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πŸ“ drop ur @. to get random songs from me.

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pen ngebucin tp kasian partnernya

pagi pagi gonjrang gonjreng

Forward from: Joice
permisi boleh share ke ch kamu ga?? kalau boleh tolong kasih tau kalau chr loverruk itu udah di banned, buat yang pakek chr loverruk mohon di ganti yya

aleana oskylar, tandain aje udh utang manipnya belom dibayar biarin tar di akherat ditagihnye kapok

"I'm here for you, as your comfortable home" JIAAAKHHH, umiiii niii liat tante uncehanyaaa sok sokan banget 😾

ngga sopan unceha ngucapinnya copy paste kata kata agas doang, sorakin deh ramean, wuuu πŸ‘ŽπŸ»πŸ‘ŽπŸ»πŸ‘ŽπŸ»

Forward from: Lacuna
The chirping of pretty birds in the sky is like welcoming and celebrating your euphoria today. There are so many valuable hopes that soar high into the clouds. And I'm so grateful for being able to participate in the spree on your special day. Hey, my precious Agas. Getting older is not just about changing a "numeral," it's a start for you on the new page. But I believe, no matter how difficult something that will meet you later, you will survive and get through it. As before, you are strong and such a great person for yourself. I'm proud of you. I'm so happy when I see your maturation process. And remember this one, don't hesitate to come back to me if you feel you are not okay. I'm here for you, as your comfortable home. Happy birthday, dearest Agas. There will be so many amens that come with the candles you blow up. And my best wishes will espouse your every step and exhalation.


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happy birthday yaa!! maaf gak bisa ngasih apa apa hehe, doa yang terbaik buat idann

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