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sibuk itu hanya presetan, semua tergantung prioritas.

𝐂handra ❤️‍🔥

moots yg belum isi, tolong diisi yaa

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hargai selagi ada kesempatan, tuhan memberikan penyesalan diakhir supaya manusia tahu, bahwa tidak semua hal dapat diulang kembali.

sekalian isi moots, no bc lebih enak diliat, thank you

📝 about chandra.

👤 be happy and cheer up selalu

👤 keceee gilakk

👤 kece badai

👤 Terlihat kalem dan sedikit cuek mybe jika belum kenal

👤 keren

👤 keren banget 💥💥💥

👤 keren + kinda attractive

👤 So cool

👤 menurut gue Chandra ni kalemm, ya ngga si😭 soalnya kayak ngga banyak tingah gitu coolll

👤 candra ni KUL kul gtu ges kayak es kul kul, baik juga dia, ganteng juga myb? saya tidak tahu intinya be happy ya candra

👤 ganteng bangettt

👤 dude sangat baik dan suka menolong kata budi haha dude always be happy, jaga kesehatan dan jangan pernah telat makan.

👤 #Oz look's so cool

👤 super cool!

👤 cara masuk kedalam hati mu gimana,tutor dong

👤 keren

👤 attractive

👤 Kecee😵

👤 attractive, handsome, kind, humble mybe?

👤 keren bngt

👤 attractive

👥 21 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

Hello Telegram citizens, I would like to ask for a moment of your time to read this information. Due to @telegram's latest policy, this channel is only used for roleplayer purposes. I get all the media here from various social media such as Pinterest, YouTube, Twitter, etc.

On this channel there is toxic content without CW/TW, this channel also contains elements of nsfw and LGBTQ+, so if you are a toxicphobic, homophobic, someone who likes to plagiarize, problematic, please DNI.

Everything on this channel is purely the result of my own thoughts, so please don't plagiarize anything on this channel, you can use your brain to produce better works than me. If you see something similar from another channel with this channel, please confirm

In closing, I apologize if there are intentional or unintentional misspellings, and I thank you for taking the time to read this statement.

Best Regards, -Chandra ❤️‍🔥

o'violence often occurs very eventide, preeminently in frontier expanse of america where, sex in pedestrian for masses: in fact, teenager beneath the age seventeen years have done it quiet eventide-but not admist one of alehouse that are stomp to my base frequently persevere admist partisans, o' my partisans and i enrolled this breadth where there was extravagant liquor, sex and masses priouette offhandedly to th'augmentation of the anthems.

Buat cc tadi nanti gua masukin ke gc ya

Ga usah buta memek

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Ini ceha udah gua beli yaa jngn ada yng unsubs, kalau mau sfs ulang pake acc gua boleh ke bot gua langsung sini @radjavee_bot

Tess cinta

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