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jgn lupa bersyukur cim 🤲🏻

cimoots ku mmpunyai pribadi yg beda" ya


jadi bebi boi

Forward from: J & J
Kalo cowo jual diri gmn y

Forward from: J & J
Gmn y

👀 jasper tipes sebab kimia (@lavienenrose) read the message

itu kn mantan mu

Forward from: ㅤ𝐌𝐃𝐂𝐋𝐗 : Young Murderer 𝁂᷼𝁂⁩
buaya, banyak kan ya buaya darat?

bayar y nnti kita nehi nehi aca aca breng

Forward from: gAMAa??!
Gembel, kalo ada gue mau ke rumah lo biar sekalian belajar

👀 ajra ganteng @JEONGGUUKQ (@JEONGGUUKQ) read the message

india sih

Forward from: gAMAa??!
Ga, di lo ada?

👀 mrv². Gama (@dadonghyug) read the message

jae : pnsh sokab bgt

mff si, sy pny jae

👀 a l e a gf eaj @ImPrettyLoverrukk (@ImPrettyLoverrukk) read the message

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