Forward from: Cosmos🛸🔭
What if a needle going with speed of light(300,000km/h) hits the earth
When the needle hits the earth the kinetic energy of the needle will be changed to energy of explosion and the power released will be similar to energy of nuclear bomb that is 43 kt of TNT(Tri nitro tolune) the bomb dropped in Nagasaki have a capacity of 21 kt just compare the two an ordinary needle and nuclear bomb that destroyed an entire city imagine when a simple needle is more dangerous than nuclear bomb but physics says the only way that needle can have a speed of light is if its massless because massive objects can't have speed of light @science_of_cosmos #neddle_with_speed_of_light If u have any comment or question contact us @stupidity_x
When the needle hits the earth the kinetic energy of the needle will be changed to energy of explosion and the power released will be similar to energy of nuclear bomb that is 43 kt of TNT(Tri nitro tolune) the bomb dropped in Nagasaki have a capacity of 21 kt just compare the two an ordinary needle and nuclear bomb that destroyed an entire city imagine when a simple needle is more dangerous than nuclear bomb but physics says the only way that needle can have a speed of light is if its massless because massive objects can't have speed of light @science_of_cosmos #neddle_with_speed_of_light If u have any comment or question contact us @stupidity_x