Goodes of Fortune

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saya tinggal dulu mau ngambil kucing nyasar di tetangga

flop? sy hapus , bantu fw tq besti

📝 ayo kasih yang cetar itu pilih 1 aj. bantu fw dong makasi ya.

👤 @ningyeiizhuo stassie

👤 @EmmaSkano rachelia😉

👤 @iKiyomi rachelia

👤 @HanyaSana stassie

👤 @hywonm stassie

👤 @Seisgu rachelia

👤 @Hiryotaka all? atau bisa kamu pilihin, disaya media loading krna jaringan. maaf & makasi

👤 @Ialsoya + rachelia

👤 @nypel stassie

👤 @atlanticfairy racelia

👤 @aoinohana stassie

👤 @prettymoriarty stassie

👤 @Markeju stassie

👤 @miyawakisakumra stassie

👤 @drkenchii rachelia

👤 @iuzuhashiba stassie

👤 @AyasakiyRemi stassie

👤 @keisdukebaji rachelia

👤 @n_Yizhou stassie

👤 @micchoneshikimori stassie

👤 @akanheinui stassie.

👤 @HoshiizakiRika stassie

👤 @AkashiHarvchiyo stassie

👥 23 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

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Despite being a goddess, Bishamon is shown to be quite generous towards her Shinki. She willingly accepts any wandering and troubled spirit, useful or not, and adds them to her family. Due to her failure in saving her Shinki in the past, Bishamon decides to be more distant from them, depicting herself as a fierce goddess and making sure that they are not worried about her, which only resulted in them being more insecure and lonely.

Tolong balikin dong usn temen ku

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hai ka bole minta tolong fw in ini ke ch kaka ngga ? 🥺
HELP FW ⚠️⚠️ balikin usn @inthepain itu usn kesayangan aku. udah lama aku pake, kemarin mau aku keep ternyata udah keduluan. tolong yang ngerasa ngekeep usn aku bole chat @manisgeulis , i know you are a good person .

happy friendship day . thank you for persisting to be my friend xixixi 💘

Due to her past with Yato, she was bent on vengeance and decided to destroy anything he held dear to himself. She goes as far as to almost disowning Kazuma when she finds out about his association with Yato. After finding out the true story about the death of her previous family of Shinki, Bishamon eventually lets go of her vengeance against Yato. Furthermore, she slowly begins to be able to accept him as her ally.

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