Morning starts with another flight to the top 🚀
I woke up and found out from the news that my personal blog is almost catching up with Pavel Durov’s in growth and number of followers. Now we both have the biggest personal blogs in Telegram! 🫢
Thanks so much for your activity and support, but I’m not planning to overtake Pavel — Telegram is his messenger 🤝
How about we all subscribe to his blog too? Hello, Pavel! 😎
I woke up and found out from the news that my personal blog is almost catching up with Pavel Durov’s in growth and number of followers. Now we both have the biggest personal blogs in Telegram! 🫢
Thanks so much for your activity and support, but I’m not planning to overtake Pavel — Telegram is his messenger 🤝
How about we all subscribe to his blog too? Hello, Pavel! 😎