Presidential School In Khiva

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Presidential School in Khiva
Grade: For all grades
Student: Jonibek Baxtiyarov
Subject: ICT, extra club
Topic: "Kalkulyator yasash usuli".

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Presidential School in Khiva
Grade: For all grades
Educator: Muqaddas Matchanova
Subject: Fine arts, extra club
Topic: Harflarni chizish".

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Presidential School in Khiva
Grade: For all grades
Educator: Muqaddas Matchanova
Subject: Fine arts, extra club
Topic: "Harflarni chizish".

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Presidential School in Khiva
Grade: For all grades
Educator: Muqaddas Matchanova
Subject: Fine arts, extra club
Topic: "Eng oson chizish usuli"

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Presidential School in Khiva
Grade: For all grades
Educator: Muqaddas Matchanova
Subject: Fine arts, extra club.
Topic: "Zina shaklini chizish".

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Presidential School in Khiva
Grade: For all grades
Edugator: Matchanova Roza Batirovna
Subject: Russian Language, extra club.
Topic: "Аппликация ромашки",

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Presidential School in Khiva
Grade: For all grades
Edugator: Matchanova Roza Batirovna
Subject: Russian Language, extra club.
Topic: Песня, "Улетай на крильях ветра",

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Presidential School in Khiva
Grade: For all grades
Educator: Matchanova Roza Batirovna.
Subject: Russian Language, extra club.
Topic: Стихи Марины Цветаевой, "Мне нравится что вы больны не мной",

Presidential school in Khiva

Rustamova Barno

O'zbekiston Yoshlar ittifoqi Xorazm viloyat kengashi tomonidan òtkazilgan tanlovda 1-òrinni egalladi.


Presidential school in Khiva.

Ruziboyev Shokhruh

Shokhruh was born in Urgench district of Khorezm Region in 2004. Now he is pupil of Presidential School in Khiva. He is very talented and knowledgeable pupil of the school. Shokhruh can speak Russian and English languages fluently. He is interested in Mathematics, Physics. He likes to improve his Russian and English languages skills. Shokhruh also deals with sports basketball, athletics , football and volleyball.
Up to these days he achieves a lot of good results not only in subjects, but also in sports. He is the participant and winner of city and regional stages of Olympiad in Physics.
Shokhruh is champion of Khorezm Region among teenagers in Basketball.
The winner of Khorezm Region in athletics.
He is participant of Republic Innovation Projects Contest.
Shokhruh's dream is to be The World Champion like Ruslan Nuriddinov in athletics and introduce Uzbekistan Flag.

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Xiva shahridagi Prezident maktabi jamoasi nomidan O'zbekiston yoshlarini, shu jumladan Prezident, ijod va ixtisoslashtirilgan maktablarni rivojlantirish agentligiga qarashli maktablarda ishlayotgan va o'qiyotgan yoshlarni 30 iyun - Yoshlar kuni bilan samimiy tabriklaymiz!

Forward from: Ортикова Икбола .Олимбоевна.
Assalomu alaykum qadri baland qadrli OʻZBEKISTON YOSHLARI!!!.

Barchangizni 30-iyun "YOSHLAR KUNI" bilan chin dildan MUBORAKBOD ETAMAN.
Doimo oʻqish, izlanish, faollik koʻrsatish, tashabbuskorlik, shijoatlilik, mehnatsevarlik, tirishqoqlik kabi xislatlar bilan harakat qilishdan aslo toʻxtamanglar👏👏👏.


Yurt kelajagi uchun oʻz hissalaringizni qoʻshishda faollik bilan davom etishdan aslo toʻxtamanglar. MEN SIZLARGA ISHONAMAN🤗🤗🤗.

O'zimgayam bayram muborak bo'lsin...😁

🌏 @Geofazo_uz

Forward from: Нилуфар Бабажанова

Forward from: Нилуфар Бабажанова
Сегодня, 30 ИЮНЯ, ДЕНЬ МОЛОДЁЖИ В УЗБЕКИСТАНЕ ! День молодёжи — национальный праздник молодых людей страны, который отмечается ежегодно 30 июня в Узбекистане, в день образования Союза молодёжи Узбекистана. От всей души поздравляю всех коллег с Днем молодежи - праздником активных, ярких молодых людей !Желаю успехов в реализации самых смелых идей, удачи, веры в себя и отличного настроения!

Presidential school in Khiva

Bakhtiyorov Jonibek - is versatile gifted student.

He was born in Urgench city of Khorezm Region in 2006.
At the moment he is pupil of Presidential School in Khiva. He is one of very talented and knowledgeable pupils of the school. Jonibek can speak Russian and English languages fluently. He is interested in subjects Mathematics, Physics. He likes dealing with Russian and English languages skills. Jonibek also does sports basketball, football and chess.
Up to these days Jonibek achieves a lot of good results not only in subjects, but also in sport .
He is winner of bronze medal of SEAMO - 2019 Olympiad.
The champion of the Asia and Uzbekistan in Chess. Jonibek is always the active participant of any actions of school.
Jonibek's dream is to be The World Champion like Rustam Kasimdzhanov in Chess. And he wants to progress Uzbekistan Chess Sports.

Presidential school in Khiva

Qodirberganova Shakhnozabonu wants to be a skilled doctor in the future.

Shakhnozabonu was born in Khiva city of Khorezm Region in 2004. Now she is studying in Presidential School in Khiva. She is very talented and knowledgeable pupil of the school. Shakhnozabonu can speak English language fluently. She is interested in languages English, Russian, Mother Language ,Literature and Mathematics, ICT subjects. At the same time she deals with sports and music.
Up to these days Shakhnozabonu achieves good results. She is the participant and winner of regional stage on English Language Contests. And she is the winner of different Essays Competitions.
Her dream is learning English Language deeply and developing teaching foreign languages with new ,effective methods.

Presidental School in Khiva

Bekhruzbek Quranboyev - one of the talented students of this school.

He was born in Shavat district of Khorezm Region, in 2003. Now Behruzbek is one of the talented pupils of school.
He speaks English and Russian languages fluently. He likes Mathematics and Chess.
Behruzbek achieves good results:
The winner of the regional stage of The AMC 2019 International Mathematics Olympiad. The participant of The Republician stage.
His dream is going on and progress our famous ancestor Al Khorazmiy's his works. Behruzbek wants to be the best improve Mathematics field of Uzbekistan.

Presidential school in Khiva.

Ruzmetov Khidoyat - one of the creative students of this school.

He was born in Urgench town of Khorezm Region in 2004.
At the moment he is studying at Presidential School in Khiva. He is one of very talented and knowledgeable pupils of the school. Khidoyat can speak Russian, English and Turkish languages fluently. He is interested in subjects ICT, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and learning languages, Literature.
From early school period to nowadays he achieves a lot of good results.
The second and third winner of city stage in Mathematics Olympiad Contest . The participant of competition on Mathematics named Al Khorazmiy. The winner of bronze medal of SEAMO 2019 Olympiad.
Also his new lyrics collections have been published with name "Jayhunga entikkan buloqlar" at 4 th grade and "Yosh Nihol" at 8 grade.
Khidoyat is active in TV and Radio shows with his poems.

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