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Hurmatli talabalar,

Talabala o'rtasida "Ayollarga nisbatan zo'ravonlik va uning oldini olish yo'llari" mavzusida insholar tanlovini e'lon qilamiz. ✍️

Tanlovda qatnashish uchun siz xohlagan 3 ta tilda (o'zbek, ingliz yoki rus tilida), kamida 250 ta so'zdan iborat bo'lgan insho yozib, Telegram orqali @Mhikmatovich ga jo'natishingiz kerak bo'ladi.

Inshoda gender tengligi, ayollar huquqlari, inson huquqlari, oila va jamiyatdagi gender ajratish va kamsitish bilan bog'liq muammolar mavzusiga to'xtalib, eng muhimi, ayollarga nisbatan zo'ravonlik muammosi va uning oldini olish yo'llari haqida o'z fikringizni berishingiz kerak.

Barcha talablarga javob bergan eng yaxshi 3 ta insho egasi:
- Universitet tomonidan taqdirlanadi;
- Inshi egasi roziligi bilan Universtet ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda yoritiladi.

Barcha talablarga javob bergan insholar egalariga insholarini Universitet ijtimoiy tarmoqda joylashtirish imkoniyatiga ega bo'lishadi.

❗️Insholarni jo'natish uchun oxirgi muddat:
10 dekabr, 16:00



Dear students,

We announce a competition of essays among students on the topic "Violence against women and ways to prevent it".
To participate in the competition, you need to write an essay of at least 250 words in any 3 languages (Uzbek, English, or Russian) and send it to @Mhikmatovich via Telegram.
In the essay, you should focus on the issues of gender equality, women's rights, human rights, gender segregation, and discrimination in the family and society, and most importantly, give your opinion on the problem of violence against women and ways to prevent it.

Top 3 best essay holders that Meet All Requirements:
- awarded by the University;
- With the consent of the author, the essay will be published on University social networks.

Other essay holders who meet all requirements will have the opportunity to post their essays on the University's social network.

❗️Deadline for submitting essays:
December 10, 16:00 p.m

Dear students,
We will wait you at 15:50, Room 612.

Imkoniyatni qo'ldan boy bermang.

Hurmatli talabalar,
“QS World University Rankings” hisobi bo’yicha TOP 1000 talikka kiruvchi, Qozog'istondagi eng yaxshi texnik universitet– Qozoq-Britaniya Texnika Universiteti haqida eshitganmisiz?❕❔

Unda imkoniyatni qo’ldan boy bermang!

Qozoq-Britaniya texnika universiteti professori, Dr.Timur Narbaev 9-dekabr (Juma) kuni soat 16:00 da Universitetimizga tashrif buyurmoqda.

Tashrif davomida, Universitet Professorlari hamda talabalari uchun "Application of Machine learning to project budget estimation" mavzusida taqdimot qilmoqchi.

Ushbu mavzuda ko’proq ma’lumot olishni yoki o’z savollaringizni bermoqchi bo’lsangiz bu taqdimot aynan siz uchun.

Taqdimotda qatnashish uchun sizdan ro’yxatdan o’tish so’raladi.

Taqdimot joyi ro'yxatdan o'tuvchilar soniga qarab keyinroq e'lon qilinadi.

🟢 Ro'yxatdan o'tish


Don't miss the opportunity.

Dear students,
have you heard about Kazakh-British Technical University, the best technical university in Kazakhstan, which is in TOP 1000 according to "QS World University Rankings"?

Then don't miss the opportunity!

Dr. Timur Narbaev, professor of the Kazakh-British Technical University, is visiting our University on December 9 (Friday) at 16:00.

During the visit, he is going to give a presentation on "Application of Machine learning to project budget estimation" for University Professors and students.

If you want to get more information on this topic or ask your questions, this presentation is for you.

You will be asked to register to participate in the presentation.

The location of the presentation will be announced later, based on the number of registrants.

🟢 Registration

Dear students,
Registration will be closed at 15:00.
The game is going to be held at 17:00.

Winner team will get prizes 🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁

Hurmatli talabalar!

Bilimingizni turfa yo'nalishlarda sinab ko'rishni istaysizmi?

U holda buning vaqti keldi.

Sizlarga 07.12.2022 kuni "Jeopardy" klubi faollari siz uchun maxsus "Jeopardy" intellektual o'yinini tashkil qilib berishmoqda.

"Jeopary" o'yini o‘ziga xos javob va savol formatiga ega bo‘lgan viktorina shousi bo‘lib, unda ishtirokchilarga turli fan va yo'nalishlardan turlicha qiyinchilik darajasida savollar taqdim etiladi va ishtirokchilar o'z jamoasi bilan savollarga javob berishi kerak bo'ladi.

Sizdan faqat so'raladigan narsa:
✔️ jamoangiz bilan ro'yxatdan o'tish;
✔️ qatnashish;
✔️ savollarga javob berish hamda

🟢Ro'yxatdan o'tish


Dear students!
Do you want to test your knowledge in different directions?

Then it's about time.

On 07.12.2022, "Jeopardy" club activists are organizing a special "Jeopardy" intellectual game for you.

"Jeopary" game is a quiz show with a unique answer and question format, in which participants are presented with questions of different levels of difficulty from different subjects and areas, and the participants have to answer the questions with their team.

All you are asked to do is:
✔️register with your team;
✔️ answer questions and

Forward from: British Council Uzbekistan
📆 IELTS dates 2023 are live now!

🙌 We are happy to share IELTS test dates in Tashkent for 2023.

Plan your new year and take IELTS with British Council! 💫

Why IELTS is more with British Council?
📆 Take IELTS exam any day of a week
🕔 Choose a convenient time for your Speaking test
✅ Take all parts of your exam (Writing, Listening, Reading and Speaking) on the same day
📚 Get access to more than 30 hours of IELTS preparation course by experts

🔗 Register now:

🔥 Share this calendar with anyone who is preparing to take IELTS!

🔗 Follow the British Council Uzbekistan on social media:
Telegram | Facebook | Instagram

The survey has been stopped. A visit to the multimedia exhibition will be organized before the New Year. 🎉🎉🎉🎉
We will announce additional details.

Be ready for the next survey)

Do you want to go to the multimedia exhibition "Being Van Gogh" with your course-mates and professors? 😊
anonymous poll

Ha albatta. Yangi yildan oldin. / Yes, sure. before New Year. – 55
👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 66%

Yo'q, bora olmayman. / No, I don't. – 15
👍👍 18%

Ha albatta. Yangi yildan keyin. / Yes, sure. After New year. – 13
👍👍 16%

👥 83 people voted so far. Poll closed.

“Barhayot Van Gog” multimedia koʻrgazmasi

Toshkent shahrida 2022-yilning 15-noyabridan 2023-yilning 15-fevraliga qadar “O‘ZEKSPOMARKAZ” ko‘rgazmalar pavilyonida Van Gog ijodiga bag‘ishlangan multimedia ko‘rgazmasi bo‘lib o‘tadi.

Madaniyat va sanʼatni rivojlantirish jamgʻarmasi Gʻarb sanʼati tarixidagi eng taniqli va nufuzli musavvirlardan biri Vinsent van Gog ijodiga bagʻishlangan “Barhayot Van Gog” multimedia koʻrgazmasini tashkil etadi.

🔔Ko'rgazma soat 10:00 dan 20:00 gacha 10 daqiqalik tanaffuslar bilan davom etadi;
🔔Seshanba va juma kunlari - kirish bepul;
🔔Boshqa kunlarda - 20 000 so'm;
🔔Talabalar uchun chipta 50% chegirmaga ega;


Multimedia exhibition "Being Van Gogh"

In Tashkent, from November 15, 2022, to February 15, 2023, a multimedia exhibition dedicated to the work of Van Gogh will be held at the "UZEXPOMARKAZ" exhibition pavilion.
The Fund for the Development of Culture and Art organizes a multimedia exhibition "Being Van Gogh" dedicated to the work of Vincent van Gogh, one of the most famous and influential painters in the history of Western art.

🔔The exhibition lasts from 10:00 to 20:00 with 10-minute breaks;
🔔Tuesday and Friday - entrance is free;
🔔On other days - 20,000 soums;
🔔The ticket for students has a 50% discount;

Hurmatli talabalar!

Bugun kanalimizda siz uchun qiziqarli hamda bir-biridan muhim bo'lgan bir nechta so'rovnomalar e'lon qilinadi.

So'rovnomalarda faol bo'ling.


Dear students!

Today on our channel we will publish several interesting and important polls (surveys) for you.

Be active in the polls (surveys).

It is starting after 10 minutes.

Dear students,
Jürgen Schiffer, one of the students of TUM University who is an active leader and founder of several clubs, tomorrow (01.12.2022), on the last day of his trip, will hold a conversation on interesting topics for you, and not only answer all the questions of the students, also wants to provide methodical assistance.
Therefore, we ask you not to miss this last chance.
Time: 14:00
Location: Room 510

Forward from: IT Park Uzbekistan

🔍 Google'da rasmiy bepul ta'lim olishga shoshiling!

Markaziy Osiyo mamlakatlari dasturchilari maxsus Google Android Bootcamp dasturida ishtirok etishlari mumkin! Loyiha dasturlash sohasida qo'shimcha ko'nikmalarga ega bo'lishga qaratilgan.

Google Android Bootcamp dasturining bir qismi sifatida ishtirokchilar Android, Jetpack Compose va Material Design bilan tajriba o‘rganish uchun bir nechta Google laboratoriyalarini bajarishlari kerak bo‘ladi!

Dasturni yakunlash uchun siz 4 ta modulni tugatishingiz va keyin sertifikatga ega bo'lish uchun umumiy Google dasturlash profilingizni yuborishingiz kerak! Dasturda ishtirok etish, shuningdek, dasturchilarga qiyinchiliklarni yengishga yordam beradigan haftalik murabbiylik mashg'ulotlari bilan birga o'tadi.

Google Android Bootcamp dekabr oyining oxirigacha amal qiladi.

Ushbu havola orqali shug'ullanishni boshlashingiz mumkin:

🔍 Спешите получить официальное бесплатное обучение в Google!

Разработчики из стран Центральной Азии могут принять участие в специальной программе Google Android Bootcamp! Программа направлена на получение дополнительных навыков в сфере разработки.

В рамках Google Android Bootcamp участникам предстоит пройти несколько лабораторий Google, чтобы изучить опыт работы с Android, Jetpack Compose и Material Design!

Чтобы закончить программу, необходимо завершить 4 модуля, а затем отправить свой общедоступный профиль разработчика Google для получения сертификата! Участие в программе также сопровождается еженедельными менторскими сессиями, которые призваны помочь разработчикам справляться с трудностями.

Google Android Bootcamp действует до конца декабря.

Начать заниматься можно по ссылке:

Xabaringiz bo`lsa bizga Germaniyaning TOP universitetlaridan biri hamda bizning hamkorimiz bo`lgan TUM universitetidan mutaxassis hamda talabalar tashrif buyurishgan.

TUM universitetining eng faol talabalari, xususan Talabalar kengashining liderlar hamda klublar asoschilari bugun Yangi O`zbekiston universiteti talabalari bilan uchrashuv o'tkazib, fikr almashish maqsadida "NUU-TUM-student exchange" mavzusida uchrashuv o'tkazmoqchi ekanligini ma'lum qilamiz.
Vaqt: Bugun, 16:30
Joy: Konferensiyalar zali

O'zingiz uchun Germaniyada talabalar hayoti, ularning faoliyati haqida qiziqtirgan barcha savollarni berishingiz va javob olishingiz mumkin.


As you know, we were visited by experts and students from TUM University, one of the top German universities and our partner.

We inform you that the most active students of TUM University, in particular, the leaders of the Student Council and the founders of the clubs, are going to meet with the students of the New Uzbekistan University today and hold a meeting on the topic of "NUU-TUM-student exchange" in order to exchange ideas.

Time: Today, 16:30
Place: Conference hall

You can ask and get answers to all the questions you are interested in about student life and activities in Germany.
Make the most of the opportunity and don't miss it.

Dear students,
Let us give additional information about lectures/workshops by a delegation from TUM International scheduled this week. ☺️
These lectures and workshops aimed to:
✔️to teach the importance of learning how to learn and the significance of problem-solving communication;
✔️improve NUU Students’ Ability to Study (Soft Skills) + Student Knowledge Exchange;
✔️realize the importance of students’ motivation for their academic achievement;
✔️provide support to students on how to establish a personal study and communication culture in order to study motivated and successfully;
✔️give all students the opportunity to work on and establish a personal study and communication culture, personal study goals, and study strategies.

During the workshops, it is taught about identifying challenges, co-creating solutions, understanding their reasons for taking the study path, and thus establishing a study culture.

This will be achieved through a lecture, workshops, and personal exchanges with the TUM delegation ✔️

Furthermore, you can ask how is Students' social and academic life at Top universities in Germany (in the example of the Technical University of Munich).

So, dear students, be active and show your potential!😊

Muhim e`lon

Hurmatli "Yangi O'zbekiston" universiteti talabalari

Sizlarga mamnuniyat bilan shuni aytmoqchimizki, 28-29-30-noyabr kunlari Universitetimizga Germaniyaning "TUM International" tashkilotidan mutaxassislar tashrif buyurib, talabalarimizga muhim va dolzarb mavzulardan ma`ruza hamda amaliy mashg'ulotlar o'tib berishadi.
Ushbu ma'ruzalar va amaliy mashg'ulotlar sizga o'rganish va bilim olish jarayonidagi savollar va muammolarni chuqurroq o'rganish va yangi dasturlar, tadqiqot yondashuvlari va texnikasi bilan tanishish imkonini beradi.

Quyidagi havolaga ko'ra, belgilangan ma'ruza hamda amaliy mashg'ulotlarga o'z vaqtida kirishingiz so'raladi:

Ro'yxatni diqqat bilan tekshiring.
Talabalarning havoladagi ro'yxat bo'yicha ma'ruzalar hamda amaliy mashg'ulotlarga qatnashishi MAJBURIY hisoblanadi.
Talabalarning qatnashgan yoki qatnashmagani ro'yxat qilinadi.
Ma'ruzalar konferensiyalar zalida, amaliy mashg'ulotlar ma'ruza xonalarida (e'lon qilinadi) bo'lib o'tadi.
Vaqtlari havolada ko'rsatilgan.


Important announcement

Dear students of New Uzbekistan University,

We are pleased to tell you that on November 28-29-30, specialists from the "TUM International" organization (Germany) will visit our University and give lectures and workshops on important and actual topics to our students.
These lectures and workshops provide an
opportunity to delve deeper into questions and issues in teaching and learning and to become familiar with new programs, research approaches, and techniques.

According to the link below, you are requested to enter the scheduled lectures and workshops on time:

Check the list carefully.
Students' participation in the lectures and workshops according to the list in the link is MANDATORY!
Students' attendance or absence will be listed.
Lectures will be held in the conference hall, and practical training will be held in lecture rooms (to be announced).
The times are indicated in the link.

Hurmatli talabalar,
Universitetda profilaktik ishlar olib borilayotganligi sababli, Universitet hududida 25-noyabr 16:00 dan 26-noyabr 22:00 gacha internetda (Wi-Fi) uzilish bo`lishini e`lon qilamiz.

Dear students,
Due to preventive works being carried out at the University, we announce that there will be a disconnection of the Internet (Wi-Fi) on the territory of the University from November 25, 16:00 to November 26, 22:00.

Dear students,
ID cards will be distributed after 14:00. We will announce you soon.

Updated. Please follow this link.

ICPC World Championship in Programming!

🇺🇿On November 27, the regional stage of the ICPC world programming championship will be held in Uzbekistan.

⌨️ICPC (International Collegiate Programming Contest) is an international championship in algorithmic programming, where the best minds of the planet compete annually.

🎯The mission of the championship is to create opportunities for communication between students of different universities and to attract the attention of academia and the IT industry to a new generation of programming professionals.

The winners will be awarded valuable prizes. They will also be selected for the next round of the ICPC Championship.

✔️ Only university students can take part in the championship according to the regulations ( of the ICPC.

‼️Sign up for the University Team: Register
‼️Deadline: November 22, 21:00

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