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baru kemarin ku beli :( tapi gapapa demi cuan 😔

babay @cbears 💗🎀, and thank you Ka D 💗💗

Forward from: roseanne CLOSE TODAY 19:00


✧ Based on roseanne blackpink
✧ pergantian huruf n ke b Masi kebaca
✧ Start offer 20 November - 24 November 19.00 WIB.
✧ Start offer from 17k, kb 2k (Free jump bid)
✧ Big no HnR, Offer = Ada budget.
✧ Drop your best offer on comment section
💸 Payment via all e-wallet (qris no rate)
☎️ Contact Person @.Feuix

moots! Lanjut siang owkie😁

usn ku @rhinyuna kecolongan, tadi aku lepas sebentar buat ngecek limit ternyata lupa. mau dipake lagi ternyata udah dikeep duluan. siapapun kamu yang keep, aku tau kamu orang baik. tolong balikin ya, itu recehan tapi aku sayang banget🥺

Forward from: 𝐀𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐮𝐦 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐲. 𝐇𝐟𝐰 𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐝
Constellations have played a big fascinating part in human history. Cosmos keeps you enchanted, the irresistible appeal of twinkle star never fail to draw you captivated. Time for new discovery, hear ye hear ye!
We are announcing that one of our pretty star-alike username is UP FOR SALE USING OFFER SYSTEM! Shoot your best offer to the comment like you shoot your wishes to the star ✩

@Singgto @singgto @Singgto @Singgto

༄ Based on Singto actor Thailand (SOP)
༄ Additional letter G
༄ The special offer will be started from 22 November and close on 26 November at 21:09
༄ Start from IDR 15.000 with IDR 2.000 as bid multiple or KB. Jump bid is very much allowed. Big No HnR!
༄ Payment will be available using Dana, Qris, Gopay.
༄ Reach @osawu for further informations or any questions popping

🚀Jastip by @jastipstore

Forward from: ₊ ໑. nombaby! 🐇 ໒꒱
[ moots, help forward this post to your channel, thanks a bunch! ]


⠀⠀i. @puaws based on paws (53) nett
⠀⠀ii. @rawri based on rawr (43) nett
⠀⠀iii. @nomsu based on noms (18) nett
⠀⠀iv. @kittuie based on kittie (20) nett
⠀⠀v. @enyan based on nyan (21) nett
⠀⠀vi. @sanriuo based on sanrio (9) nett
⠀⠀vii. @bunneie based on bunnie (12) nett

Payment available via DANA only. Serious buyer with enough budget! You can ask anything on @BuneeBot or @minatozaki 💟

Forward from: 𝐏hoenix
[ hfw moots? ]


ꐑꐑ : ˖ ۫‣ Based on Beomgyu (TXT)
ꐑꐑ : ˖ ۫‣ Tambah huruf rata Bromgy(+)u
ꐑꐑ : ˖ ۫‣ Sale with fix price 135K netip
ꐑꐑ : ˖ ۫‣ Booked max 2 hari
ꐑꐑ : ˖ ۫‣ Payment ewallet only & qris +1k
kindly contact @xInumakibot if you’re interested

Forward from: Fetching. HFW PINNED!
Moots, help fw. Thankyou!

Want to buy username mulchar based on kittie & kitten not kitties or kittens, bunny not bunnie. Tamhur rata only dan yang huruf kembarnya ga pisah yaa, kalau tamhur ga rata yang kebacaa. Budget aku sekitar 70K-an tapi jangan dimahalin ya usernamenya :

Forward from: taeyong ♡
..⃗.🕊•‌⁺゜Fabulous warmest greetings, we uttered to all humans being here. That there are some cool username is finally up for sell with offer price system.



가°. Based on Taeyong NCT/SUPER M
가°. Pertukaran huruf n < g
가°. Start from 15K, kb 2K.
가°. Close tanggal 25 november 2021 at 20.00 WIB.
가°. Big NO HnR! Drop offer = ada budget.
가°. Payment via DANA & QRIS
가°. Drop your best offer on comment section or [ https://t.me/joinchat/hUSzxLl-HH1lMjM1 ] for telegram x user.

ㅡ 싸. Contact person ; @tiyongbot

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Handle by @JASTIPNCT

Forward from: KOCIL UFS ALL !!
edisi urgent banget @Yugto + @KangkKino 25k take both

sekalian @haewn bisa based on haewon JYPNGG (kurang huruf) dan haeun (ganhur) ufs edisi BU urgent, ke @hoshiebot if you're interested

*bisa sewaktu waktu nfs lagi

Forward from: keii galery
[ help fw moots, edisi butuh usn baru ]

@permeln & @bliskuit : 3.000
@stawlberry & @stawbeqrry : 3.000
@puwcing & @tobebli : 2.000
@pelangil & @stalkxing : 2.000

payment : all ewallet, qriss ( no rate )
contact @stawberryL

Forward from: Marthea`s gallery
🤍. [ Hfw moots, thanks before ]

Xin chào! @Ymelihat is looking for new mutuals gallery. Accepts all types of galleries but only accepts main acc accounts. Contact @martheaaaa_bot or @shaimjake.

selamat datang sayang !🌸, @cbears 💗🎀

Forward from: Glory Sea! hfw pinned
Halo? Gua barusan banget kena tipu. Awalnya gua nyoba-nyoba nyelem username, and i found @Niengning is up for sale.

Harganya cukup terjangkau buat gua jadi gua chat sellernya, dari awal dia udah slowresp banget bales chatnya. Gua udah curiga tapi tetep mikir everything will be okay, sebelum payment juga gua udah sempet di adminin dulu di channelnya jadi gua makin yakin buat take usn @Niengning.

Gua gak sempet screenshot chatnya karena gak mikir sejauh itu dia bakalan tipu gua, gua cuma simpen bukti tfnya. Nomor dana dia 083196296045, dn accnya Airy, gak sempet inget usnnya.

Tolong kalau gak mau kasih usnnya, balikin duit gua ya? Itu hasil gua nabung sendiri buat menuhin wishlist gua... Gua yakin lu orang baik kok, tolong balikin, please? Jumlahnya emang gak gede tapi itu bener-bener berharga buat gua.. Balikin ya? Gua tungguin, serius. Gua gak akan marah kalau lu balikin ke @vDinosaur.

Forward from: keii galery
[ help fw moots ]

hello! @ytums is looking for new mutuals gallery username. All type of gallery username ar allowed, but main account only. Contact @stawberryL if you're interested. Thank you! 💟

Forward from: ..
✷›› Pink 𝘽𝙪𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙨 with yellow bees exchanging positions, they become one of the most intriguing human interest. Look, this is the username created by the two of them, for those of you who often collect the results of their creativity, don't forget to follow this offer ꒰˵• ﻌ •˵꒱ !




.⋆𓍢. Based on Nezuko
.⋆𓍢. Start from 15k kb 2k, free jumpbid
.⋆𓍢. BIG NO HNR ૮₍⇀‸↼‶₎ა
.⋆𓍢. Will be started at 20 November and Close offer 22 November at 19.30 WIB !
.⋆𓍢. Payment only via Dana
.⋆𓍢. Drop offer on @Nmezuko comsect or tele x https://t.me/joinchat/zhG75nj9_K45NjM1

›ଘ ˖ Contact person @ldeenagyung

               ✦ Handle by @gelatostip

Forward from: vtaeyoung, day 5
Luminous Day everyone, who read this message! Hold on, I want to announce you guys if i want to sell this pretty username wwith offer system. Before it you must be read carefully these detail below:

@vtaeyoung @vtaeyoung

ꕤ ፧ Based on Taeyoung from Cravity with letter addition V.

ꕤ ፧ The offer session will be held on November 19th and closed on November 23th at 20.00 wib with the starting price from 15.000 kb 2.000 and any jumbid is allowed.

ꕤ ፧ Drop an offer mean you have a budget, we only accept payment available via all e-wallet! If you wanna ask more, just tap @iceeIbot and ask what you want.

Drop your best offer in @vtaeyoung comment section or https://t.me/joinchat/v4acqEYnsAxlNmE1 (For Tele x user)

✈️ Jastip and handled by @Edessien

Forward from: aepartyi!
3k/@ take semua 8k
@Yquri based on Yuri 110k nego
@SimJaeeun (jake rn)
10k/@ take dua duanya 15k
@SunughoonPark 11k negtip
@heeseungelee tawar berapa aja
@Nlyaw 23k

☎️ : @Aeeribot / @Blusxh

Forward from: ⛄ Ra’s property. ♡ (HFW Pinned)
⛄️ want to sell these usernames with FIX PRICE ❕❕❕

@aeolng based on Aeong (LOONA hyunjin’s nickname) 7K
@oihhuiyeon based on oh huiyeon 7K
@ohhuiyein based on oh huiyeon 7K
@yujeonglfee based on lee yujeong 5K
@sangiahyoon based on yoon sangah 5K
@ryusujeomg based on ryu sujeong 8K
@jeomgyein based on jeong yein 8K
@syoojiae based on yoo jiae 7K

🎄 payment: DANA/GoPay/ShopeePay/QRIS (+1K)
🎄 contact person: @AllhailMiso.

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