🤍🤍 ; Due to the official policy of @Telegram, I, marked below, claim that I am not the original Karina or Yoo Jimin from AESPA.
The channels and accounts listed here are for Roleplayer purposes only. And there's nothing bad or about the real Karina.
𝐈. All media, wording, information, text that I get are from internet sources (Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Pinterest, etc) and Telegram Channels (@wordingideast, @wordinghelps, @unlovingyou, @innerwounds, @anaterside).
𝐈𝐈. Before you enter or join this channel, make sure you read this warning carefully. This channel is NSFW and contains harsh words, capslock, broken eng/indo/other bahasa also a bit of LGBTQ+. If you feel uncomfortable with that, feel free to leave this channel. But don't forget to remove my account [@geastless] from your channel too.
𝐈𝐈𝐈. If you are a homophobic, rude people, rprl area, grammar police, hate AESPA especially my muse or chara, racist, copycat, imitator, get into trouble with someone, and other negative thoughts, please get out of here immediately. Because I really don't like people who have these characteristics.
★☆ - Please don't take or copy my channel. This channel was not created for inspiration, if you meet someone who imitates everything here, please tell me immediately. You can let me know via bot (@aevnsbot) I've set up.
Please strictly forbidden for plagiarism from my channel and do not normalize plagiarism. This channel is linked to the @geastless account. If you want to repost media, photos, etc on my channel, please ask my permission first, respect me here.
🤍🤍 ; Due to the official policy of @Telegram, I, marked below, claim that I am not the original Karina or Yoo Jimin from AESPA.
The channels and accounts listed here are for Roleplayer purposes only. And there's nothing bad or about the real Karina.
𝐈. All media, wording, information, text that I get are from internet sources (Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Pinterest, etc) and Telegram Channels (@wordingideast, @wordinghelps, @unlovingyou, @innerwounds, @anaterside).
𝐈𝐈. Before you enter or join this channel, make sure you read this warning carefully. This channel is NSFW and contains harsh words, capslock, broken eng/indo/other bahasa also a bit of LGBTQ+. If you feel uncomfortable with that, feel free to leave this channel. But don't forget to remove my account [@geastless] from your channel too.
𝐈𝐈𝐈. If you are a homophobic, rude people, rprl area, grammar police, hate AESPA especially my muse or chara, racist, copycat, imitator, get into trouble with someone, and other negative thoughts, please get out of here immediately. Because I really don't like people who have these characteristics.
★☆ - Please don't take or copy my channel. This channel was not created for inspiration, if you meet someone who imitates everything here, please tell me immediately. You can let me know via bot (@aevnsbot) I've set up.
Please strictly forbidden for plagiarism from my channel and do not normalize plagiarism. This channel is linked to the @geastless account. If you want to repost media, photos, etc on my channel, please ask my permission first, respect me here.