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He's not a ripper but a thief rather😂😂 he changed his name from Gamma Fry to Speencee Mcrule😆
He then changed his handle from @gammagame04 to @rimcruleaa06
Expose him 😊b
We bring new name and handle if he changes it again👍

Share this to make viral❤️

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Happy birthday God's Eye😊
May God bless you with the joy your heart can hold on this day💙
More knowledge, health ,success, life,prosperity💕
May dis special day be a beginning of a new year to you💙💙


Im aboy those txting me😂😂😂

Yhh oo

Oo I buy some yesterday oo

Yh yh

Pm me erh it's Been long😕😕

Baby dnt do lyk dah😕😕

Oh mmai

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