CMV: I think earth is roughly in the middle of the universe.
DISCLAIMER: I think earth is spheroid. Geocentrism is not the same as flat earth theory.
Evidence in my favor:
* The redshift of all galaxies. If everything is flying away from us as it seems because of the redshift, in the absence of "theoretical expansion of metric tensors of space-time from relativity" (a.k.a expanding space-time), it simply means we are roughly in the middle. Also, if space-time metric tensors existed and expanded we would observe redshift for all stars within our own galaxy which we [do not](
* \[The axis of evil\]([\_of\_evil\_(cosmology)]( shows that one side of the universe is cooler than the other, and the imaginary plane that separates the two sides is aligned with the plane of the earth around the sun. This violates the Copernican principle that earth is not in any privileged position in the universe.
* Lack of observable aether winds on Earth. Earth can have no motion w.r.t the aether if it is roughly in the middle.
* Maxwell's equations required that all electromagnetic waves in vacuum propagate at a fixed speed, c. As this can only occur in one reference frame in Newtonian physics (see Galilean relativity), the aether was hypothesized as the absolute and unique frame of reference in which Maxwell's equations hold. That is, the aether must be "still" universally, otherwise, c would vary along with any variations that might occur in its supportive medium.
The [increasing inability of theoretical physics]( to explain almost everything points to the possibility that we lost our way in physics recently and may need to reconsider old ideas we threw away:
* The last 30 years of theoretical physics predictions remain unobservable in LHC, and the Tevatron before it. Although everything from string theory, supersymmetry to dark matter particles was expected to be seen in LHC \[[link](\], \[[link](\], all we got was Higgs Boson predicted in the 1960s which we were almost certain to find because of the Standard Model of Physics.
* Lack of observable dark matter (we only observe extra centripetal force in faraway galaxies), or dark matter particles (from supersymmetry/string-theory) until LHC, shows physics is experiencing a "God of the gaps" problem by being forced to use yet more unobserved theoretical particles to fill the gaps
* Yet more "God of the gaps" problems arising from the dynamic variable nature of cosmological constant which is now called under new name "dark energy". New names to cover up mistakes in old ideas is a sure sign of reducing the explanatory power of physics.
* Fermi's paradox. We see planets everywhere in the universe, but no life yet. I know it is too early to claim this but it is possible that we are alone, and it might have something to do with being roughly in the middle of the universe without anomalous physics as we observe in the rest of the universe.
Other disclaimers:
* Stellar parallax, Focault pendulum, Coriolis forces are still possible in my framework as I think Earth can still move around the sun, or like a [Tychonic System](
* GPS uses [Earth-centered inertial]( and [earth-centered, earth-fixed](
* Faster than light motion might be possible in my framework because only aether might have the c restrictions. This gives more possibility for the apparent [faster than light neutrinos](
# How to falsify my theory (Falsifiability):
* Measure aether winds or lack of it on other planets (and other s
DISCLAIMER: I think earth is spheroid. Geocentrism is not the same as flat earth theory.
Evidence in my favor:
* The redshift of all galaxies. If everything is flying away from us as it seems because of the redshift, in the absence of "theoretical expansion of metric tensors of space-time from relativity" (a.k.a expanding space-time), it simply means we are roughly in the middle. Also, if space-time metric tensors existed and expanded we would observe redshift for all stars within our own galaxy which we [do not](
* \[The axis of evil\]([\_of\_evil\_(cosmology)]( shows that one side of the universe is cooler than the other, and the imaginary plane that separates the two sides is aligned with the plane of the earth around the sun. This violates the Copernican principle that earth is not in any privileged position in the universe.
* Lack of observable aether winds on Earth. Earth can have no motion w.r.t the aether if it is roughly in the middle.
* Maxwell's equations required that all electromagnetic waves in vacuum propagate at a fixed speed, c. As this can only occur in one reference frame in Newtonian physics (see Galilean relativity), the aether was hypothesized as the absolute and unique frame of reference in which Maxwell's equations hold. That is, the aether must be "still" universally, otherwise, c would vary along with any variations that might occur in its supportive medium.
The [increasing inability of theoretical physics]( to explain almost everything points to the possibility that we lost our way in physics recently and may need to reconsider old ideas we threw away:
* The last 30 years of theoretical physics predictions remain unobservable in LHC, and the Tevatron before it. Although everything from string theory, supersymmetry to dark matter particles was expected to be seen in LHC \[[link](\], \[[link](\], all we got was Higgs Boson predicted in the 1960s which we were almost certain to find because of the Standard Model of Physics.
* Lack of observable dark matter (we only observe extra centripetal force in faraway galaxies), or dark matter particles (from supersymmetry/string-theory) until LHC, shows physics is experiencing a "God of the gaps" problem by being forced to use yet more unobserved theoretical particles to fill the gaps
* Yet more "God of the gaps" problems arising from the dynamic variable nature of cosmological constant which is now called under new name "dark energy". New names to cover up mistakes in old ideas is a sure sign of reducing the explanatory power of physics.
* Fermi's paradox. We see planets everywhere in the universe, but no life yet. I know it is too early to claim this but it is possible that we are alone, and it might have something to do with being roughly in the middle of the universe without anomalous physics as we observe in the rest of the universe.
Other disclaimers:
* Stellar parallax, Focault pendulum, Coriolis forces are still possible in my framework as I think Earth can still move around the sun, or like a [Tychonic System](
* GPS uses [Earth-centered inertial]( and [earth-centered, earth-fixed](
* Faster than light motion might be possible in my framework because only aether might have the c restrictions. This gives more possibility for the apparent [faster than light neutrinos](
# How to falsify my theory (Falsifiability):
* Measure aether winds or lack of it on other planets (and other s