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by_Shakhzoda Asadova&her lovely students
IELTS instructor(score 8,11 years of experience)
Multi-level expert(C1,5 years of experience)
occupations:HM/English Teacher/ELD/Economist/BL/Translator

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Муваффақият = Ёқимсиз мажбуриятлар.

Forward from: как говорят узбеки
йилнинг энг гозал 30 куни яқинлашмоқда)

“Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.”

Did you see Mufassa?

What’s up guys?

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clear tushunyotkan bo’lsangiz
B2 +leveldasiz,ammo qisman tushunyotkan bo’lsangiz(75%) siz B1 levelsiz.

Umumman ma’no chiqarolmasdan so’zlarni tarjima qilolyotkan bo’lsangiz A2+ siz.

Mutlaqo tushunmayotkan bo’lsangiz o’rganishdan to’xtamang!

Дарс колдириш ёки вазифа килаолмаслик маьсулиятсизлик эмас,шунчаки осонгина орзулардан воз кэчиш

Сиқилма, яқинда рамазон келади ва ҳаммаси яхши бўлиб кетади.

The purpose of our lives is to be happy.

Forward from: twitchi
Барча қўрқувлар учун битта жумла етарли: «Бисмиллаҳир роҳманир роҳийм».

Yalqovlik yoke bir ishni keyinga surish sizga muvaffaqiyat olib kelmasligini doim yodingizda saqlang!

"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard."

Tim Notke.


Do you want to learn more information about logistics?

A broker is an intermediary between shippers and carriers who arrange transportation. For example, our brokers at Kenco are the single point of contact for their accounts. They are responsible for the sale, negotiating with the carrier, and making sure the truck arrives on time and carries out its route.

BL Logistics

I’m exactly night owl

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