ሰላም ሰላም guys ዛሬ 100% የሚከፍል bot ይዤ መጥቻለው!
ይሄ bot እንዴ preton ሆኖ በwebapp ያለ bot ነው
Tonee የሚባል ሲሆን ከTon ጋር አብረው ነው ሚሰሩት ስለዚህ እንዳያመልጣችሁ ገብታችሁ Claim ማረግ ብቻ ነው!
Per refer 50 FLOKI, እና 100 TONEE ይውሰዱ
Task ላይ እስከ 3700FLOKI አለ ሰዎችን invite አርጋችሁ 4000FLOKI ሲደርስ WITHDRAW ማረግ ትችላላችሁ
የTON PROJECT መሆኑን እንዳትዘነጉ💰
don't miss❤️
Hello guys, today I have a bot that pays 100%!
This bot is preton and a webapp bot
It's called Tonee and they work together with Ton, so don't miss out, just log in and claim!
Per refer 50 FLOKI, and take 100 TONEE
There is up to 3700 FLOKI on the task. You can invite people and withdraw when it reaches 4000 FLOKI.
Don't forget that it's a TON PROJECT 💰
don't miss ❤️
Link -
https://t.me/tonee_app_bot?start=3270c979https://t.me/tonee_app_bot?start=3270c979https://t.me/tonee_app_bot?start=3270c979ይሄ bot ብታምኑም ባታምኑም june 14 ነው የተጀመረው ግን ከ500k user በላይ አላቸው🔋