Thanks To This Group
Thanks for making me more aware of daytime encounters with these guys - ran into a group of three trashlings around noon today in my closed dumpster. They kept trying to climb up the smooth inner walls to no avail. I went and got a ladder to stick down into the dumpster and they all climbed out - two into an overhanging tree and one ran past me into a sewer grate. So thanks for raising awareness - you may have saved these guys. 🦝
Thanks for making me more aware of daytime encounters with these guys - ran into a group of three trashlings around noon today in my closed dumpster. They kept trying to climb up the smooth inner walls to no avail. I went and got a ladder to stick down into the dumpster and they all climbed out - two into an overhanging tree and one ran past me into a sewer grate. So thanks for raising awareness - you may have saved these guys. 🦝