Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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This is the place for the Real Patriots.
American politician, environmental lawyer, anti-vaccine activist, and conspiracy theorist.

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Our Father, which art in Heaven
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom Come.
Thy will be Done in Earth,
As it is in Heaven.
Give us this Day our Daily Bread.
And Forgive us our Trespasses
As we Forgive those that Trespass against us.
Lead us not into Temptation
Deliver us from evil.
For thine is the KINGDOM

For ever and ever.


The Truth.


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In 2001 war criminals George Bush & Tony Blair launched an illegal war in Iraq, leading to the death of a million people.  Julian Assange was sent to prison for exposing war crimes in Iraq.

Tony Blair, George Bush, The Queen and Royals, MI5, MI6, CIA, MOSSAD and other Cabal intelligence agencies with Benjamin Netanyahu was involved in 9/11 and brought down the Twin Towers and murdered all those innocent people.

Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215 was invoked by the Barons in 2001 due to the signing of the nice treaty as it was unconstitutional. This means the Queen was dethroned and we the people have had all authority since 2001. The people of the UK have had no lawful government or courts of justice since that time. Common Law was Invoked in 2001, The Government and Monarchy was Dissolved in 2001. Since then the Queen and all the other satanic royals lost all immunity to the laws that they themselves set out, the Royals became subject to the same laws that we are subject to now. Meaning they can be arrested and put on trial. Common Law is the Law of the Land, it’s our true law. We are not dead entities, we are living breathing men and women.

We have been witnessing the destruction of the old guard for the last 5-6 years or so. Now it’s becoming very obvious that the Monarchy and Government have no power and everything we are seeing right now is all part of waking up the masses to the evil.

Remember back in 2018 when Trump walked in front of the Queen and the masses got angry, that was our signal that the Royals and Corporation were finished. Remember when Trump sat in Churchills chair? That was a massive middle finger up to the Cabal and Deepstate. Trumps 2017 World Tour was a capitulation tour. 

The Cabal are finished they’ve been finished a long time. If you are just waking up, welcome to the Great Awakening there is much to re-learn.
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Information that awakens and exposes the truth❗️

There is absolutely no monarchy, the British Crown was dissolved years ago due to high treason committed by our treasonous government. The Queen was given the title of ‘The Head of State’ of a bankrupt corporation known as the City of London which is the financial pillar of the world and sits on foreign land exactly like Washington DC and the Vatican.

Police officers in the UK are nothing more than a private limited company and are security guards for the non existent corrupt fraudulent bankrupt corporation, they no longer work, have any power or have any authority over we the people of the UK as the Crown Corporation and all Crown Agents were dissolved in 1995 in a fraud and treasonous act by Tony Blair and his government who moved to the Local Governments Act 1985, this was a clear act of high treason and fraud upon we the people the people.

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[D] Deep [U] Underground [M] Military [B]Bases

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Sometimes you cannot tell people the truth.
You must show them.
Only then, at the precipice, will people find the will to change [to participate].
We, the People, have been betrayed for a very long time.

Hello folks, Please be advised that Telegram is the only platform that has allowed me to share all my information without censorship.

So buckle up, get ready to expand your mind, and see the truth. We will be exposing them all, the Satanists, Pedophiles and Child Traffickers!

All of the elite are going down! I'm risking my life to make this possible for you, the true American Patriots!

Get ready and join my channel, because this is going to be wild!


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