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which video was it when contra said "I'm fine, I'm just fucking fine," over and over

that moment stuck in my head and I want to watch whatever vid it is again but I can't remember does anyone else?


Is there any chance Natalie has enough excess Patreon money to purchase ad space on conservative political videos?

I'm imagining some young clueless chud clicking on the latest Prager U video only to be hit with an autoplay ad of the Fairy Queen opening from "The West".

>#**Hail mortals! I come to thee from my fairy grove to bring thee tidings of great woe. Western culture is being destroyed by cucks! —And by gender-bending, intoxication and sodomy!**
##**You know, things that have never happened in Europe.**


The Votes are In! Check Out Contra's Most Fabulous Look of 2018!

Welcome to the 2018 Contra-Pageant! Let's start with a round of applause for the 1,287 internationally recognized fashionistas who traveled from 60 countries to serve as our judges. I don't doubt that their unimpeachable discernment will spare us from the tiresome second-guessing so typical of lesser competitions.

Without further ado, our fourth runner-up is "Milked." After a girl has done her hair and makeup, how can she kick it up a notch to achieve a truly fabulous look? As Contra masterfully demonstrates, just anoint yourself with soy milk to add a dynamic and tastefully subtle eroticism to your ensemble. As a bonus, it's an all-natural way to keep your skin silky soft.


Third runner-up is "The Inherent Eroticism of the Sea." Contra creates a whole new way to wear fishnets in this look. Sensuous blue and purple hues offset the pearls and sparkles that adorn our dark mother. If she swallows us down into the deep, dark pit of her wetness, it will be a simply divine way to go.


Second runner-up is "Contra's September Profile Pic." Moon and star earrings accent Contra's face as downcast eyes let us appreciate the daring color palate of her eyeshadow. Her lips are pursed as she seems to consider something. To tweet, or not to tweet? It is truly the question of our age.


First runner-up is "Contra's Incel Look." Her silver sequins, earrings, and necklace look great under a red light. Her dark nails are just as elegant holding skulls, wine glasses, cellphones, or corndogs. Her hair is in a loose bun, but don't call her a "Stacy." Contra's biggest video of 2018 features one of her best looks yet.


Let's have a drumroll! The grand prize for Contra's most fabulous look of 2018 goes to... Tabby! Cat ears perch atop her voluminous wig. Fingerless gloves grip her bat. Fangs are bared as her red lips part. She is a queer icon. She is fabulous. She is Tabby.


Thank you all for attending the 2018 Contra-Pageant. Let's raise a glass to all of last year's entries and look forward to another fabulous year of ContraPoints!


TERF: Dost thou bleed? Me:

RE: PragerU's Transgender Hate Propaganda "Adverts" on YouTube Videos

You can [send feedback](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/4347644) to YouTube to let them know that this advertisement is inappropriate.

Be sure to refer to the explicit sections of the Google/ YouTube [Inappropriate Content Policy](https://support.google.com/adspolicy/answer/6015406#360) for adverts, specifically:

##Dangerous or derogatory content

The following is not allowed:

* Content that incites hatred against, promotes discrimination of, or disparages an individual or group on the basis of their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, **_gender identity_**, or other characteristic that is associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization

* Examples: Content promoting hate groups or hate group paraphernalia; content that encourages others to believe that a person or group is inhuman, inferior, or worthy of being hated

* Content that harasses, intimidates, or bullies an individual or group of individuals

* Example: Content that singles out someone for abuse or harassment; content that suggests a tragic event did not happen, or that victims or their families are actors, or complicit in a cover-up of the event.


The **Shocking Content** section may also be relevant.

**The more people who report these adverts as inappropriate, the more likely it is that YouTube will pull them and/or bar Prager from further propagandising via adverts.**

Thank You!


Watch the first 20 seconds of blaire white most recent video

It starts off with her putting on highlighter and then she says another "another tranny I have to damage control for" exactly about like tiffany tumbles


Natalie does incredible work on bizarre online groups (like incels) and has said that her work is about the rise of fascism

I demand a Qanon video. Pretty please.


I made a little edit of Natalie on Bill C16, if you are unfortunate enough to find yourself in a debate with a Lobster

Contrapoints on Bill C16
Contrapoints on Bill C16 and JBP's paranoia surrounding it. Original video here: https://youtu.be/9bbINLWtMKI

Incels condensed into less than 90 seconds

Incels condensed into less than 90 seconds
Natalie talks about nerdy men. #contrapoints Source video is "Incels" by ContraPoints: https://youtu.be/fD2briZ6fB0

Share your experience with free speech at your University campus

I have heard a lot from the alt-right on the subject, Jonathan Haidt most recently (let's just take his statements as debatable points ->[https://youtu.be/l-\_yIhW9Ias](https://youtu.be/l-_yIhW9Ias)), the old spiel how "PC CULTURE!" cripples debate and students reporting professors to HR are stifling the free exchange of ideas and blah-blah-blah, but WHAT's your personal take on it?!

Have you personally encountered ideas/people on campus that have discriminated someone?

Or did most ideas challenge your thinking in a healthy way?

And where do you think the civil exchange of idea ends on campus and politics/emotions come in?

I've never visited a US university, so it's interesting to me read first-hand accounts of your experience with "the freedom of exchange of ideas".


Just became a Patron!

Up until now I've never donated to anyone's Patreon. But today, I decided to change that and become a Tier 3 patron for Natalie's work!

Also, I would love to see her do an entire video dedicated to analyzing the impact of the corporation on Western culture - how "corporate life" is portrayed in media, how it fits into the broader picture of capitalism, its fundamentally undemocratic structure, etc.


Yet another relevant Dr Seuss cartoon

The Free Speech Issue Dave Rubin Won't Touch With A Ten Foot Pole | The Majority Report

The Free Speech Issue Dave Rubin Won't Touch With A Ten Foot Pole
In this Majority Report clip, Dave Rubin stands firmly on the principle of saying whatever will make him the most money at any given time. We need your help ...

This video covers similar ground to Contra's videos 'Jordan Peterson' (in debunking Peterson's paranoia about pomonomo) and 'The Apocalypse' (in explaining how climate deniers like Peterson's PragerU buddies are funded). It's made by a very new LeftTuber with an Hbomb like style

Jordan Peterson is a Sellout
Peterson is cancelled. I'm moving on now, no more Peterson for a while. There is so much game for me to hunt, so little time. My previous videos: Radical Lef...

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