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What a strange thing to say,

If you want a stat that shows how successful George Soros has been in the US, here it is: 40% of all murders in the US now take place in districts controlled by Soros prosecutors.

My latest analysis for INFOWARS.

Still makes me laugh so much.



I mean, it worked.

We are delegating away another entire region of our lives—weight management—to Big Pharma. We’re essentially holding our hands up and saying, “Sorry, we just can’t do this. You’ll have to do it for us.” And would you believe it, that’s exactly what Big Pharma is saying in its advertising for these new drugs? “You can’t do it alone. Dieting, exercise and willpower just don’t work.” (It’s what processed-food manufacturers, like General Mills, are saying too, by funding anti-diet influencers on social media, who tell viewers how much you eat doesn’t affect your weight—so go ahead and have another bowl of frosted fruit loops.)

We’ve already delegated significant control to Big Pharma over portions of our lives that were once entirely our own. We’ve delegated control of our moods, for example. In Scotland, a full quarter of all adults are now on anti-depressants—that’s one million out of a total of four—in addition to hundreds of thousands more who are on a potent cocktail of antipsychotics, anti-anxiety, mood-regulator and pain relief drugs.

This is what the philosopher Ivan Illich, in his book Medical Nemesis, called “cultural iatrogenesis”: “when the medical industry saps the will of the people to suffer their reality.”

Or, indeed—he should have added—to change it.

From my latest essay on weight-loss drugs, exclusively on my Substack:

Bernie showed us a glimpse of an alternative leftist opposition to Trump. It’s one that would be like the class-based popular leftism of old, a leftism that understood how foreign workers could be weaponised in the interests of big business, against the native people, and wasn’t afraid to say so. This is the left before DEI and identity politics made it virtually impossible to say anything negative about foreigners coming to the US legally or otherwise, without being shunned and disowned and of course labelled “racist.”

My latest detailed analysis for INFOWARS.


Assimilation simply doesn't happen.

If you want another legal immigration scam, here you go. 400k "anchor babies" were born to non-US citizens in 2024 alone. When an anchor baby reaches adulthood, they are allowed to sponsor their parents and foreign relatives for green cards, anchoring yet more non-US citizens.

An exclusive new essay on my Substack about how Ozempic is reshaping people's habits.

Forward from: Zoomers Central

Marco-Pierre White nationalism.

Currently putting the finishing touches to Issue 15 of MAN'S WORLD, which is now fully physical thanks to the good people at Passage Press. This issue will feature a delicious and very simple recipe for spicy Turkish breakfast eggs.

Subscribe to MAN'S WORLD or order back issues at passage dot press.

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