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About Paris ; I will be living it up and having fun in Paris. Paris the enchanting city of lights how it lights me up. Lively and carefree Paris it's where I will be Paris it's always a pleasure whenever I visit Paris. @Spainhubot

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hfw ya moots 🙏

📝 [HFW] halo, im looking forra new moots. drop your cool @. for sfs main account with @younjjunng. if ur homophobic, admin upsubs, jarang diving, arsip ch, rprl area, DNI please.

👤 @iTaehyungsir

👤 @ochoisoyooung

👤 @asqqueen

👤 @iTaeyongieL everyone's allowed

👥 4 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

Wdyt about Amara?
  •   ㅤㅤ࣪˖ ⌕ . 𝔓retty kinda hearted, good listener, cute & have positif vibes
  •   ㅤㅤ࣪˖ ⌕ . 𝔖he's attractive, honestly she caught my attention, i have crush on her
  •   ㅤㅤ࣪˖ ⌕ . ℌumble person, kinda noisy, talactive, super kind & lovely person
  •   ㅤㅤ࣪˖ ⌕ . ℑntimidating, sarcams, difficult to interact and convokill
23 votes

The Prettiest, Amara.jpg
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ𐀔 ֵ ֺ 𖾑🧝🏻‍♂️ ⠇🌿 I ᦅpᧉn a piᧉcᧉ ᦅf papᧉr and writᧉ a stᦅry on thᧉ clᦅuds, I will fly tᦅ writᧉ all human dᧉsirᧉs undᧉr me. by spreading smiles and happiness among them. my bᦅdy that was chᧉᧉrfully flying abᦅvᧉ thᧉ clouds circlᧉd thᧉ widᧉ wᦅrld. thᧉy ᦅftᧉn call mᧉ "Fairy Amara" ᦑ ֵ 𝅄 🧚 ֵׁ ּ

‌ ۪ ۫ 𝐀𝐋𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐃 𝐏𝐈𝐄 with 𝗩𝗔𝗡𝗜𝗟𝗟𝗔 𝗝𝗔𝗠 on top and mixed 𝕭erries in the pie. 𝐏ark picnics on weekends are great fun. 𝐓he wind blows against my skin. We haven't met yet!! 𝕴ntroducing 𝐓his 𝓑eautiful 𝕲irl who was born on 🅐🅟🆁🅸🅻 ⓶⓶, ⓵⓽⓽⓺ has a 𝗕eautiful, 𝐄legant, 𝕯azzling and 𝐂harming face. 𝓟hotographing the scenery around the 𝐂𝐈𝐓𝐘 at night with the bright 𝐌oonlight and 𝐒tars very beautiful my name is 𝕲𝐎 𝗬𝐎𝗨𝐍𝗝𝐔𝐍𝕲 a very tough woman who works as an actress and makes her loved by people around. 𝕭irds chirping beautifully, leaves swaying with the movement of the wind and also various 𝕱lowers ranging from 𝕽oses, 𝕷avender, 𝕺rchids, 𝕵asmine, 𝕷ilies, 𝕳ibiscus flowers and 𝕾unflowers neatly lined up on the edge of the 𝗚arden adding to the impression of being 𝓒ool and 𝓒harming and 𝓓azzling at the same time .๋ ۪ ࣪


𝐈. due to the @telegram’s policy
this account is not the real 𝗚𝗢 𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗡𝗝𝗨𝗡𝗚 and i dont have connect with any entertaiment. this account just for roleplayer.

𝐈𝐈. for the media that i use all sourced from Pinterest, Google,Tumblr, Instagram, etc. some of the media that i use are not purely mine and for the theme, pictures is made by myself and i.

𝐈𝐈𝐈. i used english 95% for this channel. so, sorry if my grammar is still bad. im trying to learning some grammars little by little.

𝐈𝐕. NOTES : Don't copy any words from my placement, and sentences on this channel pure from my ideas. If you dont like me or hate my favs feel free to block, mute, or leave me.

Paris gave us much from romance to this plaster white Eiffel Tower.

ㅤㅤ 𝐓he vacation scenes were beautiful sailing on the waters, looking at scenes the two gathered together looking at each other as whispering winds, waives of waters not to be bothered Love is so genuine the touching of arms the smiles everlasting eyes are so bright as the night falls entering into the daylight.ㅤㅤ ㅤ

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