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Light training today after getting a little beat up last night in the elbow.

Superset jumprope with pushups and dumbbell row.

Fasting all day today until after tonight’s session of gi jiu jitsu.

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When I was younger, I became very attracted to the idea of “completeness” when it came to the concept of the human being, or in my case, the human male.

I studied many different cultures, and was fascinated to read about samurai perfecting their abilities not just with the sword, but calligraphy, poetry, painting, and meditation.

20th century poet, writer, actor, Shintoist and imperialist Yukio Mishima said of the Japanese feudal era warrior:

“a samurai is a total human being, whereas a man who is completely absorbed in his technical skill has degenerated into a ‘function’, one cog in a machine.”

This quote resonated strongly with me- I never wanted to be one-dimensional or caught up in a myopic viewpoint that didn’t allow for expansion, or expression of the soul.

How many “gym bros” have we all seen building their physique to Olympian proportions while the mind atrophies?

How many intellectuals have we seen unable to perform in the arena of physical combat, powerless if the need arose to defend themselves or their loved ones, because of their disdain for “meatheaded pursuits”?

There is a principle in the classical Greek philosophies called Kalos Kagathos, or kalokagathia.

The term translates something like “beautiful virtue,” or “noble excellence,” and refers to the state of the elevated and complete man.

Classicist Werner Jaeger says of the concept that it is:
"the chivalrous ideal of the complete human personality, harmonious in mind and body, foursquare in battle and speech, song and action".

I’ve done my best to live a lifestyle that is directed toward this concept- one that I have obviously not yet attained- but a goal is ephemeral.

A lifestyle, a collection of habits, is the reality of what you will become.

What does that lifestyle look like?

For myself, I practice my writing daily, as well as my handwriting.

I draw and paint- nevermind the time consuming nature, a man with control and focus can always make time for what is important to him.

I study and practice business and wealth acquisition to better provide for myself and the people I love who rely on me for support.

I train the physical form with arduous exercise, both with weights and conditioning work, as well as martial arts- grappling, striking, and when time and teaching permits, firearms.

I write poetry often, and play music- both the guitar and singing, in traditional and modern styles.

I read aloud often and practice public speaking.

I read every day, on a variety of topics, from fiction to non-fiction, things I agree with and things I don’t, in order to keep the mind sharp and limber.

I mentor younger guys in my club, and across the world, as time and perceived value permits me to do so, in order to pass along what I’ve learned in 36 years to those still younger- because I wish someone had done the same for me.

I enjoy world travel, and tasting excellent food.

I enjoy time outdoors with my woman and my dog.

Making time for all these things is not impossible- it is only improbable for the man with poor time management.

What is something you’ve always wanted to learn, to become a more complete human, but haven’t yet?

I recommend rising early and taking 30 minutes each weekday to practice this skill, and doing so with iron dedication.

In one year, you will amaze yourself.

Why not start today, and be a master in a decade- rather than look back ten years older, only to say, “I wish…”?

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Multiple training blocks today:

Supersetting jumprope, alternating kB press and pull-ups for strength and conditioning work.

Followed by no gi nights.

(My takedowns are terrible, but I’m working hard on them and improving slowly.)

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Right now, the most helpful thing all of you guys could do, a huge favor to me personally and I would appreciate it greatly:

Click the little skull and bones image in the top right of this screen.

Copy the “share link”

Send it to all your friends who are likely to be into it, or already followed my stuff but might not know about the latest censorship run.

Text, email, post, whatever.

I would massively appreciate it.

Thanks, y’all.

Gotta keep fighting.

Stay up to date on news regarding the release of the much anticipated HUMAN PITBULL PROTOCOL by signing up here:

This will be an in depth look at how I train to maximize the effect of weights and conditioning work on my martial arts practice and life in general.

Will drop with over 60 minutes of brand new video on mindset, training, neck and forearm specific exercises and more.

Added reactions and comments. Future posts will be able to contain comments threads for discussion and feedback.

Like many, I was stunned and saddened to receive news earlier this week that Terence had died.

Terence started writing articles for Operation Werewolf years ago after we had corresponded for some time and shared our ideas, found our points of agreement and similarities, and had a mutual respect for each other’s work.

Over the next few years, I helped him develop his brand, an easy task for someone so dedicated and such an obvious example of an individual who practiced what they preached to the letter.

At various points, I underwent his coaching programs and enjoyed the guidance and critiques he provided with honesty, positivity, and what I felt was a genuine desire to help me improve- not just physically, but as a human being.

I am terribly disappointed I never got the chance to meet Terence in this physical reality, although many such meet-ups were planned and fell by the wayside due to “life” happening.

It’s a sharp reminder that we never have as many opportunities as we think to spend time with those we admire, those we respect, or those we love.

Life doesn’t often give second chances.

I appreciated Terence as a man on a path with heart- it is obvious to see as I read so many posts this week about the way he positively affected so many over the entire world.

There is no greater testament to a man’s life than the lives he touched for the better- the people he changed, and improved.

This week I’ll honor his life by training with him fixed in my mind, and make each breath a prayer of gratitude that I got to know him, even at a distance.

May his memory live on among those who worship strength, beauty, dedication, and love.

To continue, a memorial:

No time to waste on bullshit. Fuck censorship, fuck playing the victim

Thanks for being here/continued support- it means a lot to me.

To open, a quote:

“I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community, and as long as I live it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can.

I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work the more I live.

I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no "brief candle" for me.

It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.”


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