Imkoniyatni qo'ldan boy bermang.
Hurmatli talabalar,
“QS World University Rankings” hisobi bo’yicha
TOP 1000 talikka kiruvchi, Qozog'istondagi eng yaxshi texnik universitet–
Qozoq-Britaniya Texnika Universiteti haqida eshitganmisiz?❕❔
Unda imkoniyatni qo’ldan boy bermang!
Qozoq-Britaniya texnika universiteti professori,
Dr.Timur Narbaev 9-dekabr (Juma) kuni soat 16:00 da Universitetimizga tashrif buyurmoqda.
Tashrif davomida, Universitet Professorlari hamda talabalari uchun
"Application of Machine learning to project budget estimation" mavzusida taqdimot qilmoqchi.
Ushbu mavzuda ko’proq ma’lumot olishni yoki o’z savollaringizni bermoqchi bo’lsangiz bu taqdimot aynan siz uchun.
Taqdimotda qatnashish uchun sizdan ro’yxatdan o’tish so’raladi.
Taqdimot joyi ro'yxatdan o'tuvchilar soniga qarab keyinroq e'lon qilinadi.
🟢 Ro'yxatdan o'tish
Don't miss the opportunity.
Dear students,
have you heard about
Kazakh-British Technical University, the best technical university in Kazakhstan, which is in
TOP 1000 according to
"QS World University Rankings"?
Then don't miss the opportunity!
Dr. Timur Narbaev, professor of t
he Kazakh-British Technical University, is visiting our University on December 9 (Friday) at 16:00.
During the visit, he is going to give a presentation on "
Application of Machine learning to project budget estimation" for University Professors and students.
If you want to get more information on this topic or ask your questions, this presentation is for you.
You will be asked to register to participate in the presentation.
The location of the presentation will be announced later, based on the number of registrants.