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Forward from: /pol/ 4chan
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"God is trans"
"Sophie is dead"


Forward from: Racist Catholic V.2.
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Hail St. Rudolph

A Christian soldier is charged to “put on the whole armor of God”. We need to realize that no amount of armor is worth the material it is made of unless the soldier has the heart to fight. Once a man is willing to be strong in the Lord, he begins to arm himself, God’s armor..leaving nothing out.

Rudolph put on the armor and then he marched into battle against the very satanic system that has the blood of children, who have not yet seen the light, on their hands. He is a living martyr and political prisoner of the demon kike system. They took down one Rudolph but a million more faithful will take his place.

Forward from: EMBRACE⚡⚡INFAMY
“Because I believe that abortion is murder, I also believe that force is justified in an attempt to stop it.”
× Saint Eric Rudolph ×

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@ LaValette

Forward from: White Fight

Forward from: White Fight

Forward from: EMBRACE⚡⚡INFAMY
Alexandre Bissonnette is a Canadian Chad who took action against terrorist invading his country.

At The Islamic Cultural Center of Quebec, Bissionnette shot six shitskins dead and injured 13 other subhumans to protect his family and country.

The leader of a local organization that works with refugees and immigrants, said Bissonnette often trolled the group’s Facebook page and also targeted feminist groups, according to La Presse.

“He was someone who made frequent extreme comments in social media denigrating refugees and feminism.”
(It all starts somewhere)

Brenton Tarrant payed his respects to Alexandre by writing his last name on the rifle he used during the Christchurch shooting.


Forward from: ChristianTaliban
Transmission #13 Mission. What is the long term Mission of the Christian Taliban? The mission, for all God fearing Christians, is salvation. From that end Goal we must works backwards by setting ourselves smaller goals in order to bring that ultimate victory into fruition. The mission for the Catholic priest differs to that of the married man or to that of the monk. So keep this mind when reflecting on your own state in life and the smaller goals you set for yourself in order to bring Glory for and to God. At the end of it all though; Sanctity through Christ, by Christ, in Christ, for Christ, with Christ- forever and ever- is the goal. Once this is understood and cemented within your anima, then you may proceed to strategize about temporal missions. Think Global. Act Local.

The Catholic man is a battle born man, one that follows the Theology of Truth through the Holy Mother Church, and the Theology of fists to defend her from evil and heresy. He follows the legacy of a fighting church that has endured tyranny throughout the ages that has done everything in its power to destroy her, but the Catholic man does not let his shield down nor does he take off the Armor of God.

He constantly sharpens his iron with other good men as Jesus sharpened his Disciples. He constantly seeks the salvation of the Lord through penance, and passes on his legacy for the next generation to come for when they have to fight.

He does not wish to live “free” as the modern world has defined it, he wishes to live as a slave..a slave for God.
Though his life is hidden in both the good and the bad times, he does all for the glory of God.

Embrace the Holy struggle.

Forward from: Way of the World
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At some point, we have to realise that there are many more of us than there are of them.

Forward from: West Coast News & Discussion
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Biden's administration wants to get rid of something called "stepped up basis." How does this affect you?

Under current tax law, when your parents pass and leave you the family home and you sell it, you would only pay taxes on the capital gains between what it is worth today and what it sells for.

If Biden does away with "stepped up basis," when you inherit the property, you will have to pay tax on the difference between what your parents originally paid for the property...and what you end up selling it for.

Example Under the Current Policy:
Inherited House at Current Value - $200,000
Sells for $205,000
Your taxable income = $5000
Taxes Due - 20% of $5000 = $1000
Your inheritance = $204,000

Under the proposed Biden Policy:
Inherited House at original purchase price - $40,000
Sells for $205,000
Taxable income = $165,000
Taxes Due - 20% of $165,000 = $33,000
Your inheritance = $172,000

Imagine the impact to farm and ranch land. [ Read more ]

Forward from: Based Stickman
Enrique Tarrio recently spotted at local diner. Declined to comment further on recent allegations of being a federal informant.

Forward from: Pax Aryana
Gamestop wars

Team Hold
- Reddit
- WigNats
- 4chan
- Accelerationists

Team Sell
- Jews
- Wall Street
- Congress
- Antifa
- Big Banks
- Robinhood

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Forward from: Memory Holed
>2019, Houston, Texas
>cops raid a home
>kill the dog then massacre Dennis & Rhogena Tuttle
>cops state that the home owners fired a weapon
>family of deceased hire a forensic expert (retired NCIS)
>cops are proven to be liars
>1 cop charged w/ murder
>back to present day
>4 cops facing life in prison
>2 cops facing other charges (organized criminal conspiracy)
>from 2019 to present day, the same cops are tied to 2,200 "wrongful" cases
>160 cases already dropped
archive & complete breakdown of how the cops lied
This is a huge bombshell that implies the Houston police department is engaged in a massive cover-up in the United States' 4th largest city (only trailing New York, Chicago, & Los Angeles)

Forward from: Hyperborean Skyline
War of the Flea. p. 11.


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