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I feel like two people sometimes

Can anyone else relate?
sometimes I feel like two different people.
I don’t actually think that I have multiple personalities or anything but some days I am really energetic and happy; motivated to do things and clean/organize, get errands done, etc. and be really productive that day. I’ll start making plans for a new diet/exercise routine or things I’m going to do soon and other days, I literally let stuff get messy, trash pile up, watch Netflix or be on my laptop most of the day and just can’t be bothered to do much other than eat and let my dog outside.

This happens on both days I take my medicine and don’t take my medicine.

Feeling like my intelligence is locked away??

It's hard to explain, sometimes when someone is explaining something to me, I understand the beginning of the sentence then suddenly when it gets a little bit trickier or require a bit more focus, I just no longer understand, just like if my brain was a drawer and suddenly I can't open it. I feel like the information to understand is right there, behind that drawer door or fog or..., but can't access it. This happens to me all-the-time. Every-f-day. Multiple time a day. With people it's the worst. But happens listening podcasts too. It is such a weird feeling. It feels like searching for a word at the tip of your tongue, but with my capacity to understand stuff.

It also makes me having a hard time explain something, remembering things as I explain it, sometimes I just can't keep talking, because I no longer remember the reasons behind my thoughts. For exemple, I had an hypothesis on a subject, but then I couldn't remember half way through my hypothesis what it was...

This is really delibitating...

Am I the only one experiencing something similar to this?

My Wonderful school counselor literally told me "everyone has a little bit of ADHD"

I've gotten to the point in school where i can't function. I'm struggling way to much and everything i use to do in the past to help isn't working. I reached out to parents and they basically told me "oh well" so i finally go to my counselor. She begins talking about how her sons have it, and how they needed medication around this age for them too and how she knows she has it too. But then, i swear to God she says "What helps me is a planner, You should get one too. Everyone has a little bit of ADHD in them so it's nothing to worry about." While I'm sitting there, disgusted, offended, etc that someone who is there to help students basically just flipped me off. I told her i wanted to end the session early then i walked out. I just ended up skipping school for the day afterwards.


Did you drink water yet? If not, do it now.
Did you eat something yet? If not, do it now.
(This one only applies to you if you have to take meds/vitamins) Did you take your medication/vitamins? If not, do it now.
Did you use the bathroom? If you didn’t but you have to, go now.
I’m very proud of you!! Stay safe!! You are precious, loved, worthy, and valid!!!!

For Those Who Doubt they have ADHD after Receiving a Diagnosis

And even for those who don’t have a diagnosis but have every reason to believe that they have ADHD.

We are told our entire lives by neurotypical people that “everyone does that,” “everyone struggles with that,” “you aren’t special, so just suck it up,” etc. etc. etc.....

We learn from a very young age that if we act up, constantly interrupt others, and talk about our favorite thing excessively to the point of annoyance, then we aren’t left with very many friends by the end of the day.

So, we learn to mask our behaviors. We join the highschool sports teams so we can sit still in class. We learn to shut up and never talk and end up in many one-sided conversations. We create To-Do list upon To-Do list, set a billion timers, type a million reminders, and we are still left frustrated at the end of the day.

A lot of us go undiagnosed until adulthood. We go several decades constantly struggling, always confused, and forever frustrated. "Everybody else has submitted their assignment already, so why haven't I even started it?" ... "You need to do your laundry, get up and do your laundry, put your phone down and just get up already!" ... "Okay, today's going to be a productive day, we're going to make a list and do the things on the list... what was I doing again?"

And because we go undiagnosed for so long, whenever we bring up our problems with other people, they just brush us off. "Oh, yeah I didn't submit the assignment until 11:50 too!" ... "Yeah sometimes I just don't really feel like doing my laundry either, but I just make myself do it." ... "I forget what I'm supposed to be doing all the time! The other day I forgot my wallet when going out, it was so embarrassing!"

So if you ever feel like you're faking it, that you're probably just dumb or stupid or lazy, remember that you've been conditioned your entire life to believe that everyone struggles in exactly the same way that you do, that you're completely normal and just need to "try harder" or "pay attention."

That is all I wanted to say. My soul goes out to anyone that's struggling with this rn.

Do you struggle with plans changing?

I am a 22 year old female with ADHD, I recently started meds but I feel like this is something I’ve always had a problem with.
If I have even the loosest plan for the day (for example my partner will ask me if I want to go on a hike after she is done work) and then something changes and that plan is no longer happening, I feel devastated. I find this happens even if said plan wasn’t something I was super excited for, it could just be something mundane but my brain likes to know that my day is going the way I’ve set it out in my head and if thats taken away I feel like I’m in some weird limbo.
Wondering if this happens to anyone else/ if so how do you work around it?

EDIT: also wanted to add, does everyone “plan” their day like to small details ex: I’m going to get up. Do the dishes, walk the dog, then I will have relax time or do you guys just float around and do whatever

Is being naive a symptom of ADHD?

Does anyone feel they are naive as a result of adhd?

And how does this manifest for everyone? I have been told I am naive and it is frustrating because I’m intelligent and I feel like I have good reasons for everything that I do but I seem to lack certain instincts that everyone else has. I don’t really have more to say but it says I need 300 characters to post.

Thank you

Emotional dysregulation is a major but overlooked of part of ADHD.

Everyone knows about the impulsivity, hyperactivity, time blindness, and general sort of chaos that people think of when they hear about ADHD.

But the largest and maybe the most debilitating symptom for me is a complete inability to regulate my emotions. I don't feel anything halfway, everything stings more than it should and it's exhausting. If I'm happy I feel like I can do absolutely anything, and if I'm sad it physically hurts and I'm unable to let it go for a VERY for long time. It's not surprising at all that many people are misdiagnosed as bipolar instead of ADHD, yet no one really talks about this painful symptom; the ability to feel paralyzed by emotions while others can feel the same thing and get over it in no time. :(

“You just think that you have ADHD because you’re reading about it so much on social media”

This is something my brother told me about 15 minutes ago before dropping me off at the train station. He talked about me thinking I have ADHD with my mum a while ago and they think I only think I have it because of social media, for I only started talking about my having ADHD about 3 months ago when I discovered that I actually have basically every symptom of ADHD. They think it’s some sort of placebo effect where I think so much that I’ve got it that I’ve started to develop symptoms. This is absolutely absurd as I have memories of struggling so much about not being able to work efficiently or at all for that matter. But of course I’m not gonna say I think I have adhd if I don’t actually know what adhd actually is cause I thought it was just something kids got that made them extremely hyperactive and loud. We went to see my doctor about it and she gave me bromazepam because she thought I had anxiety because I was coincidentally in the middle of our exam studying period when I went to go see her so she obviously denied all the stuff I was saying about having trouble prior to a few months ago. I am yet to actually look for a psychologist that specialises in ADHD but I hope I’ll find someone this summer. I asked for help with all this from my mum because I trusted them to understand and believe me but I guess she doesn’t.

I'm so behind on my degree and even when I'm crying and begging myself to do my uni work, I still can't. I feel so lazy.

Sorry this is a bit ranty, I just feel so alone and tired right now... I was diagnosed with ADHD-C in November 2020 and I’m in my final year of university but it honestly feels like I’m not going to make it at this rate.

My general mental health (I have mdd alongside adhd, but I don't feel depressed right now) has been so much worse this year because of Covid, the national lockdowns, and having to be at home instead of university for months on end. As a result, I haven’t submitted a single thing this year, even my take-home exam is late now. I have a 3000 word essay due tomorrow and I even had an extension for but I haven’t started it. I’ve got extensions until August for most things but it’s starting to pile up. I want to finish my degree and actually succeed for once. The thing is, once I start, I get a lot done and everything but the essay has at least half if not more done, I just need to finish it. But now I'm just so burnt out and too tired to try anymore.

I just feel so fucking lazy, I go to the library everyday and I just can’t start. I’ve tried turning off my connection to wifi and my phone but I just have no self control. I used to be able to rush work in and do well, but now I just panic and fall apart at the last minute. Even when I try in the library I'll just be sobbing, screaming at myself in my head to just start it, just do something, and I can't. I love my degree, I'm so passionate about it and it's so interesting - so why can't I do the work? My medication helps so much with every other aspect of my life so tbh I'm starting to feel like I actually am lazy and stupid.

tl;dr - I'm really struggling with uni and I just feel like a failure all the time. I just don't know how to start if there's not a time pressure but since Covid and my general mental health declining, I just break down with the time pressure so there's no winning.

Hyperfixation problem

Question: what is the best way you guys have found to snap yourself away from being in a hyperfixation spiral?

I just finished playing a video game I got yesterday for 18.4 hour straight, and I only stopped because my laptop crashed. I can’t afford to keep pulling late nights and now all nighters because my brain won’t stop 😅

Thank you!

My ADHD Reddit morning: 1 minute of insanity just now

Be me:
Scrolling reddit, making a good post, being engaged in the comments...
Thinking to myself: wow, my brain is really 'on' today, firing on all cylinders, yes!
Thinking to myself: I should make a reddit post about "when your meds align"
Immediately realize I forgot to take my meds today
Rushed to take my meds in a single fistful.... aaaannndd... one's stuck in my throat doing that burning thing.
Immediately post this very relatable story on r/adhd

~ -the end- ~

How do you apologize for ghosting? (Boss, friends, etc.)

Long story short is that I’ve ghosted my boss after multiple attempts from them to contact me. I am so tired of doing this over and over again :( I don’t know what to tell them and at this point I might be out of a job

This is something that seeps into my daily life with friends, acquaintances, family etc. and I think everybody just assumes I’m lazy. This is something that has ruined a lot of my friendships and opportunities and I’m trying to break the cycle but it’s so difficult.

negative results for adhd

what’s up reddit, this is my first post. i am just kinda angry right now (mainly at myself, and i will explain why). so today i got tested for adhd. i was to complete a series of puzzles that measure iq and whatnot and then i did the tova (test of variables of attention). on this test, i scored somewhere around a 1 which was almost borderline (between adhd and normal). after this, i was told by the psychiatrist that i most likely do not have adhd and that instead i may have a visual processing disorder and she thought this because i scored poorly on some of the visual tests where she showed me a series of pictures and i had to recall them. i am so mad at myself because i had literally spent MONTHS, SO MANY HOURS OF MY DAYS researching adhd and i had found so much comfort in this label and in the community. i know it’s my fault for becoming so absorbed into the research but everything that i was reading and learning about that had to do with adhd was genuinely resonating with me (and it still does) and it all made so much sense to me and explained so many of my habits. now i just feel so lost because i had spent so much time feeling sure that my difficulties were a result of adhd. it also runs in my family so i was almost completely sure of it. ultimately, i know that visual processing disorders can sometimes be misdiagnosed as adhd, so at least the diagnosis is most likely to be accurate and i may be able to get my life back on track. still kinda depressed tho lol i wasted so much time thinking i had adhd.

I've maintained an habit for over 9 months already!

So my mental health has dropped since the start of the pandemic. So at the beginning of September I've decided to start a bullet journal to keep track of the days. I haven't missed a day since September, and I'm so proud of myself! I have never been able to maintain such a thing for so long!

Although my mental health is still in a bad place, I am so proud of myself that I had to share this achievement on here!

Being "the rock" for someone sucks where you have ADHD

Not usually someone who posts but my emotions get the better of me.

I'm 27 (male with ADHD prescribed when I was 10, unmedicated because access in my third world country makes it impossible) and have a GF that has cyclothymia (bipolar disorder with mood swings every 2 months or so). We've been together for 3 years and it's been really hard. She constantly tells me I don't pay enough attention when her down cycle hits. Tried reading on validation and scheduling for me to talk to her on her issues. My mind is gone as soon as she shows signs of improvement which causes everything to get from bad to worse. She just told me, as an ultimatum, that if I am not more attentive to her needs, she is done for in the relationship. I have really tried time and time again to be there for her but sometimes inattentiveness and my inability to keep tabs on her needs have been an issue. To be honest, I'm tired as hell, trying to give my everything 24/7 towards her needs but I'm at the end of the line.

Finally going the right way.

My parents were told I have ADHD little bit after kindergarten.

They either decided that was irrelevant or were to proud to admit it. Mind you were are talking around year 2000.

I struggled with school, friends, and family.
School caused me so much depression and major anxiety because I was grounded and beaten based on my grades for at least 8 years of school. All they kept saying was you're not dumb, you're just lazy. I had a 3 year old brother, psycho by all definitions. (killing animals as a kid included).

When my parents found out I was gay they gave me 2 days to get out of the house. And I got out that same night.

I am soon to be 27 y/o bday is on 22.06. Actually the first one in my life where I'll be able to say that I am truly happy.

I always suspected of being different then most. But I couldn't force my self to seek help by myself.

In the last few days I managed to make my boyfriend understand tho it was hard and took almost two months but now he is helping me unconditionally and really doing his best to understand me.

I had a shitty but well payed job for 3 years, saved up ton of cash thanks to my bf as well. I quit that job 5 days ago because it required alot of attention and concentration. Had a lot of things to think about there and given my anxiety it was hard. But I thought if I forced myself to work there in order to better my focus and boy did it work... No, it didn't.

I have my first counseling session on the 14th, 3 days ago I was terrified of it. Today I am excited.
I am gonna get my meds, and start doing my fucking chores for a change. When I get better hopefully by the end of the summer I will start on opening my own pet hotel. My bf has a ton of land in the outskirts of a big city and I love animals off all kinds and I'd love to be involved with them as much as I can.

My life was shit with shitty parents shitty brother and in a shitty world.

I actually forgive my still shitty family. I will teach them to be less shitty because regardless of everything they did, good and bad, I still love them.

With this right path I am on now. I know it's silly but.. I really really hope I'll be able to cry sometime soon.

I “loved” driving before medication. Now I LOVE driving!

Anyone else get this after getting treatment?

Not doing crazy maneuvers, not feeling the urge to go fast and be in front, not making your SO scared or pissed at you for bad driving, not feeling embarrassed due to poor driving, not hard braking, not getting distracted by my inner monologue or things on the side of the road…

Now I can just sit in my lane and go the speed limit. It’s so much more satisfying and enjoyable. I don’t get mad at other people on the road either. Mistakes happen.

ADHD is just an excuse for people who can't get shit done

This is what my boyfriend said to me. I have been struggling in my life so much, discovered what is most likely going on with me, I have an appointment in 5 days to get treated. He told me anyone can get diagnosed with ADHD, he could go in tomorrow and get diagnosed, it's fake, and it's an excuse for people that can't get shit done. I am so hurt idk if or how I can ever get past this.

“super” hearing

i have heard this can be a sensory thing related to adhd, i’m wondering if anyone else experiences this. for example i can hear the refrigerator running downstairs in the kitchen while i’m upstairs in bed and it will keep me up all night, also my neighbor has one of those like high frequency dog repellent machines to keep them from peeing in the yard & when i walk by with other ppl no one else even notices it but the sound bothers me so much that i have to avoid the house. i also sometimes get overwhelmed by the sound of driving (wind hitting the car, the road under the tires etc). i love concerts & things like that so loud noises don’t really bother me, it just seems to be the ones that others don’t even notice.

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