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Have a nice Friday everyone!!! 😁

One of Newton's other achievements was related to light. We coexist with light, and it's an integral part of our lives. However, at the time, people had misconceptions about light, claiming that it had no color or was just white.

Newton, on the other hand, revealed that light is not white, nor is it colorless. He showed that light is composed of seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Newton's comprehensive theory is summarized in his book "Opticks" or "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica," where he not only provided clear explanations for the motion of objects but also used gravity to describe natural phenomena on Earth and in the universe. His elucidation of the properties of light was an unparalleled achievement in human history. Therefore, it's not without reason that Newton is hailed in the scientific community as the physicist who significantly contributed to completing modern science.


학기 시작한 한국인 대학생분들 계실텐데 모두 화이팅하세요!

고등학생들은 공부 열심히 하시고요


My lunch 😄

Newton brought significant changes in the history of physics. He developed the concept of inertia, originally proposed by Galileo, into a law known as the Law of Inertia, often referred to as Newton's First Law of Motion. There are a total of three laws of motion:

1. Law of Inertia
2. Law of Acceleration
3. Law of Action-Reaction

Newton's laws of motion provide clear explanations for almost all the motions we encounter in our daily lives. Of course, Newton's greatness goes beyond just discovering Earth's gravity; he extended gravity beyond Earth and formulated the Universal Law of Gravitation, demonstrating that gravity applies not only on Earth but also in the cosmos.


I see a lot of modern day communists who revere dialectical materialism nowadays falsely demonize idealism, and if anyone agrees with some aspects of idealism, he or she is stigmatized as a bourgeoisie shill. But this belief is actually directly going against Plato and Hegel.

Communists back then argued morality based on idealism since they knew a materialistic worldview had its clear limitations when discussing morals. In other words, to them, socialism and communism arise not solely out of material struggle driven by necessity, but out of ethical reasons.

Haz wrote a very interesting tweet, so I respectfully pushed back on some of his arguments.

The international communist movement began to develop as a labor movement based on socialism and communism. Marx provided the ideological foundation for this movement, Engels carried on Marx's work, and Lenin further developed it through practical efforts.

Founding of the First International
The international communist movement, for which Marx laid the ideological groundwork, can be traced back to the founding of the world's first labor international organization, the First International, in 1864. The First International established fundamental tactics for the working-class movement. However, increasing oppression in various countries and organizational weaknesses led to its dissolution in 1876.


Donald Trump’s Op on WSJ!!!
He talks about how protectionism and tariffs are beneficial for America.




Finished my workouts in the gym 🏋️‍♀️💪

러시아의 우주항공 기술은 사실 인류 역사상 최고 수준이라 봐도 무방하다. 인공 위성을 최초로 쏘아올린 것도 소련, 우주에 비행사를 최초로 보낸 것도 바로 소련이다. 그럼에도 아직 현대에도 아직 달 착륙을 못한다는 것은 50년전의 달 착륙이 조작이라는 것이 단순 음모론이 아니라 사실에 가깝다는 반증이다.

한가지 풀리지 않는 의문은 아무리 달의 중력이 지구 중력의 1/6수준이라고 해도 지구에서 쏘아올릴 때는 수천명의 직원들이 달라붙어 거대한 로켓으로 쏘아올리는데 달에서 지구로 돌아올 때는 달랑 3명이 코딱지 만한 달 착륙선에서 이륙을 해서 30만킬로를 날아왔다는게 상식적으로 납득이 안 간다.

달 착륙 실패, 또 실패…뭐가 그렇게 힘들길래?
출처 : 경향신문 | 네이버
- https://naver.me/xLJPSCBQ

There is no such thing as a free market once you accept the concept called a nation-state because financial capital forms alliances and crony relationships with the bureaucratic entities of the nation states in order to grow into a colossal capital.

Free markets can only fully operate under a full blown libertarian an-cap society. Neoliberalism which advocates for the state’s control of the monetary system while simultaneously letting the market decide which economic actor wins or loses is paradoxical from within.

The premise of fascism is that any political system/social fabric/culture must stem from the concrete realities of a nation's life. Therefore, if Hitler had attempted to replicate Mussolini's approach to build fascism in Germany, it would paradoxically deem him unfit for being a fascist. People from different ethnic background/different hemisphere who closely adhere to Hitler's National Socialism in Germany back then would, in fact, not be considered fascists. It's important to remember this.

There is another emerging faction within Islam called Sufism. Sufism, often referred to as the mysticism of Islam, respects Islamic traditions while rejecting rigid formalities. It emphasizes the inner spiritual awakening of its followers. Influenced by certain mystical aspects of Christianity and Buddhism, Sufism seeks to find one's true self in pursuit of unity with the divine. Sufism has grown significantly since the 9th century and continues to spread widely beyond Islamic regions.


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