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Getting a lyuda before a veruc .....

Weekly Questions and Answers Thread: 7/20/2020-7/27/2020

Hello travelers!

This is our Weekly Questions and Answers Thread. This is a place to ask questions about the game, no matter how dumb the questions may be. I replace this thread manually each Monday, refreshing the discussion. Please take a moment to read the rules before posting, or else I'll read your comments and wish bad things on you!

Also, I'm gonna take a moment to reiterate the obvious: **the mod team isn't Gearbox.** They pretty much don't ever talk to us. Don't yell at us to fix the game, or ask where Axton is, because we literally don't have any connection to Gearbox.


This is not a trading thread. Do not request giveaways or trade in this thread please. Try r/PandoranRedCross for giveaways or r/BorderlandsGuns for trades. *And please follow this one or like, you're genuinely just being dense and not in the "let's educate them" way, more like a "let's ignore them and wish the aforementioned bad things on them way."*

-Do not disparage, belittle, or demean other people for asking questions. That's literally the point of this whole thread. Don't be elitist.

-Be nice in general, report trolls, and give suggestions on how to improve the thread!

Thanks folks. Enjoy!

My head dsiappears during my death animation

I dont know why this happens or how to fix it

Why does the guns emailed by manufacturers use a Hammer buster picture?

Isn’t that the gun from Bl2?

Happy birthday to Cheremie Leigh, our favorite mechromancer

So what's with the hate of Borderlands 3?

A lot of people seem to hate Borderlands 3 and I'm curious as to see why some people do?

Save Pre-set skill point allocation

A good quality of life would be to have the ability to save a ‘build’ and have the points you place into skill trees saved. You would still need to spend 10% of your cash but it would make it easier to switch when you want a new play style without having to remember all the skills you speced into.

Give us the ability to name each pre-set once saved too so that we can easily differentiate what build is what once saved.

Best purple weapons?

What are some great purple weapons that are comparable or better than some legendaries? Stuff like an anarchy with proper parts.

Alternatively, am I just wasting my time looking at purple gear while farming craw?

Here's a non-unique Etech COV Rocket Launcher called the Bombanayshun. It exists in the files, but it cannot be obtained via normal gameplay.

How much damage is hollow point?

The title's my question, and i'm asking this as every result i could find is about a bug involving self damage. I don't really care about said bug, but am rather curious as to how much damage it deals. Could someone please check it?

Does any one know how to get this skin in Nintendo switch?

Suswitchious Glitches

So I have been playing borderlands on switch and have randomly not auto reloaded forcing me to manually reload which is only a pain when fighting a lot of enemies or a boss. Anyone else know any glitches to be aware of on the switch version of the games?

Who is the ass*ole whom thought that Destroyer has more HP than player has bullets would be cool?

I literally bought all munitions upgrades use all guns types and can't beat destroyer without going out of ammo, I have a sniper build that deals 25k of critical and that wasn't enough

Edit: thank u all for the tips and feedback

FL4K Dominance (Drone Ranger Mayhem Modifier)

Hi all, I've been playing the game again after a long break and have been playing around with skills,
I don't know if it's know because I can't find anything on it but the Drone Ranger modifier that has enemies spawn with a healing drone can be abused with the dominance perk.

If you dominate an enemy being healed with no one else around and then kill the enemy, the healing drone with target you indefinitely. Healing you or sometimes even a teammate if they are closer. It a neat little quirk to the skill and I'm currently trying to find a way to a use the Buddy System drone (the invincibility drone.

If anyone has more Info on this please share.

World drop skin, the biggest troll ever.

I FINALLY completed the Takedown at the Guardian Breach on M10. I know it might not sound like much but it took me a while to do. Really proud of myself :)

I was farming Killavolt the other day and noticed something I hadn't before. He can have a Monarch as his weapon

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