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Forward from: BanThisChannel Forever
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DECEMBER 16, 2021


Forward from: Trad West
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Forward from: Vrillionaire Book Club 📖
[Guerilla Math 2/2]

TLDR; 98% of the population will never fight a revolutionary war, it is up to the 1% of fighters willing to take up arms to fight against the 1% of the oppressive government

Let us take this unique opportunity to dissect the Afghanistan-Taliban situation, and see how their lessons can apply globally to all revolutionary movements who wish to overthrow an oppressive regime:

- Just .40% (under 1%) of the Afghan population waged guerrilla warfare against the regime

- the regime military had .79% (under 1%) of the Afghan population to deploy against the guerrillas

- the remaining 98.81% of the entire Afghan population did not partake in any fighting (although their willful passive support was a key to the Talibans success) and lived their normal lives


In Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler elaborates this concept (quote and chapter above) in which he states that there are three main classifications of a population during a revolution. We will apply the modern Taliban situation as an example:

1) one side of fanatics (.40% guerrillas)
2) the other side of fanatics (.79% regime)
3) the passive masses (98.81%)

Adolf then correctly states that the passive masses will obey the dominant of the two fanatical sides (the Taliban gained more strength than the regime, the regime forfeit its status of being the government over to the Taliban, who is the stronger of the two fanatical forces who fight for the dominance over the masses)


Translated into our modern American situation, the percentages of guerrilla-regime-to masses ratio is directly mirrored to the Afghanistan-Taliban situation, with the bare minimum numbers actually greatly favoring any American revolutionaries compared to the Afghanistan situation:

- US regime military and police:
3 million (.90% of the population)

- US “domestic terrorists” as labeled by the US regime: a bare minimum of 3 million (.90% of the population)

- the passive masses of 322 million (98.20%)


Fidel Castro started a Revolution with 80 men

The Taliban started their Revolution with 30 religious students

All of this is food for thought, the possibilities are endless

Sieg Heil

Forward from: Vrillionaire Book Club 📖
[Guerilla Math 1/2]

"Every national body is made up of three main classes... one extreme... the other extreme... between these two extremes stands the third class, which is made up of the broad middle stratum...

In case one of the extreme sections comes out victorious the middle section will readily submit to its domination."

- Adolf Hitler
(Mein Kampf: Volume II, Chapter IX)

Forward from: valmet.archive

Forward from: NZD - MEDİA
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Our channel has reached 1.4 thousand people thanks to you. You can support us by sharing our channel in the groups you are in to further spread the videos of National Socialism and support our organization!

Forward from: Benny Pilled IV
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With the release of the French version, we can now say that the entirety of North and South America have this text available to them regardless of their language.

Do your best in ensuring our comrades all over these continents are aware of the message put forward.



French version dropped.

Channel also contains the English version.

Forward from: Right Wing Dumbbell Squad
Opposition is everywhere. Have you been training? You need to be ready now more than ever.

Forward from: Blair Cottrell 🇦🇺
I’ve actually never understood why people drink alcohol.

It tastes terrible, unless it’s loaded with sugar and every sip just makes you softer, fatter and dumber. And the affect it has on the male body –you might as well drink estrogen.

Alcohol is ingrained into much of western culture, especially down here in Australia. It’s illegal to drink and drive, but we have drive-through bottle shops? Makes perfect sense. Because the same people who eat their Big Macs in the McDonald’s car parks after visiting the drive through can totally be trusted to wait ‘till they get home before they crack their beers, right?
The older generations routinely drink wine or beer with their dinner and don’t think twice about it, none of them seem to realise or care that a lifetime of this habit has accelerated their ageing and made them borderline retarded.
And younger people grin stupidly while holding up half-drunk bottles of froth in their Facebook photos. I suppose this style of photo is meant to make the candidate seem “fun and care-free” but all I ever see is another carbon-copy of the previous profile: “Here’s me drinking beer with my friends. I like sportsball and beer and my friends who also like those things.”
Good job, Davo. Your profile does not step outside the bounds of Facebook’s community standards guidelines, that is to say, you’re sufficiently dumb and worthless enough to not be deleted by corporate for having any real thoughts or ideas.

Everybody’s favourite movie stars are casually sipping on some fancy Chardonnay or classy “on the rocks” style drink, which I suppose makes the average Hollywood consumer think “well if James Bond does it, it must be cool!” It’s well documented that the idea of cigarettes being fashionable was sold to the western masses in a similar fashion, through a very deliberate celebrity-propaganda campaign.

I can appreciate that many people struggle with their psychology somehow and intoxicate themselves to “escape”, but where are you escaping to exactly? To a future where you’re considerably dumber, fatter and sadder, as a result of the drink? Does anybody ever think this through, or is the entire point of drinking to sabotage the process of thought?

Again, I just don’t understand. I sometimes feel like an alien observing another species when I see people’s blind loyalty to the drink.

People get mad when I say stuff like this to them, probably because it makes them feel stupid but I’m known around the country for not caring how my observations make people feel.
“I just enjoy it” they say. And that’s fine, I’m not trying to rob you of “the one thing you enjoy.” I’m just fascinated as to why that one thing has to be something that makes you dumb, fat and ugly.

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