Wording Natsu : Opening Thursday!

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Take out all what you want to be used as stanzas by us.
π–₯” To order and buy : @natsurnrobot
π–₯” If an error occurs : @natsurnity
Writing word for word into a sentence to understand and artistic value when read, they are Natsu's wording assist.

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Buat yang mau di forward bisa silaturahmi ke @natsurnrobot. Psstt cuma aku fw sampai rabu aja yaa soalnya mau rombak lagi yyayyyaa. Thank youu!

[ To all BA mutuals and everyone who saw this message, could you please forward it to your channel? Thank you before and after ]

ππ€π“π’π”π‘ππˆπ„π’π“ has slid to greet you all, pleasure and happiness that always comes from day to day all continue and bless us all. In this fun session, we @natsurniest will come in all directions to help and fulfill your desire for fun. Save the date Thursday, 01 July 2021 at 09.00 WIB we will open the gates for the first time! Various essays and word choices have been studied to be put together into a beautiful framework.

Here you can get the WORDS you want starting from 1000 IDR and there are various types of words from us such as Bio, Pinned, Ba need, Update character and even Customize which you can request as needed. What are you waiting for? Start searching and see some of the catalogs we have prepared here prepare the order form and ask all the things you want to know at @natsurnity and see you soon. β™‘

Bonjour Γ  tous, we add some other explanation about 'Additional Request' to increase your understanding. Untuk penambahan request, kami hanya menyediakan Fancy Font, Kaomoji, Symbol, Emoji dan Thesaurus. For the others, we have not provided because it adjusts to the Caretaker's ability.

𐋃 Kaomoji dan Emoji kami sediakan gratis, karena lumayan gampang dan juga gak susah nyarinya, jadi kami kasih gratis untuk dua req tersebut.

𐋃 Fancy Font dan Symbol kami tambah +1k, karena harus bolak balik messletter sama nentuin symbolnya kadang bikin kita pusing sendiri hshshhshs.

𐋃 Terakhir, untuk Thesaurus akan kami tambah +2k, karena lumayan susah juga apalagi kalau otak kita lagi 2mb (Harap maklumz)

We think the explanation is sufficient to improve your understanding of the price issue. Jangan lupa juga buat baca TnC dan kalau ada yang mau ditanyakan bisa langsung tanya aja ke robot atau Natsu help. Dernières salutations et merci.

Extra note :

Tolong banget ya dijelasin wording kayak gimana yang kamu pengen. Jelasin aja se detail detailnya dan sesuai dengan kemauan kamu biar nanti kita juga enak buat bikinnya. Kalau ada yang mau ditanyakan langsung aja ke @natsurnity. Kita gak bakal bosen buat ingetin ke kalian buat baca TnC lebih dulu sebelum mengirim formatnya.

And this is the place to see Wording order activity and also Testi from our customers. Please be patient and wait for your wording to come! Belle journΓ©e Γ  tous Natchu β™‘.

Salutations Γ  toutes les choses sur terre. A place where you can find things you want to read like a library. A series of words made just for you which is the throne of our presence.

Enough of the basics. Here we open a sentence assistant for those of you who may be confused about what kind of needs you want to write. Karena cuma punya 2 Caretaker, jadi Natsu cuma open wording seminggu sekali ya. This is used because to avoid stacking the wording ordered and chasing deadlines from previous orders.

Of course, this can change according to the Caretaker's free time to serve your order wording. Dan yaa [ kalau kurang jelas atau gak paham cara pesennya udah ada penjelasannya yaa di semua format coba cek dulu sebelum nanya hal yang mungkin kurang penting ]

Once again please pay attention to TnC before ordering so that there are no mistakes or anything like that. Salutations de notre administrateur.

α―½β€Ί Format order Upchar

Name :
Username :
Chara/Muse : (Mention complete)
Source link :
Language : (Idn/Eng/Jpn/And Others)
Shape : (Classy/Cute/Dark)
Length : (Short/Medium/Long)
Additional request.
β€’ Fancy Font : (yes/no)
β€’ Kaomoji : (yes/no)
β€’ Emoji : (yes/no)
β€’ Symbol : (yes/no)
β€’ Thesaurus : (yes/no)
Note : (Please explain how Wording you want)

NOTE : To see an example of filling in the 'Upchar Format', you can see here. And to order please send to
☎️ @natsurnrobot.


α―½β€Ί Format order GEN!RP

Name :
Username :
Chara/Muse : (Mention complete)
Type : (Pinned/Disclaimer/Bio ch/Upchar)
Language : (Idn/Eng/Jpn/Fra)
Shape : (Classy/Cute/Dark)
Length : (Short/Medium/Long)
Additional request.
β€’ Fancy Font : (yes/no)
β€’ Kaomoji : (yes/no)
β€’ Emoji : (yes/no)
β€’ Symbol : (yes/no)
β€’ Thesaurus : (yes/no)
Payment :
Note : (Please explain how Wording you want)

NOTE : To see an example of filling in the 'Gen format', you can see here. And to order please send to
☎️ @natsurnrobot.


γ…€ GEN!RP

≑ Short : 3k
≑ Medium : 4k
≑ Long : 5k

π–₯” β–Έ For Telegram
≑ Short : 2k
≑ Medium : 4k
≑ Long : 6k

π–₯” β–Έ For Twitter
≑ Full tweet : 1,5k

π–₯” β–Έ For Facebook
≑ Short : 2k
≑ Medium : 4k
≑ Long : 6k

≑ Short : 3k
≑ Medium : 4k
≑ Long : 5k

≑ All bio prices range between 2-3k

≑ Short : 7k
≑ Medium : 10k
≑ Long : 13k


α―½β€Ί Format order Custom

Name :
Username :
Form : (Mensive/Confess/Birthday/Comeback Congratulation/Dll)
Type : (CA/BA/RP/RL)
Language : (Idn/Eng/Jpn)
Lenght : (Short/Medium/Long)
Additional request.
β€’ Fancy Font : (yes/no)
β€’ Kaomoji : (yes/no)
β€’ Emoji : (yes/no)
β€’ Symbol : (yes/no)
β€’ Thesaurus : (yes/no)
To : (Nama pacar/Keluarga/Teman/ And Others)
Message : (Explain what kind of message you want, In the form of a date or something)

NOTE : To see an example of filling in the 'Custom Format', you can see here. And to order please send to
☎️ @natsurnrobot.



π–₯” β–Έ Short : 2 - 4k
π–₯” β–Έ Medium : 4 - 7k
π–₯” β–Έ Long : 7 - 14k

For Custom Wording, everything you want can be ordered. Examples such as Mensive, Birthday, Confess, Comeback Congratulation, Twibbon, Description Bot, and all other sentences not mentioned above.


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