patients with left ventricular hypertrophy
🌊Q waves
①signify previous myocardial infarction
🧩ST segment
①ST elevation
myocardial infarction,
left ventricular aneurysm

②ST depression
signify ischaemia or
🌊T waves
T-wave inversion
①myocardial ischaemia or infarction
②electrolyte disturbances
⛳️QT interval
①electrolyte disturbances

②Antiarrhythmic class (Ia, Ic,III)
③Tricyclic antidepressants
④Antibiotic. macrolides.
⑤ Antimalarial
⑥Ototoxic drug



☑️ 3 common Investigation for CVS cases:-

Chest X ray.
Echo – cardiographs


🫀Intermittent claudication

is pain felt in the legs on walking due to arterial insufficiency and
is the most common symptom of PAD.

🔰Patients describe
cramp-like’ pain that develops after a relatively constant distance
🔰The pain disappears completely within a few minutes of rest but recurs on walking.

🛑claudication distance’ is how far patients say they can walk before the pain comes on.
🔰The calf muscle is most commonly affected and this is due to femoropopliteal disease

👨🏻‍⚕ Claudication
marker for wide spread atherosclerotic disease


🫀كيف نميز ما اذا كانت ال Generalized edema
due to Fluid overload or Hypoproteinemia🤔

①Fluid overload 😎
*heart faliure
*renal disease
*excessive fluid replacement
☞ elevated JVP
②Hypoproteinemia 🤓
زيادة فقد
nephrotic syndrome
قلة تصنيع
liver faliure
صعوبة في الإدخال
malnutrtion or malabsorption


🫀cardic causes of LL. edema

🔰Heart failure
is a common cause of bilateral lower limb oedema
🔰other causes include
. chronic venous disease,
. vasodilating calcium channel antagonists (such as amlodipine)
🧐 elevated jugular venous pressure strongly suggests a cardiogenic cause of oedema

🧐تحقق من ال
💥associated symptoms
dyspnoea, orthopnoea and abdominal distension.


🫀 Syncope
sudden transient loss of consciousness 2°ry to decrease cerebral perfusion.
Usually cardiovascular cause .
Postural hypotension (orthostatic)
Neuro cardiogenic [v asovagal]
Carotid sinus hypersensitivity
②obstructive of cardiac out let
A.S, M.S. but Aortic stenosis common
Brady arrhythmia .
④Faliure of artificial pacemaker.
beta – blockers , CCBs , Antiarrhythmic , Diuretic , ACEI .
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transient ischemic attack


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