Null's Brawl | Null's Clash | Null's Royale Private Servers

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Category: Games

Null's — one of the most popular private servers for Brawl, Clash, Royale and other!

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Null’s Brawl v.60.420 Update featuring Lumi and Finx

What’s new?
- New Brawlers — Finx and Lumi
- 13 new Hypercharges
- Gadget changes
- New skins
- New pins and icons
- Minor improvements

Download the installation file:
For Android (APK):
For iOS (IPA):

#nullsbrawl @nulls_brawl

Already today...

Are you looking forward to the update with Lumi and Finx?

#nullsbrawl @nulls_brawl

Null's Brawl | Null's Clash | Null's Royale Private Servers

Null's Clash 17.18.11.apk
Null’s Clash has been updated to the latest version 17.18.11 (17.18.5 on iOS)

There's not much changes: Added Multi-Gear Tower along with new Siege machine and balance changes (idk what else to say...)

You can download it either from our website, or by direct links:
Android (APK):
iOS (IPA):

Null’s Clash has been updated to the latest version 16.654.16 (16.654.24 on iOS)

What’s new:
— Town Hall 17 with latest balance changes, skins, sceneries, etc.
— Many things in the server internals were reimplemented, especially logic related, so we expect everything to work more reliably
— Many forgotten features were implemented, including clan war attack spectating, boosters, army sets, obstacle spawning, and more

Alpha server is closed, all changes we tested there are live in main now!

You can download it either from our website, or by direct links:
Android (APK):
iOS (IPA):

Null's Clash Alpha development is almost finished! Most of the features were implemented and checked, a few bugs were found and fixed, but... before release we need even MORE testing to be sure that everything will be ok.

So now it's available for android too!

Little reminder: Null's Clash Alpha is a temporary server created for testing purposes only. It has separate database, there's no way to transfer account to Null's Clash (or vice versa). All Null's Clash Alpha accounts will be deleted when the server is closed!File attachments:

Installation file for iOS (*.ipa)

You can also install it using direct links: Install #1 & Install #2

More information about installation on iOS can be found here: @nulls_brawl

Null’s Brawl has been updated to version 59.197 with Buzz Lightyear, Ollie, and Meeple!

What’s new?
• 3 new brawlers
• New content: Season 34 (Starr Force) and Season 35 (Good Randoms)
• Added 2v2 game modes
• A limited-time shop event with you-know-what
• New gadgets

Download the installation file:
For Android (APK):
For iOS (IPA):

#nullsbrawl @nulls_brawl

The "Angels and Demons" event has been added to the Null's Brawl server!

The modifier will gradually appear in other slots as well.

😈 or 😇?

#nullsbrawl @nulls_brawl

Nulls Brawl 58.279 iOS fix.ipa
Fixed issues with Null's Connect.

On Android the fixes are applied after reboot, for iOS you need to install the patched version.

#nullsbrawl @nulls_brawl

Null's Brawl Update v.58.279 featuring Shade and Juju

- Two new brawlers: Shade and Juju
- New hypercharges
- Content for Season 32 "Angels vs. Demons" and Season 33 "Starr Toon Studios 2"
- New skins
- New demon-themed modes
- And much more

Download for Android:
Download for iOS:

#nullsbrawl @nulls_brawl

Nulls Royale 8.256.22.apk
Null's Royale v.8.256.22 for Android *.apk

#apk #nullsroyale @nulls_royale

Nulls Royale 8.256.22 iOS.ipa
Null's Royale v.8.256.22 for iOS *.ipa

#ipa #nullsroyale @nuIIs_royale

We accidentally remembered that Null's Royale even exists... and updated it to the version 8.256.22!

Yes, we skipped the previous version (7.256). But for now all new seasonal content from both versions was added, including evolutions, balance changes, skins, etc. Unfortunately, goblins arena is temporarily unavailable, but we will implement it in the near future!

Android (APK):
iOS (IPA):

#nullsroyale @nulls_royale

Null’s Brawl has been updated to the latest version 57.325

What’s new:
— New brawlers: Moe and Kenji
— Trio showdown
— Underwater creature event is not available at the moment

You can download by direct links:
Android (APK):
iOS (IPA):

Open the link in your browser to download 🔄

20 last posts shown.