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𝒯 he gentle light ⛅ is overflowing, the forest's breath sways the 𝗮𝗰𝗮𝗰𝗶𝗮 trees 🍃. 𝗧𝘄𝗶𝗿𝗹, dance 🩰🏵️ while wearing the tiara of 🅕︎🅛︎🅞︎🅦︎🅔︎🅡︎🅢︎ 🌼. The free and f͟l͟o͟a͟t͟i͟n͟g 𝐏irouette 🧚🏼‍♀️.
📞 @dollydevie.
☎️ @pierouette_bot

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Forward from: ૮ ce'cream ა :: OPEN!!!
[ to all ba mutual or anyone who see this, boleh tolong forward in ini ke channel mu? sebelum nya TYSM!!!💗💗 ]

happy debut!
hello ce'cream finally open 12:00 17 july 2021!!.
aku personal Hachiko ngucapin Terima kasih se banyak banyaknya buat ch freebies yang udah ngizinin material nya dipake untuk CU dan semua yang udah support store ku dari sebelum debut. hari ini ce'cream resmi debut berkat temen temen juga yang udah setia nungguin ce'cream open.

bagi yang mau jajan baca TNC dulu & fyi aja yang beli lebih dari 20k bakal dapet freebies ini (foto dari buyer/seller bebas no fee) send format ke @cecreamz yaa tysm all!

Ayo jajan 💞 send format ke @pierouette_bot

Forward from: Fatal Romance : July 18th, 4 PM.
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[ 📣: To our fellow Business Account mutuals who somehow stumbled upon this letter, would you like to help us forward this to your channel? Thank you, a heap! ♡ ]

Frabjous eventide, dearest ones! Fatal Romance will be opening its own first batch of girlfriend/boyfriend rent at July 18th, 04.00 PM. We are here to provide the ephemeral yet unforgettable tale of love for you. Here is the link to our offerings:


If our letter rings the bell to your heart, kindly take a look at our lovely dukes and duchesses and send your form to our assistant: @FRomance. Much love!

Forward from: 𝐒nowiefy 𝐒tore | Today At 09.30 AM
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꒰⑅ for anyone who see this message and especially our BA mutuals, would u like to forward this message to ur channel ?I'm very thankful ! ⑅꒱

みなさん、こんにちは !𝐒nowiefy 𝐒tore open their gate for the 𝓢econd 𝓣ime !remember the date : JULY , 17th 2O21 at O9.3O AM WITA and the good news is 。。。 we will 𝓒elebrate gate opening for the second time with 3O% discount for all services and edits kec set up BA !let's check our 𝐂atalogue 𝐋ist at @SnowiefyStore and don't forget to read the 𝐓erms 𝐀nd 𝐂onditions before sending ur format to @acharoubot // @yourchavel

Forward from: Boom Winkel : 17 Juli
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[ Salam muazam tak beri ancam, sodam bunyikan soleram, sampaikan gurindam berisi pesan yang lantam. Kepada seluruh rekan dan sobat, serta siapa saja yang tak sengaja melihat, bersediakah ulurkan tangan tuk berikan bantuan sekadar teruskan pesan ke kanal kalian? Terimakasih atas kunjungan dan perhatian tuan puan sekalian! ]

ㅤㅤㅤBoom Winkel membuka gerbangnya untuk kali pertama. Siapa saja diundang untuk datang bertandang, kunjungi gerai tuk geledah isi dan cari serta beli apa yang ingin dimiliki. Sebelumnya, perhatikan terlebih dahulu Regulasi agar dapat melanjutkan ke bagian Etalase yang telah didekorasi.

ㅤㅤㅤSebagai bentuk syukur terhadap dimulainya perjalanan kami. Disediakan kesempatan untuk kalian dapatkan beberapa hal secara percuma dari gerai ini. Berupa, Rental gratis selama satu hari, pendaftaran dibuka esok pukul 1 siang. Catat tanggalnya, jangan dilewatkan, sudah tak lama, besok diadakan.

[ Boom Winkel mulai beroperasi pada tanggal 17 Juli 2021 pukul 13:00 WIB ]
︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎︎ ︎ ︎ ︎

Haii! karna ada beberapa hal, jadinya aku open sekarang aja yaa

Forward from: ⌯𝗛ฺ꤫𝗘᰷𝗥𝗘𝗠ꤦ𝗢𝗡ꤦ𝗜᰷𝗦𝗧✜ꠂ open
For the blessed and happy BA mutuals, can you please help forward this special message to your channel? thank youヾ(๑╹ꇴ ◠ ๑)ノ”

この短いメッセージを読むのに少し時間を割いて喜んでいる魂のための暖かい抱擁 (灬╹ω╹灬). A soul is trapped in a world full of food 🍔, but instead of being confused, this soul really enjoys it, her day is filled with food to fill her stomach🥓 お腹が空いたときの気持ちも忘れてしまいます. Is there a soul here who is willing to accompany this soul's pleasure and help it to devour all the food🥪 that is available? if interested, please come to @heremonist which will open the gate to a world full of all kinds of food 🍖 ૮₍ ๑•᎑

Forward from: 🌙 MOONCHANT :: TODAY IS OPEN!
[ Dear all my lovely business mutuals or anyone who have beheld this message. May you satisfy forward it to your channel? ]

𝓣he Moon is Earth's only natural satellite and is the fifth largest satellite in the 𝕊olar 𝕊ystem. The Moon is also the largest natural satellite in the Solar System according to the size of the planet it orbits. The moon and our 𝐛𝐨𝐲 or 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 are no different, they are both beautiful, charming and radiant. 𝔄fter a long time @MoonChant is closed, we want to inform you again that on 𝗝𝘂𝗹𝘆 𝟭𝟬𝘁𝗵 𝗮𝘁 𝟭𝟬.𝟬𝟬 𝗔𝗠 we will be open again and there are 𝚟𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚘𝚜!

One of them;
* Free 1 day rent for the first 𝟱 people.
* 5% discount minimum order 𝟭𝟬.𝟬𝟬𝟬

𝐓hen, what are you waiting for? Let's order quickly before the slot runs out! Happy shopping.

Forward from: Heavenly Bloushie OPEN 15.00
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Teruntuk semua orang yang membaca pesan ini dan juga teruntuk semua mutuals business account diharapkan meluangkan waktu sejenak untuk membaca pesan ini ૮₍ ˃̵͈᷄ . ˂̵͈᷅ ₎ა dikarenakan ada pemberitahuan bahwa Heavenly Bloushie akan buka di tanggal 17 Juli 2021 jam 13.00₍ ᐢ..ᐢ ₎ dan juga kami hadir dengan tema yang sangat menyenangkan dan juga sangat cerah bagi siapapun yang berkunjung kemari.

Jangan lupa luangkan waktumu untuk membaca ketentuan yang berlaku dan lihat katalog disini lalu silahkan bertanya ataupun mengirim formatmu ke @HeavenlyBlou. Pastikan format yang kamu kirim sudah benar dan lengkap ya! Jangan sampai melewatkan waktu ini karena kamu akan mendapatkan banyak hal menyenangkan dan tentunya menakjubkan disini  (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡

Forward from: ♡̸ Nalogie : Tomorrow!
(To my beloved business mutuals and anyone who see this. Can you help me forward this massage to you channel? Thanks a lot!♡)

Warms greetings for everyone! Short announcement, Finally @Nalogie is open for first batch on 18th June at 10.00 WIB. So, grab it fast! dont forget to read our regulations and check our catalogue. Thankyou so much!

With love, Nalogie ♡

Forward from: 𝑆𝐻𝐸𝐿𝐵𝑌 𝑆𝐻𝑂𝑃 (MANiPS)☆ : OPEN!
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☆ To all my beloved BA mutuals or anyone who’s seeing this message, can you help us with forward this message? TIA! ☆

Shelby shop’s will be finally open TOMORROW 17/07/2021 at 15.00 WIB. Mark the dates!📌

𝒮helby shop’s provide manips at affordable price. Shelby Shop’s also have an reliable workers in this field, so don’t need to worry to put your expectations with us! Don’t forget to read our T&C and also take a look to our rel='nofollow'>catalogue!🐇

Wait for us here!☆

Forward from: Vlundry, in 5 June
To anyone who has business channel, or probably just to my mutuals, can you please help us by forwarding this message to your channel? It would be such an honor for us!

Starting a lovely day by receiving a lovely message from @SillyLoves. We are giving you the best that we can, so that any of our customers would feel loved everytime they think about our name. ૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა

We are proudly presenting, our loveable first ever open batch at July, 18 2021 and giving you some promos. For the first 5 customers, you will get free and faceswap edit from us.♡ ( ˃ ▿ ˂  ) ♡

ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ່࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏 ~ ♡ ︎You don't have time to hesitate, to wait, to think about getting a lovely day by purchasing some from @SillyLoves. If you're ready to get the love you deserve, contact @SiIlyRobot or @Virggin right away. See ya, Lover!

Forward from: FORTUNIES
[To all of our BA mutuals, may we ask for your help by forwarding this message to your channel? It would be such an honor for us. Thank you!]

EMLOOOO, FORTUNERS!!! Gimana kabarnya hari ini? Asik nih besok udah weekend lagi! Tapi pas lagi weekend enaknya habisin waktu bareng orang yang bakal kasih kamu afeksi gak, sih? 🤔

Eh gak perlu khawatir kalau belum nemu! Karena besok mulai Sabtu, 17 Juli 2021 Fortunies akan kembali membuka layanan! Yuk dibaca benefits yang bakal kamu peroleh dan menu yang tersedia! Eits gak perlu ragu, karena di @Fortuneis ada banyak bukti nyata dari hasil pelayanan kami. Yuk buruan diisi formnya lalu kirim ke @FortuniesBot. Inget, baca TnC-nya juga! Kami tunggu kehadirannya besok di jam 15.00 WIB! 🤎



Forward from: ECCKEN DEBUT TODAY 14.00!!!
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Eccies! We from @Eccken are looking for some MALE and FEMALE talents to serve people who are in need of affection. 너야? 아니면? Of course we are looking for male and female talent who have been trained or understand the division they are taking. 별칭은 단순히 시도하는 것이 아닙니다. 이는 우리와 고객에 관한 것이기 때문입니다.

We're looking for talent that available for OTP, VN, IC anime or idol, can do bilingual, Sposess, imagine lit or or non lit NSFW/SFW, playing instrument or singing (You don't have to be able to do all of them, but if you can do one of them you will get plus points from @Eccken)

And you must :
- Subscribe the main channel @Eccken.
- Forward this announcement to your channel.
- Having intention, not only interest.
- Have experience on gf/bf rent division.
- Able to joint venture for store needs.
- Talkactive and get to mingle with other admins.

So what are you waiting for? 두 번 다시 오지 않을 기회를 낭비할 것인가?! Kindly leave you best traces in here if you interested and i'll hit you soon, with little easy interview. 🧑🏻‍💻

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