Assalomu aleykum! Ismim Jahongir, 16 yoshman va Toshkent shahridanman. Rasm olishni yaxshi ko'raman, va bu kanalda o'zim olgan rasmlarni ulashmoqchiman. Va shuni bilishingizni xohlardimki, men shunchaki qiziqaman va hali beri professional fotograf emasman😊 Taklif va savollar uchun - @gfhjdf.
Hi there! My name is Jakhongir, I'm 16 and from Tashkent. I do love photographing and that's why I opened the channel. Here I'm going to share my photos. I would like you to know that I'm not a professional photographer, I'm just interested and I always try to take amazing photos. For suggestions and questions - @gfhjdf.
Hi there! My name is Jakhongir, I'm 16 and from Tashkent. I do love photographing and that's why I opened the channel. Here I'm going to share my photos. I would like you to know that I'm not a professional photographer, I'm just interested and I always try to take amazing photos. For suggestions and questions - @gfhjdf.