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A powerful magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck near the coast in the Arequipa region of southern Peru

After the quake, Arequipa was hit by four more tremors of magnitude 4 to 4.6, causing several landslides on local roads. No fatalities have been reported.

Belarusian border guards with the use of military weapons stopped the violation of airspace by a quadrocopter from Ukraine, which was conducting reconnaissance of Belarusian industrial facilities and border infrastructure, the State Border Committee of Belarus reported on Friday.

Polling stations for voting in the election of the new president have opened throughout Iran

It is noted that more than 61.5 million citizens of Iran with voting rights will be able to vote. The Iranian government has opened about 59 thousand polling stations and more than 15 thousand mobile points, which will work until 18:00 local time. At the same time, about 340 polling stations have been opened outside Iran.

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A roof collapsed under heavy rainfall and winds at the main airport in India's capital New Delhi on Friday, killing one person and leading to the cancellation of flights from a domestic terminal, officials said.

The first debate between the two candidates for the presidency was held in the USA — at it Trump said that Russia's peace proposal was "unacceptable", while Biden convinced the whole country that he was not a bad leader of the state

The first debate between the two candidates for the presidency took place in the United States. Participated, as well as 4 years ago, Trump and Biden - the first pressed that he would solve the issue of Ukraine almost immediately after taking office, and the second that he saved the country's economy. At the same time, according to CNN, on whose platform the "battle" took place, the Democrats are in a panic after the end of the broadcast - Trump looked better than his opponent.

At the same time, the debate was not without personalities - Biden reminded viewers of the case against Trump, called him a "whiner", the billionaire himself mentioned the mental abilities of the current head of the United States and called him "the worst president in the history of the country". During the debate itself, Biden's SMM-man even managed to post a tweet in which he called Trump a "loser and a loser" right during the broadcast.

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A high-speed train traveling from Prague to Budapest collided with a bus in Slovakia, killing at least five people

Five people have been killed and dozens more may be injured when a high-speed train traveling on the Prague-Budapest route collided with a bus. The accident occurred in the south of Slovakia - after it the train's engine caught fire.

Brazil's record floods are a warning sign of more disasters to come across the Americas due to climate change

The floods have killed more than 170 people and displaced half a million in southern Brazil. Some 389,000 people in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, remain displaced by heavy rains and flooding that local authorities say has become the worst natural disaster in the region's history.

Doctors-interns in England have begun a five-day strike a week before Britain's general election, demanding a pay rise, according to a statement on the British Medical Association union's website

"Doctors-interns began their 11th round of strikes in England today after Prime Minister Rishi Sunak failed to prevent further action by failing to commit to restoring wages," it said." it said.

The union says pay has fallen by more than a quarter in real terms over 15 years. "Restoring" pay would involve increasing it to take account of losses caused by inflation over the years.

Hundreds of pilgrims who died from extreme heat during this year's haj were not officially registered with Saudi authorities, leaving many without access to vital services

The deaths highlight a looming problem for organizers as climate change spreads across the region: the practice of requiring official permits for such services raises concerns that unregistered pilgrims may be increasingly exposed to life-threatening temperatures.

At the same time, high prices for official Haj packages are forcing some Muslims to choose cheaper unofficial routes to participate in the ritual. The unregistered pilgrims' lack of authorization made it difficult to provide them with services and care, Saudi Interior Ministry security spokesman Col. Talal bin Shalhoub told Saudi television channel al-Arabiya.

Kenya's capital Nairobi has beefed up police in anticipation of more protests, writes Citizen Digital

"An inter-agency security team from various police squads has been deployed in different parts of Nairobi in anticipation of youth-led protests due to take place on Thursday. Elite security teams have cordoned off all roads leading to the parliament building. Heavily armed officers have also been deployed outside the parliament building," the publication said.

It is forbidden to approach the building, the entrances to it barricaded with military equipment, the publication notes.

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General Zúñiga, who led the coup d'état in Bolivia, has been detained.

The situation in the Bolivian armed forces is now under full control, the Defense Ministry said.

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Attempted coup d'état in Bolivia - soldiers of a rebel general in armored vehicles tried to ram the Government Palace

In Bolivia's capital La Paz, rebel soldiers of former Army Chief General Suniga have surrounded the government building. President Luis Arce said there were "strange movements by some units of the Bolivian army." And former head of the republic Evo Morales said General Suniga's coup d'état was attempted and called for the start of a "national mobilization" to "defend democracy."

Footage shows the military on brenetekhniki going to ram the presidential palace - with police loyal to Luis Arce defending it. Rebels have gathered in the central square. The day before, General Suniga, who had been sent into retirement, said he would remain in his post and did not rule out arresting Morales. Bolivia's government has called on the international community to support the country's legitimate authorities amid reports of a coup attempt.

Supporters of French President Emmanuel Macron note the toxicity of his approach to governing the state and try to distance themselves from him, Bloomberg reports

According to the agency, with his decision to hold new parliamentary elections Macron not only gave an unpleasant surprise to the majority of his closest advisers, but also raised concerns about the toxicity of his style.

"Even once staunch allies, major figures such as Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin and Prime Minister Gabriel Attal are keeping their distance," the report said.

Taliban-ordered cuts in opium production in Afghanistan could lead to a rise in overdose deaths, a U.N. report said Wednesday

That's because heroin users are switching to synthetic opioids, which have already proved deadly in Europe.

Opium cultivation, which is used to make heroin, fell by 95 percent in Afghanistan last year after the Taliban banned drug production in 2022. While opium production in Myanmar increased 36% last year, it still fell 75% globally, the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime said in its annual World Drug Report released Wednesday.

NATO has selected Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as the next head of NATO

Rutte's appointment became a formality after his only rival for the post, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis, announced last week that he had dropped out of the race after failing to gain momentum.

Poland today took a step toward relaxing abortion rules after a parliamentary commission recommended decriminalizing the practice within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy

The former ruling far-right Law and Justice party, which led the country for eight years until last October, tightened Poland's abortion rules to a near-total ban in 2020 - abortions are only allowed in cases of rape or incest, or if a woman's life is in danger.

Poland's new government, led by former European Council President Donald Tusk, is trying to steer the country's laws in a more liberal direction, including easing abortion rules, but divisions within the coalition have slowed progress.

Today, the committee adopted one of the proposals and recommended that parliament fully decriminalize abortion care during the first 12 weeks. The Polish Parliament will now consider the proposal later this year.

Police opened fire on protesters as they tried to break into Kenya's parliament, killing at least five people - Reuters

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Julian Assange left the U.S. courthouse to applause - WikiLeaks journalist released

In the US Federal District Court on the island of Saipan, the hearing in the case of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has ended. There he pleaded guilty as part of a plea deal with the US. In the end, he pleaded guilty only to a single count of publishing U.S. military secrets. As punishment, he was given credit for the time he spent in prison. He is now on his way home to Canberra, Australia's capital.

At the trial, the journalist said that his activities were carried out in accordance with the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees freedom of speech. The activities of WikiLeaks, in turn, according to the investigator, will continue. He was accused of colluding with former U.S. military officer Bradley Manning to release classified information - it concerned war crimes of the U.S. Army in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The possible appointment of Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas as the European Union's head of diplomacy will push the world towards World War III - French politician and leader of the Patriots party Florian Philippot

"This is madness: the EU has confirmed that it can appoint as head of its diplomacy Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, this war-obsessed, hysterically hating Russia and blindly obeying NATO," he wrote.

The politician stressed that Kallas wants the EU to collectively buy ammunition for Kyiv, issue bonds for the defense industry, and create the position of European defense commissioner to move closer to creating a "European army."

He said her appointment is intended to exacerbate tensions and make peace in Ukraine impossible and bring World War III closer.

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Dead bodies in the streets, pogroms, explosions and shooting - a nationwide protest has begun in Kenya after a day of "alliance" with the United States

The day did not go well for the "main African ally of the United States" - mass protests over the insane tax increase have spread all over Kenya. Large-scale protests are seen in the capital Nairobi. The rioters stormed the parliament building, after which they tore it down and burned it. In the towns of Kisumu, Nyeri, Nakuru, Eldoret and Kilifi, people are destroying administrative buildings and looting stores.

Gunshots and explosions have been heard in the streets, with at least eight people killed and more than 200 injured, according to African media. Barack Obama's sister was among those caught in the crush - she took part in the protests and was injured by tear gas.

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