Reignite Democracy Australia

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Category: Politics

Our Vision - "A strong, free and independent Australia”
We empower people by giving them a voice and providing honest, timely, and truthful information.

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Babies accidentally born alive get left to die with NO pain relief or care whatsoever!

In August 2024, 65% of parliament voted AGAINST the 'born alive bill' which would have legislated giving some care to babies born alive :-(

See the data and watch the full street media piece on our website

I support this! Do you?

So much wasted time and money goes into the public sector. Of course, some is needed…but not the amount we have. It’s pure wastage!

I hope they hear us!

I don't have a 'seat' or 'say' in any parties, nor am I a member of any party! I am just an everyday voter, and I feel the same way as 89% of you.

I want clarity, I want candidates to stick to their word. I want them to drop the egos and work with other parties who have similar goals and missions.

I want freedom-focused minor parties to realise that you can still work with other parties even if they don't align 100% with your values. If we keep letting small things divide us, we won't get anywhere! You ALL know this fact, in principle, but aren't walking the walk.

The major parties laugh at us while we run around fighting each other rather than fighting against our common enemy.

Melbourne and Brisbane Australia Day celebrations :-) don’t have family around? Don’t worry, we got you!

Are you also slightly annoyed that the ‘centre right’ minor parties keep splitting and multiplying instead of working together? They’re all recruiting and marketing to the same group of voters…which will only weaken the centre right vote. What a mess!
  •   Yes I’m annoyed too
  •   No I like having options
  •   I don’t care, I’m voting for a major party
22 votes

Check out the greyed out box “…withheld in Australia in response to a legal demand”. A new low for Australia. The original post is here too.
Not long till we’re going to prison for posts like UK is going. See you all there haha

Just a teaser for @hitstreetmedia current project which will be published next week.

The most shocking thing was that not even ONE person knew that abortions were legal up to full term…not even ONE!

My mum still represents :-)
“Keep calm, you have an immune system” is still a relevant message!!!

This is too funny! They’ve come up with about 50 diseases and viruses since Covid…and no one is scared or reacting the way they want!
So now they’re trying BLACK DEATH….oooohhhh so scared.
The funniest part is the caption from the courier mail…doesn’t that provide so much confidence :-) I can sigh relieve now that they’re on the job and getting a vaccine ready hahaha
I can’t even believe this is real…is it meant to be a parody or something?

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This should make you feel very hopeful today!!! What he says is actually really impactful. He's apologising without specifically apologising. It's huge!
Culture is changing...commercial enterprises can see it as plain as day. Woke is not cool or profitable anymore!

WOW this is huge news.
Imagine...just imagine if people like us had a 'level playing field' during COVID??? I can tell you now things would have been a LOT different!
Less compliance would have been the biggest difference!!!

Recently I've gotten emails from people asking if there is a,

Brisbane City community group?
Flinders Island Community group?

Please comment info OR fill out the form here

Your group can be added to the map here

Great. Genetically modified mosquitoes from Bill Gates…can’t wait.
There will be time to pushback against this. Stay tuned

New Zealand Tour - Dates TBA

I did over 100 events just like this in Australia and overseas...every single one of them was a positive experience for me, and those who came.

With my reach and promotion, my tour helped create new groups, build existing, and connect new members to their local freedom families.

Fill out this form if you're in NZ and are considering hosting me. It's so easy, read the website and you'll see what I mean

Doing a New Zealand tour this year, maybe March. Looking to rent a Winnebago big enough for three adults.
We could rent one through a company but if a freedom family member has one, we can rent from them instead.

Email me

Premier cancels annual Australia Day parade.
‘Celebrate Australia’ applied to TWO councils for permits, got rejected.
Beast mode inacted.
Don’t mess with patriotic Aussies!!!

Very happy that I found a 33 week pregnant lady who has the guts to hit the street with me to see if people know that she can abort her baby tomorrow for any reason. All she needs is two doctors letters to approve it.

If the baby is accidentally born alive, it’ll be left to die slowly alone in a metal dish with no comfort or pain relief. It’s ILLEGAL to offer these babies any comfort whatsoever!

Filming next week…pray for us and wish us luck.

20 last posts shown.