Cast your mind back to November 2016, after the Brexit and Trump upsets, when homosexual jew Nate Silver said "Data is broken."
Yeah. He broke it.
Him and all the other queer Antifa-enabling pollsters... who thought they were geniuses for predicting in 2008 how easily the first gay black jew president would beat McCain, a war criminal Saudi puppet... who by 2012 were so deep in Globopedo's pocket they were openly sniffing Obama's duck butter and no one had figured out that Facebook was censoring TEA Party lolberts... the pollfag degenerates who haven't correctly predicted the result of a single election left or right since this latest wave of The Great Invasion of The West began.
We own Data now.
They suppressed, we archived, they kvitzed, we noticed, they insisted, we became unreasonable.
The Dark Web has the edge right now and only civnats are getting arrested.
ZOG created a giant vacuum between cucks and saints.
We weaponized it.
This isn't about optics anymore.
Cast your mind back to November 2016, after the Brexit and Trump upsets, when homosexual jew Nate Silver said "Data is broken."
Yeah. He broke it.
Him and all the other queer Antifa-enabling pollsters... who thought they were geniuses for predicting in 2008 how easily the first gay black jew president would beat McCain, a war criminal Saudi puppet... who by 2012 were so deep in Globopedo's pocket they were openly sniffing Obama's duck butter and no one had figured out that Facebook was censoring TEA Party lolberts... the pollfag degenerates who haven't correctly predicted the result of a single election left or right since this latest wave of The Great Invasion of The West began.
We own Data now.
They suppressed, we archived, they kvitzed, we noticed, they insisted, we became unreasonable.
The Dark Web has the edge right now and only civnats are getting arrested.
ZOG created a giant vacuum between cucks and saints.
We weaponized it.
This isn't about optics anymore.