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New article from Op 413

“...let’s contemptuously dismiss the idea that people really care about human rights or universal moral norms.

They care about avoiding taboos.

They don’t want to lose money or perceived social status.

Whether someone is considered a monster, a hero, or simply a historically important person is entirely a product of power, especially media power.

“History is written by the winners,” we are smugly informed.

The ones who tell us this are usually the ones operating from a position of power, even if they pose as victims.

They are simply the beneficiaries of previous conquerors.”

It can be OPWW, it an be your local Division, it can be an organization, it can be a church or friends who have fallen on hard times.

Whatever you want.

People who tithe often find that it makes them more money because it imposes a discipline. If you know you are giving 10% to something, you are much more careful about spending that 90%.

Each dollar you hold has incredible power. Treat it with respect. When you expend your potential, your energy, think of it as a ritualistic act.

You wouldn’t conduct a ritual to buy crap from the 711. You would if you were constructing a building or a gym with your friends.

Think of money as soldiers that you can send out to conquer your world. In the medium term, we want a world of institutions, businesses, gyms, and other establishments that are owned by us, for us.

We’ll have some more specific things coming up soon.

This is the groundwork.

We’re going to be picking up the pace, with specific missions and goals we’ll be aiming at.

Make sure you have the foundation down.

Give every dollar a doom.

This is going to sound incredibly simplistic, but it’s something that needs to be utterly internalized.

Stop working for money – make money work for you.

Give every dollar a doom, a fate, a goal.

There’s been a massive shift in the way people think about money in recent decades, especially since the dollar was taken off the gold standard.

Money has worth because people think it has worth. It’s not backed by gold or anything objective.

You could say the same thing about gold itself.

People think gold has inherent worth, but that’s just because it’s easily transferable and easy to melt down.

Most cultures associate it with wealth because it’s shiny and attractive.

But you can’t eat gold, defend yourself with gold, make weapons with gold, build with gold.

We can think of many circumstances where food, ammunition, cigarettes, fresh water or any other item would be more valuable than gold.

Money is a faith based item.

It has value so long as people think it has value.

One currency has more value than another currency because people have more faith in it – because the government that issues it is perceived to be more reliable and stable.

According to what’s being called Modern Monetary Theory, even the massive debts incurred by the federal government essentially don’t matter, because the government can just keep printing more money, and if it’s done the right way, there won’t be inflation.

The way the state can use money is simply different than the way we can use it.

When we talk about money, we’re talking about potential.

If you had an item that captured the energy of another person, that sucked in hours of their lives and redirected it to what you will, you’d consider it incredibly valuable.

It would be a magical item.

But you do have that. It’s in your wallet.

And it’s not someone else’s life energy – it’s yours.

In a way, it’s a kind of taufr – an item charged with terrible purpose and will by massive faith.

If that faith vanishes, its value vanishes. On a societal level, that faith won’t vanish anytime soon.

At this point, you should have been tracking your spending for some time now. If you’ve fallen behind, look at your credit card/debit card statements and track it that way.

You will notice pointless expenses, waste, things you really didn’t need, things that could be actively harmful (cigarettes, junk food, booze).

Obviously, you should cut those things out. But you should also be thinking what this money, this potential energy, can do for you.

It can be invested, it can be capital for a business, it can be used to build up a Division or a private barbell club or home gym.

Start small. Cut those expenses and look carefully at what you are recording each day. Then give each dollar you have a “mission.”

Use the envelope system – put envelopes with all your normal expenses (mortgage/rent, car, phone, food, bills/ etc) and put the required amounts in cash in each envelope.

Then have another envelope with what is left over.

That should be thrown aggressively at debt. If you don’t have debt, think of something it can be used to grow wealth – investing in the stock market, starting an online business (The Brand Builders Bible is helpful here), buying gold or silver, taking college classes or training that can lead to be careers.

Money is energy. It’s life force.

On the surface, it’s just a piece of paper, but each one represents the countless labors and effort of men.

Treat with respect, even awe.

Understand that you are dealing with a taufr – an instrument that should be directed to fulfill your true will.

One thing that I’d also encourage is a tithe.

As a Wolf, I pay dues every year. Members in other groups demand dues, not so much to fund enterprises but because it psychologically “invests” people in a project.

If you are holding a class and you have a small tuition fee of $10, people are more likely to show up than if you say it’s free.

So tithe to what you believe in.

In the Werewolf Elite Program, we consider temporal, or worldly power, as much of a necessary pursuit as physical and mental strength.

Days of the week on the private Elite Program forum are given over to a different area of power- physical, mental, spiritual, temporal.

The following is a post I’d like to share from Op 413 regarding currency.

Enrollment for the Elite Program re-opens in March:

Free training program to accompany the article:

New piece on the power of aesthetics.

There is NO bond between men through shared helplessness.


If a “brother” ignores your shortcomings, explains away your flaws, or says that your weaknesses are “actually” strengths, he’s not your brother. He doesn’t love you and he doesn’t care about you.


Weakness can’t beget anything but further weakness. + "Sometimes, the best expression of brotherhood is a fist to the face, followed by a hand to lift you back up."


New article from OP413 at link below:


"As above, so below, as within, so without. The eternal battle between Order and Chaos, Form and Entropy, takes place within our own bodies. At death, everything that makes us who we are disintegrates, becoming amorphous corruption.

We age. We sicken. We die. The only question is how we respond."

New article from OP413 available at:


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