Umm Ibrohim🍀

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A very simple yet important diet rule we are trying to implement in our household:
If it's grown on a plant 🌱, we eat it.
If it's made in a plant 🏭, we try to avoid it.

Ijtimoiy tarmoqlar olamida, siz bir mahsulotga to'lamayapsiz, aksincha siz mahsulotsiz.

Osonlikcha sotilmang.
Osonlikcha ayriboshlashlariga qo'yib bermang.
Vaqt, sog'liq va nevro to'qimalarimiz millionlardanda qimmatroq turadi.

The number 1 thing for confidence that we can do:
Remember that competence builds confidence not praise.
Like telling your kids that they are amazing is not going to make them feel like they are amazing. It is the competence, like helping them develop the skills. And those skills don't have to be that you are like the best star violinist or tennis player. It can be that you know how to cook, or put the dishes away. Just a functioning individual. So we tend to do everything for our kids, even if they are capable of doing it, but then praise them as if that's building the confidence.

(Dr.Aliza Pressman)

I. Toddlers (ages 1 to 3)
~live in the present moment, they are focused here and now;
~take in everything without effort, just as a sponge soaks up water;
~are innocent. They are not mean-spirited, spiteful or vengeful. They are simply impulsive (ex. oh I see this kid is enjoying this toy, now I also want to take it and play), following their every urge.
~don't hold grudges, are amazingly forgiving.
~are authentic. They say what they mean. There are no mind games being played, no underlying motives, no politics at play.

II. Toddlers
~need to say no. The movement toward independence doesn't come easily. Between 18 months and 3 years, they realize that their identity is separate from their parents' and they begin to desire more autonomy.
~need to move. They won't sit still always, they don't want to be caged at all, they want to keep mastering movement. They need the right environment for all the sensitive periods to master different movements/gross motor skills
~need freedom which helps them grow to be curious learners, to experience things for themselves, to make discoveries.
~ are not giving us a hard time. They are having a hard time. When we realize their difficult behavior is actually a cry for help, we ask ourselves, How can I be of help right now?
~.....(to be continued)

Adopted from 'The Montessori Toddler' by Simone Davies (2019)

One of the highest qualifications that is almost always taken for granted is 'parenthood'.
U don't even need a license, test or certification to pass it. Yet ... yet, it is such a big responsibility, it's such a big job that'd actually require one to study a lot, work on himself years , prepare ahead for years and be on a constant learning.

Often if not always children are the reflections of their own parents.
As parents we shape our kids.

Toddlers are the most misunderstood and mistreated humans on Earth.

Nimani/kimni muhokama qilsangiz, albatta shuni qaysidir shaklda siz ham yashaysiz degan edilar, biram to'g'rikan. Shunchaki avval e'tibor bilan kuzatmagan ekanman.
Muhokama qilishdan yiroq bo'lish kerak ekan.
Shunchaki o'z vazifasini bilib bilib qilish, o'ziga fokusni qaratish, qo'lidan kelsa, qaysidir shaklda yordam berish bo'lmasa aralashmaslik kerak ekan.

Once a smart lady had said comfort is the cheapest ticket to depression.
Learn to step our of your comfort zone.

If you find smn of more knowledge and smarter than you, work with them, learn from them, observe them, 'not compete'.


Whatever children see or hear at home has a tremendous impact upon their lives and future. The presence of faith, the Quran and Prophetic traditions in the home, together with much remembrance and enjoining of Allah's commands and avoidance of His prohibitions, all will help in making the child upright and steadfast. The introduction of amusements, enticements, instruments of fun and negligence Allah's law, all render your child ineffectual, playful and marginal.

"Alloh rozi bo'lsin" deng va shuni nazarda tuting.
Shunchaki chiroyli jumla deb, anglamasdan ishlatishga ehtiyot bo'lgan ma'qul. Samimiy chiqmaydi baribir.

Biriga chindan unga Alloh rizosini istasak, avvalo u haqida yaxshi gumonda bo'lamiz; orqasidan fitna ig'vo tarqatmaymiz; kamchiliklarini g'iybat qilib tarqatmaymiz askincha o'ziga aytamiz toki o'zi o'zini isloh qilsin; yaxshilikni ravo ko'ramiz;

Siz biriga Alloh rozi bo'lsin derkan, chindan shuni nazarda tutib aytyapsizmi, yoki shunchakimi? Yuqoridagilarga bir tarozida solib ko'rsangiz bo'ladi.

Such a meaningful post by my son on this blessed day. (Hope u can decode it :D)


Regret is mindless.
People often say "oh, I wish I had chosen that university not this; I wish I hadn't chosen this person but that person; ...."
You see the point is 'there is no way of telling that the other university, the other candidate, the other place (that you could have chosen over your current choice) would have been better/worse or even the same. We can never know unless we try it again. So instead of regretting for our choices, it is time to reflect on what we have learnt by our choices, what we can do to make it better now, what we should do to improve the situation better now.

If we think we can get self confidence from fancy foods (from what we eat), clothes (what we wear), fancy social media posts (people s positive reactions) we are as cheap as those things (to put it rudly), true self confidence is not defined with material things, it doesn't come that easy and cheap. It comes from deep within. It is as expensive as a unique piece of a unique metal. Once we have it, we can't lose it. But the "confidence" (we are calling) that is coming from clothes or food or pictures can be lost once we lose those things, and we know it very well, thus we die to wear new, eat fancy, picture fancy to maintain that fake confidence. Time to wake up and realize those are not true confidence givers rather they kill confidence and make one rely on people, their opinions, their thoughts (which is riya).
Time to work on gaining true confidence that comes from within, and that cannot be easily killed.

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