🎄 Christmas Advent Challenge
#Day11 Winter Bucket List
📌 Share your bucket list for the forthcoming winter
👉 Choose ideas from the Vocabulary List and Add your own ones
📚 Voc
🔸 Soak up (наслаждаться) the season and go for a snowy stroll
🔸 Clear the decks ahead of the holidays - to remove unnecessary things so that you are ready for action - привести дела в порядок
🔸 Decorate every inch (от и до) of …… and enjoy this life/holiday/season
🔸 Snuggle up with a feel-good read near the crackling fireplace - прикорнуть, притулиться
🔸 Try knitting and crocheting
🔸 Just rock this winter
🔸 Read under the blanket
🔸 Bundle up (to put warm clothes on yourself or someone else) and tuck into (to start eating something eagerly)
🔸 Sip hot chocolate - пить небольшими глотками, пить медленно-смаковать
🔸 Invest in a few winter wellness must-haves
🔸 Binge watch a TV series - смотреть сериалы запоем / смотреть, не отрываясь
🔸 Do the Polar Bear plunge - зимнее купание, моржевание
🔸 See the Nutcracker Ballet
🔸 Go dogsledding - езда на санях, запряженными собаками
#Day11 Winter Bucket List
📌 Share your bucket list for the forthcoming winter
👉 Choose ideas from the Vocabulary List and Add your own ones
📚 Voc
🔸 Soak up (наслаждаться) the season and go for a snowy stroll
🔸 Clear the decks ahead of the holidays - to remove unnecessary things so that you are ready for action - привести дела в порядок
🔸 Decorate every inch (от и до) of …… and enjoy this life/holiday/season
🔸 Snuggle up with a feel-good read near the crackling fireplace - прикорнуть, притулиться
🔸 Try knitting and crocheting
🔸 Just rock this winter
🔸 Read under the blanket
🔸 Bundle up (to put warm clothes on yourself or someone else) and tuck into (to start eating something eagerly)
🔸 Sip hot chocolate - пить небольшими глотками, пить медленно-смаковать
🔸 Invest in a few winter wellness must-haves
🔸 Binge watch a TV series - смотреть сериалы запоем / смотреть, не отрываясь
🔸 Do the Polar Bear plunge - зимнее купание, моржевание
🔸 See the Nutcracker Ballet
🔸 Go dogsledding - езда на санях, запряженными собаками