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Category: Blogs

ㅤ founded on 04-09-2021 💀🔥
𖥻 @ofcspetra_bot
𖥻 @shitpostspetra
𖥻 @opicispetra

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Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh. Kami dari @OFCSPETRA mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1443 Hijriyah, Taqabbalallaahu minna wa minkum, Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin. Semoga الله senantiasa memberikan keberkahan dan kebaikan bagi kita semua sekaligus mempertemukan kita di bulan Suci Ramadhan berikutnya.

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ㅤㅤ The morns are meeker than they were. The nuts are getting brown; the berry's cheek is plumper, the rose is out of town. The maple wears a gayer scarf, the field a scarlet gown. We present content that will warm your heart. This is the content that we provide to strengthen our relationship in the future. With this, we hope you all enjoy and like what we present to you.

Special tag: @moztexofc @ofchubasca @ofcmabin
@theprediksi @ofckagirls @OfcNjstar @OFCJAEROSESTR @SMBINTANG @scaiens @ofcbanditdangerous @OFCSUGARJANDA @OFCSUGARDUDA @DERLOXY @ofcjendeuk @OFCKAVILAR @BANGTANUNITED @REPNAMJA
@maddoxva @ofcmarkaskth @ofcretrover @monsrideofc @prettycabelo @whalesofc @westkardashian @ofcspetra @lanangshit @jjhvillage @kotajaehyunofc @viusboys @ofcbaddiest @ofcwasjor @demonzrus @ofcglovkas @Komplotankth

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• free tag : @i_kth @kibakunendoo @Telesgraph @faaqiry @spoilkiitty @vibeghimes @lokalan1990 @dYerie @boobstd @girlscies @sirajabokep @iSagnean @drugshities @hcechanlee @mpuffie @pvdosley @jakarta4vibess @orngicee @sucks_boy @qekinian @officaIobito @mexydullty @raapunzels @panglimabatam @m_arkeulee

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49 minutes ago 𝗟𝗶𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗧𝗲𝗿𝗷𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗵𝗮𝗻

hello guys! spetra is open member, come join and have fun with us!

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YoW Ladie$ && GentlemaN ? ¿ ?¿ ?
#SPETRA officially opened the gate 😵 we open the gates to find new scary faces 🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️ so if you feel you have a scary face, join us immediately 🍻

$. Make sure to subs @OFCSPETRA
$. Can enliven group and want to work on events that have been organized by foi.
$. Can mingle with everyone in the group
all genders, characters are allowed in!
$. We do not accept double faces, traitors or even clone accounts.
$. Lastly share this format to

if you are interested you can tap the link below:⬇️


👤 spill aurat dong

#kebey @crazybitjhes

#nanat gapunya aw

#yeza @letakwaktu

#candle @candleiers

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