hlsvhlb: Every reddit-pirate's best friend!
#**Introducing, hlsvhlb!**
I have written a simple bot to fetch hls for tv shows and movies on demand using a combination of a few python API wrappers I wrote! I have created a [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/hlsvillage/comments/dtpe1g/hotlink_bot_thread/) as a testing ground for the bot, as it can only respond to comments in the [subreddit](https://reddit.com/r/hlsvillage) where this thread is located at this time. It will eventually be able to respond to submissions in the aforementioned subreddit as well, and it will also support a syntax for fetching live TV hls for a variety of channels. Here's the basic syntax for the bot as it is right now:
Every statement of a bot summon comment ***must*** end with a semicolon. To summon the bot, begin your comment with the following:
Every bot summon comment ***must*** include a *media* identifier of either **tvod(TV on demand)** or **movie** and a *title* identifier. For example:
!hotlinkbot; media=tvod; title=Example title;
If the *media* identifier you select is **tvod,** you ***must*** also include a *season* and *episode* identifier. For example:
!hotlinkbot; media=tvod; title=Example title; season=4; episode=4;
If the *media* identifier you select is **movie,** then you need only to include the *summon keyword* and *title.* For example:
!hotlinkbot; media=movie; title=Example title;
I just whipped this up, and have done very little testing personally, there will be bugs!
Also, I currently have a mediocre internet connection and even more mediocre compute power, and the account for the bot is brand new, so there may be some pretty big delays between requests for a while.
Movies are going to take MUCH longer than tv shows to get links for not including any wait due to rate limiting. This is because most TV shows can be found via an API wrapper I wrote that takes less than one second per query on average, whereas movies can only be found using a different extension module I wrote that is much slower.
The hls the bot replies with (for tvod and movies) will be playable in a browser, OR in a media player such as VLC as a hls. As such, these can also be used to download the media!
There are plenty of examples in the testing ground [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/hlsvillage/comments/dtpe1g/hotlink_bot_thread/), if you get confused!
Questions, comments and concerns welcome!