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🤓IELTS 7.5

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Bu videoniyam sizi kitob kabi o'qiydigan do'stizga tashab qo'ysez bo'loradi😉

Assalomu alaykum, qadrli do'stlarim! Men sizlar bilan birga birinchi “Give-away” tadbirini boshlashni rejalashtiryapman😁.

Giveaway 1.0


1. Yakshanba kuni Zoom orqali dars tashkil qilaman va sizni qiyin bo'lgan ingliz tili mavzularini tushuntirib, ingliz tili bo'yicha o'sishingizga yordam beraman!
2. Shu kuni biz o‘yin o‘ynaymiz va g‘oliblar sovg‘alar yoki pul mukofotlarini olishadi😁.
3. IELTS o‘rganuvchilar uchun to‘liq mock sinovi to‘plami (Cambridge bo‘lmagan, lekin haqiqiy materiallar).
4. Eng katta sovg‘a - bu mening bilimimni boshqalarga ulashishga yordam berishingiz! Bu orqali biz ikkovimiz ham ajr olamiz, inshaAlloh😁.

Kimlar asosiy mehmonlar (g‘oliblar) bo‘ladi?

1. Ushbu postni kamida 3 ta ingliz tili bilan bog'liq guruh yoki kanallarga ulashing.
2. Kanalimga obunachilar qo‘shishingiz mumkin (ixtiyoriy).
3. Skreenshotlarni menga yuboring!

1. Ushbu kanal auditoriyasini kengaytirish.
2. Bilimlarni ulashish.
3. Ingliz tili o'rganish jarayonida maroqli vaqt o'tkazish.

Assalamu alekum my dears. I'm going to start a give-away event😁.

Giveaway 1.0

1. On sunday, I will organize a Zoom lesson, and I will help you in your english journey by explaining topics that you struggle with!
2. On this day, we will play a game, and winners get prizes or money😁
3. For Ielts learners, there is a full mock package(non-cambridge. Authentic materials)
4. The greatest one is that you help me to share knowledge, and we both will receive "ajr" for that inshaAllah😁.

Who will be prime guests(winners)

1. Share this post with at least 3 english related groups or channels.
2. You can add subscribers to my channel. (Optional)
3. Send the screenshots to me!


1. Enlarging auditorium of this channel.
2. Sharing knowledge.
3. Having fun during english journey.

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Learn these words. One day, it bears its fruits.

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Videoni deep pocketi borlarga, yoki kelajakda bo'ladigonlarga jo'natib qo'ying😅

kecha speakingimga 6.0 qo'yib bergandi, so'kkandim rosa. menimcha gaplarim tasir qildi😂😂, raz hohlab bermayaptimi majbur qilib olish kerek🤣

Forward from: MY SPEAKING
Nima diyaptiyee buu😅😂

Forward from: MY SPEAKING
The bar chart compares the number of skilled immigrant workers to Australia from 2009 to 2012. Overall, despite fluctuations and varied patterns, the figure for accountants and computer programmers increased, whereas cooks and software engineers showed an opposite trend. Notably, the number of computer programmers was considerably lower than others, while accountants accounted for the largest share during the period. 

Interestingly, the number of accountants was the highest in all 4 years. In 2009, 20,000 migrant accountants used to work in Australia, and this figure reached its peak at around 28,000 after a year, which was the highest point across the chart. However, it had changed by 2012, and this figure experienced a fall to around 22,000.

Regarding cooks and software engineers, they saw a downward trend during this period in spite of varied fluctuations. The figure for cooks showed 17,000 initially, before falling to 15,000 in 2010. Then, even though there was a recovery in the number of employees in this sector to around 18,000 in 2011, it slightly decreased to 16,000 a year after. In contrast, the second most popular job for immigrants in Australia, software engineering, also showed a declining trend. Despite increasing from 18,000 to 22,000 between the years of 2009 and 2011, the figure for software engineers plummeted to 16,000 in the final year.

As far as computer programmers are concerned, it was the least desirable job among other fields in Australia for immigrants. However, although there were some fluctuations, the number of employees in this sector recorded a double-fold increase from 2,500 to 5,000 during the given timespan.

From a teenager student😁

Guys, komentariya ochilyapti I think😁

Talking with your best friend about an hour is the heal for everything in this dunya).

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Were you born on the wrong side of the track?😁

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Do not muddy water in your life by not learning something

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Guys, you should keep plugging away to use this word in your speeches.

Uzur yana video tashab qo'ydim😁

The table compares the volume of water consumed for domestic, agricultural, and industrial purposes across 6 countries, measured in cubic meters. Overall, in nearly all countries, agriculture accounted for the largest share of water usage, while domestic water usage was generally the lowest. Notably, Canada recorded the highest total water usage among the countries, while China’s water consumption was comparatively minimal.

Russia led the agricultural water usage, consuming an impressive 1863m3, followed by Turkey at 1482m3. Canada ranked third with 1238m3 allocated to agriculture. The remaining three countries used less than 1000m3 for this purpose: the UK at 810m3, China with 806m3 and Australia at 741m3.

In terms of industrial water usage, Canada and Turkey were the largest consumers, using 832m3 and 731m3, respectively. The UK and Australia followed at a distance, with figures of 398m3 and 276m3. In contrast, China and Russia used significantly less water in this sector, at just 71m3 and 56m3, respectively.

Each country allocated the smallest volume of water to domestic use. Australia and Canada recorded the highest domestic water consumption, at 341m3 and 276m3, respectively. In contrast, the figures for other countries were substantially lower: Russia used 98m3, Turkey 80m3, the UK 38m3, and China only 26m3.

203 words.


Musa Alayhissalom haqida gaplashamiz 😁.

U zot o'z paytida eng bilimli inson bo'ladi, lekin Alloh unga sendan ilmlirog' bandam bor sen undan o'rganishing kerak dedi. Musa a.s. safarni boshladi va u zotni topdilar. (Qurondagi Kahf surasi haqida bo'layodgan hikoya)

Musa a.s ning o'qituvchisi Hizr a.s bo'ladi, garchi Quronda ismi aniq kelmagan bo'lsaham ulamolar shunday to'xtamga kelishgan. Musa a.s ga aytilgan birinchi gap shu bo'ldiki - men o'rgatadigan narsaga sening sabring yetmaydi.

Agar siz Musa A.S. dek o'quvchi bo'lsangizham sizning eng katta ilm yo'lidagi dushmaningiz doimilik va sabr ekan.

Hulosa: nimaiki o'rganar ekansiz, doimiylik va sabr orqasidan unga inshaAllah erishasiz.

Alloh ilmimizi ziyoda qilsin🤲

Allah says : I will be as you assume me to be"

Sahih Bukhari and Muslim.

Menga shu xadisni holam chiroyli qilib tushuntirib bergani haliyam esimda. Bir kuni holamga o'xshamasachi bu ish dedim!

Holami javobi: sen qanaqa gumon qilseng shunaqa bo'ladi, chunki Alloh bizni gumonimizdadir. Sen o'xshedi deb gumon qiseng o'xshedi. O'xshamagan holatda shunisi aniq bo'ladiki, Allohni rejalari biznikidan yaxshiroq va u bizni yaxshi ko'radi!

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