Flipkart says getting scammed isn't in seller's return policy. Closes return request without asking after 13 days.
I ordered a Samsung Galaxy Active watch 2 and received a fake watch instead. Added a request , did follow up , spoke to multiple people , flipkart provided multiple resolution dates until today after 13 days [ordered 6th oct\] they just send me a message telling me that I can't have a return as this is not really covered in the seller's return policy. Is that how sellers will do ? Send a counterfeit product , and then be like we don;t have it covered and profit? I am missing 11k and I am just a college student who bought this after their first income and this is how I get treated . I don't know what to do now.
**Update**: They added that they closed my return request because my issue was resolved by troubleshooting. They technically want to say they made a fake/counterfeit product a real galaxy smartwatch by troubleshooting : https://imgur.com/a/uHPi0rG . this is outrageous . Because I didn't even receive a call from them . And more than that it is counterfeit.
Update 2: Filed a complaint with Consumer court forum online. Also flipkart gave a new promise date for a new issue [old issue still closed\] of 22nd oct. Lets see what they say on 22nd october.
I ordered a Samsung Galaxy Active watch 2 and received a fake watch instead. Added a request , did follow up , spoke to multiple people , flipkart provided multiple resolution dates until today after 13 days [ordered 6th oct\] they just send me a message telling me that I can't have a return as this is not really covered in the seller's return policy. Is that how sellers will do ? Send a counterfeit product , and then be like we don;t have it covered and profit? I am missing 11k and I am just a college student who bought this after their first income and this is how I get treated . I don't know what to do now.
**Update**: They added that they closed my return request because my issue was resolved by troubleshooting. They technically want to say they made a fake/counterfeit product a real galaxy smartwatch by troubleshooting : https://imgur.com/a/uHPi0rG . this is outrageous . Because I didn't even receive a call from them . And more than that it is counterfeit.
Update 2: Filed a complaint with Consumer court forum online. Also flipkart gave a new promise date for a new issue [old issue still closed\] of 22nd oct. Lets see what they say on 22nd october.