The CDC combines pneumonia and influenza deaths in their modeling and does not engage in any direct counting of deaths. Therefore, the government can not give a median age of death from influenza. They vastly overestimate influenza deaths, as documented by other government agencies.
This must be fixed by HHS under Sec. Kennedy.
The CDC engages in psychological bioterrorism. They work to instill fear into people over death and disease. Their top-down, fear-driven approach to public health needs to cease.
Influenza mainly kills the elderly and the immunosuppressed.
Estimates of the median or average age of death from influenza put it well above 75 years of age, but that is never mentioned by the CDC.
Instead of fearporn regarding influenza, the government needs to teach people how to have a healthy immune system. It starts with vitamin D3 and maintaining a healthy weight to avoid chronic metabolic diseases.
As people age, their immune system function declines, a phenomenon known as immunosenescence. This is why they die from influenza. Research into how to stop the progression of immunosenescence in the elderly is one avenue of research that the NIH should be focused on.
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