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Hyperborea is also associated with a sacred, central spiritual mountain. In Sumerian traditions, it is called the Midnight Mountain. In Zoroastrian traditions, it is Mount Alborz, and in Indian traditions, it is Mount Meru. This is a mountain that represents a state of perfection and origin, similar to Eden. It represent a lost Golden Age.

Pytheas spoke of Thule, which is much equivalent to Hyperborea. The Roman writer Virgil came also to use the term, as in Ultima Thule, as a far-off land or an unattainable goal. Ultima Thule, is said to be the resting place of the Sun. It is what is most remote, protected by a spiritual light of distance and mystery.
The Roman writer Jordanes, tells about the Goths, and tells how they originated in Thule. In the early seventh century, Isodore of Sevilla described it as:

"Ultima Thule (Thyle ultima) is an island of the Ocean in the northwestern region, beyond Britannia, taking its name from the sun, because there the sun makes its summer solstice, and there is no daylight beyond (ultra) this. Hence its sea is sluggish and frozen."

Eventually, Thule came to be used as a reference to Iceland by the Irish monk Dicuilus and Adam of Bremen.

The name Thule in the context of the Thule-Gesellschaft, could be traced to Ariosophical inspiration. Sebottendorff identified Thule as Iceland, as the supposed outpost of Germanic refugees. The knowledge of Hyperborea has been supressed intentionally since it contradicts the Bible, but the truth lay hidden in the remaining sagas, tales and mythology.

It is also of a great spiritual meaning. The Hyperboreans, the Thule people, represent those who have attained enlightenment. The return to the boreal region, is a magic transmutation. It is a spiritual journey that is expressed in the mythical traditions, where north is the direction of enlightenment. The Hyperboreans symbolize men whose soul reached completeness and harmony. Within Thule there is a complete light. Thule is the homeland of the Aryan, of spiritual light. The Aryans, the "Sons of the Sun", did not worship the material fire, but was consciousness of spiritual insight, a spiritual inwards seeking task. This tells about the dream to return of the Golden Age and a higher presence. This is also reflected in the task of Thule-Gesellschaft, which primary focus was to study the origins of the Aryan race in order to return the spiritual ideals of the lost Golden Age.

The Thule-Gesellschaft understanding of the Aryan should be comprehended out of the thoughts of Guido von List and also from the Theosophical wisdom presented as a polar tradition where the Aryans were seen as the fifth of the root races on earth
with origins in the north.

Guido von List wrote:

"Thus the Aryans expanded outwards from the North Pole, the ArktogΓ€a, extending radially across the Ancient World - after their land of origin became congealed in snow and ice, that "one favorite land of Apollo in which the sun (during half year) never sets!" as Herodotus described the legendary land of the Hyperboreans and brought the light of Armanism to all peoples of the earth, only to be rewarded by them with the most undignified gratitude."


"Thule was the sacred Centre of Revelation, in the Deep Midnight, the first initiation sanctuary, the image of the Light Pole, residence of the Divine

Miguel Serrano

Thu-al, Thule (Greek: Θούλη), was the land farthest north by Greco-Roman geographers. It is a name of mysteries and a similar name appears strangely among the Toltecs, the Aztecs and the Mayas. It represents something vanished, long8 forgotten, but evident underneath, dreamt by the ancients, vanished and forever inaccessible. The return belongs to the mythic Nordic Polar inheritance.

Hindu myths speaks of the people of the Northern Sun, the Uttara-kurus, which is symbolized by a being which reached perfection as a twin joined together. For the Hindu Aryans, it was Aryana baiji - the land of the Aryan.

The ancient Greek texts speaks of Hyperborea. Hecataeus wrote about a land in the Atlantic sea, opposite the land of the Celts. Herodotus describes Hyperborea as a fertile country with temperate climate, and how the Hyperboreans lived in a state of perpetual bliss. They worship Apollo (The Sun) and have built circular temples. Hyperborea was also the home of Apollo when he returns to rejuvenate nineteen years. To return? This tells us that his origin is Thule.

In the book The Arctic Home in the Vedas (1897) the author Bal Gangadhar Tilak also proposes that the original homeland of the Aryans was in the far north. He takes this idea from the ancient Vedic texts, which for example speaks of "Thirty Dawn-Sisters circling like a wheel" and the "Dawn of Many Days", which reflects the conditions at the poles. Tilak shows how the Hindu traditions thus came from an earlier civilization of Polar origin and the Aryan conquerors of India, who wrote the Vedas, were descendants of the Hyperboreans.

Also, the Zoroastrian tradition speaks of Hyperborea as the original homeland of the Aryans, originating from the upper part of the Globe, which is also the land manifesting the lowest of the seven Keshvars (the other six are ethereal). In the "Manual of Khshnoom" it is told that Zarathustra is born in Airayana Vaeja, which is a unreachable location buried under snow since thousands of years:

Aryana Vaeja, the birth-place of Holy Zarathushtra is located in Thrishva (Y.13,3), the Satan-free one-third of the earthly globe otherwise called Khanirath Bami. It is situated in the Arctic region buried under mountain-deep snow since 0Ver 10,000 years and hence its existence and geography have been unknown to scholars. According to Nature's mysterious curriculum our known material world runs its course for 81,000 years (which constitute one zarvane-daregho- khadat, meaning self-created Long Time), at the end of which the temperature at the Arctic region rises one or two degrees above freezing point resulting in the
Snow turning into glaciers. Before this takes place, towards the termination of the above 81,000 years, our earthly globe which at present rotates with an incline, assumes vertical position so that the Deluge submerges the whole material world while the Arctic region becomes un-blockaded and populated by selected holy people saved from the Deluge. Thus while the known material world is active i.e. populated for 81,000 years, the Arctic region with its Airyana Vaeja (lit. land of noble birth) is buried under-snow, and while the latter (Arctic region) is open and active for an average period of 27,000 years, the known 31material world remains unpopulated. In this way the two sections are active or idle alternately.
Full details regarding Airyana Vaeja and Khanirath Bami (lit. golden shore) will be found under the head "History of Berosus" dealt with under Date of
Zarathushtra in its ouwn place."
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A brief return to the Hyperborean lost knowledge by Miguel Serrano.


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