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accurate. 💯

Forward from: sweet lies.
none of us is a good person, we’re all sucks.

Forward from: in a summer daydream ☆
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ on temporary swap

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• now playing: All Time Low - Therapy. airaaa adek aku! oh aku panggil aira dari awal kenal xixixi, ini pertama kali aku pilih lagu agak melow soft rockin gitu, karena bener bener istilahnya kaya aira. aira orangnya sabaar bangeett gatau lagi, terus dia yang soft dan kadang galak tiba tiba??? tapi dia galaknya lucu bangett hikd

aira, the cutest and the adorable. she bringing the joys for each person surrounds her. she totally that cute and sweet person. aira can be the angels from the other side also an evil but it seems no darkside of her. she is totally that kind and nice to people. keep going aira!

• tbh; aira aira on the wall, remember the bad things happens will be get better soon, be happy always cantikk!!

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now playing: Neck Deep - In Bloom. renataa! ih anaknya seru banget kayanya, dan kayanya bener bener yang berani gitu. lagu yang cocok buat deskripsiin renata in bloom by neck deep. auranya kaya yang teges gitu nggak malu malu, lagunya juga berani kaya dia, lucu bangett, semoga orangnya juga nge-bloom kayaa judul lagunya! keep going renata!!

renata, the cherish and brave. she can brings the joy for everyone surrounds her. she totally can transformed into something unpredictable. some jokes around her might be match perfection of her date. also, she is type of girls also like to smile a lot.

• tbh; it seems you're cute, we should more talk to build our friendship! ah last time, be happy renata!

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now playing: Frank Turner - I am Disappeared. zivaaaa!! lucu gitu anaknya ih seru ya? anaknya gemesin juga. kenapa aku pilih lagu ini soalnya emang ziva anaknya selucu itu dan malu malu gitu ya? anaknya juga kadang energetic, cocok sama lagunya. semoga anaknya jugaa kaya lagunya gitu ya, seneng teruss

ziva, the sweet dimples one. we haven't texting before, but I swear ziva can be that cute. I guess if I were her bf, I might be happy cause her lovely smile and cuteness. her charms really that adorable and lovely. ah last thing, be happy as always ziva!

• tbh; I typically that sucks at convo at first, but you really cute af! we should be friends to keep our convos! ah anw, I got fi on you that: "damn, gf material"

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now playing: Foster The People - Pumped Up Kicks. joniii, yang paling bikin emosi satu grup, anaknya lucu, kalo diibaratin lagu, dia kaya pumped up kicks. coba dengerin. sebenrnya lagunya udah lama didengerin, cuman kalo liat fasya keinget lagu ini wkwkwkwk aneh banget, soalnya lagunya tuh lucu gitu kocak kaya si fasya joni satu ini

fasya, the hilarious one. part of somiaps. she either can make everyone laugh but I guess, fasya has her own personal world that some people don't get it. It feels like she really that sucks, but she actually cute.

• tbh; keep cherish for the others, fasya! keep going if you have some personal things you could do, I'm here to supporting you!

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now playing: Muse - Starlight. sebenernya bingung bilan mau dikasih paramore atau muse, yah gimana enggak, paramore kan agak metal gitu kaya dia berisik banget, yang bener bener julid tapi suka bikin ketawa. tapi, bilan tuh anaknya kadang gemesin, bisa lucu dan kalo di grup nggak ada dia sepi juga wkwkw, akhirnya kepilih starlight soalnya semoga bilan jadi bintang di temen temennya nanti, pokonya ibarat bintang dia yang paling terang gitu deeh

kanaya, the riot! part of somiaps. the noisy and the loudest. she really that match with soraya, idk I pray for their braincells. correct me if Im wrong, but I swear, bilan has that sweet personality you can't even know it. I guess, she got that melancholy part of her souls. be happy bilan!

• tbh; stop for making yourself unworth, you really that matter! keep happy as always for making the other a happy person alive!

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now playing: All Time Low - Good Times. ailaa, pertama kali dia chat kayanya seru juga dan anaknya yang heboh juga kaya lainnya, kalo misal dia lagi bareng temen temen lain pasti suasanya enak gitu kan ya, nah aku langsung keinget sama atl good times, semoga aja orangnya kayaa judul lagunya.

aila, the sweetie. ikr we haven't starting convos before, but it seems you're cute and just like the others, bringing the good charms for everyone. ah, if you're having on test, good luck sweetheart!

• tbh; it seems you cute, lets b friend either! ah, shuhua really suits on you!

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now playing: Paramore - Pressure.
akhir akhir ini yang paling pas sama nara kayanya lagunya paramore yang satu ini. dia sebenrnya yang loud dan kayanya akhir akhir ini lagi yang nggak begitu mood? intinya kalo aku jadi nara, akhir akhir ini kepalaku isinya pressure. nara juga anaknya kocak banget, jadi nggak salah kalo lagunya sedikit metal.

kinara, the noisy and funny. part of somiaps. her charm keeps people laughing when she coming in our group rioting together with the others. sometimes she can be that calm for no reason, the point is if you having sad rn, cheer up naraa!

• tbh; even we rarely to text each other, I guess you can be that cute and adorable, be happy nara!

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now playing: Bring Me The Horizon - Mother Tongue. nah jadi soraya anaknya rame banget, yang loud banget gitu anaknya, bisa dibilang berisik. keinget soraya aku keinget bmth apalagi kalo lagunya udah metal banget, cuman aku kasih lagunya yang agak slow karna dia anaknya kadang kalem, tapi dikit, yaa kaya bmth laah.

soraya, the loudest. having so much friends exactly cause of her loud, also she bringing a good atmosphere into the group. oh, she part of somiaps also. thanks for soraya of her loud that making the mood. last thing, keep going sweetie, you're the best!

• tbh; you should be happy to bringing good mood in our group, anyway I like to call you sor than raya, xixixi

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now playing: The Maine - Black Butterflies and Déjà Vu. jadii, ini one of my fav music sih, tiap lagi sedih atau butuh encourage aku selalu dengerin ini, rasanya idup lagi. nah kaya jefak, meskipun ngeselin bodoh tapi dia bijak banget kalo aku lagi ada masalah, tapi tetep, ngeselin iya

jefak, the dumbass person who often makes me angy. I even got that badmood cause of his annoyance, but he can be that good listener and it seems "that things" only makes special from him. I never regret of our first hello, and the last thing, be happy always, jefak!

• tbh; thank you jefak, be happy. lets share each other's things again!

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now playing: The Lumineers - Ophelia. nggaaakk usah ditanya kenapa aku langsung kepikiran ophelia, yaa soalnya pas aku nyanyi lagunya keinget navya, jadinya na-na-viii-iiyaa-kk, nggaak ada relatenya buat jamet satu ini, ily banget pokonya, kalo nggak ily aku kutuk jadi kuda atau kita tukeran pacar!!

navya, the unique one that really right for me to keep laughing. she have some ideas for making me laugh. she is the most hilarious one, even jamet but I really love her. whoever her bf, he must be sad that knowing of his gf's braincell.

• tbh; I was really shook after knowing that your name have long phrase, keep going jamet!!! ily!!

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