Forward from: ʝ᜔𝖽͟𐐼ׂ𝗯ׂι᜔ꬻֿׅιᧉ࡛͠᥉ּ۪ ꐐꐐ
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ω℮𝗹ɕɔꭑᧉ ʝ᜔𝖽͟𐐼ׂ𝗯ׂι᜔ꬻֿׅιᧉ࡛͠᥉ּ۪ ꐐꐐ
ʝ᜔𝖽͟𐐼ׂ𝗯ׂι᜔ꬻֿׅιᧉ࡛͠᥉ּ۪ is a channel provides your editing needs starting from the sticker pack, editing tutorial, png pack and idol ,filters and others,etc 。
everything here is not entirely mine,some of the admins have shared it 。don't repost without permission and if you want to use it please give credit
@jdabiniesbot : for request
@jdabiniespfpbot : for pfp
ʝ᜔𝖽͟𐐼ׂ𝗯ׂι᜔ꬻֿׅιᧉ࡛͠᥉ּ۪ is a channel provides your editing needs starting from the sticker pack, editing tutorial, png pack and idol ,filters and others,etc 。
everything here is not entirely mine,some of the admins have shared it 。don't repost without permission and if you want to use it please give credit
@jdabiniesbot : for request
@jdabiniespfpbot : for pfp