Sons of Virginia Active Club (Uncensored)

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Sic Semper Tyrannis
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Forward from: Sons of Virginia Active Club (Uncensored)
Due to our continued efforts to build a strong collective of brave white youth here in the Commonwealth of Virginia, the powers that be have had our main telegram channel censored on the google play and App Store. We recommend downloading telegram web to bypass tech oligarchical censorship but we will also operate this channel for those who don’t. We are as determined as ever to keep pushing and we will not be silenced!

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Forward from: The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)
7 people arrested and locked up in Virginia for the crime of walking with a lit tikitorch 6 years ago in Charlottesville. This is why anyone counter-signalling masks is a bad actor. Anyone who masked for the torch march has a much better chance of not getting picked up and given a show trial. They will dredge up something you did 6 years ago to prosecute you for something you never even knew was a crime. These men WILL be convicted, there is no doubt about that.


Thoughts and prayers to our movement comrades in PF🙏🏻

Forward from: 🏴‍☠️
🚨 BREAKING: Five Patriot Front members found guilty of criminal conspiracy to riot.

For daring to resist the grooming of children at a Coeur d'Alene "Drag Queen Story Hour" , these brave men of Patriot Front have been railroaded by the supposedly "right wing" state of Idaho.
The Nationalist Network asks for your prayers for these brave young men.



Forward from: The Virginia Flaggers 🇸🇴
WOKE Washington & Lee University desecrating the grave of Robert E. Lee's horse, Traveller, at the chapel where he is buried. Despicable.

Forward from: The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)
The times I was most blackpilled in life were when I had nothing going on. When I was a lone WN with nobody else who shared my views around me. When I was unemployed, single, and wasn't training or lifting. When your only connection to the cause is online, you have no real connection.

You almost exclusively here "woe is me" complaining and blackpilling from those permanently online. They only experience the struggle from behind a screen, so they take no real part in it. Conversely I have found that those who participate in real life organizing for Our People are almost exclusively happy and optimistic. There isn't a naive sense that we're going to "win" tomorrow, but there is sense that we are all working together for the future.

When you are active and organizing with your people the things you thought unachievable yesterday suddenly seem achievable. You get the sense that even if the world goes to hell tomorrow, you'll make it through. Just my 2 cents for those with WN leanings who haven't stepped up yet. It's better on the other side, step out from behind the screen and get active.


Forward from: Heartland Active Club
“Hey man. I want you to hear it from me first. Jason’s dead.”

Silence for a moment. I waited for my old platoon sergeant to say it was a joke. I had just had a conversation with Jason the day before online. We had complained to each other about how lonely our society was for men who had spent years sweating, crying and bleeding alongside each other. About how ‘soft’ the so-called men we worked alongside as civilians were. About how society in general had no place left for warriors. Jason wasn’t dead. He was having a hard time, but we all were… right?

“I didn’t want you to see it online. His family is going to have the service this week. They wanted us to feel free to come for a memorial service over the holiday weekend this month.”

I thanked my old sergeant and hung up the phone. Leaned over my kitchen countertop and let the emotions wash over me. For the first time in a long time, I sobbed.

At the memorial service, a dozen-odd roughly dressed men made a circle in the church parking lot. Cigarettes and beers passed covertly. We recounted memories, stories and conversations with Jason. Every one of us could remember a time we depended on him for something; a mood lift, a joke, our sanity or even our lives.

Jason was a year shy of thirty. He left behind a grieving girlfriend, heartbroken parents and a brother who blamed himself. He left behind a group of men who had laughed and cried and fought with (and against) him. He was the first of the men I had forged a bond in fire with to pass on from wounds not of his body but his spirit. The first, but not the last.

I’ve been asked what radicalized me. It wasn’t the time five black males beat me to the ground until I passed out before they went through my pockets. It wasn’t the time two hispanic boys held guns at my head and took my phone, backpack and wallet. It wasn’t the time I had a frozen water bottle and a beer can lobbed into the back of my head at a political event where I went without being a supporter, just wanting to hear out a candidate. It was the looks on my brother’s faces as the rifles fired over a flag-draped casket. It was the despair I saw in a dozen war-worn White faces as men watched a brother laid to final rest, born down by the weight of a world who rejected his very existence.

Our opponents love to paint our movement as one of hatred, of reactionary opposition to “difference”. The reality is, our fight is one of love for our racial brothers and sisters. Of honor for our forefathers who secured our future through their labor and pain. Of hope for our children, and the future we shall leave as their inheritance. We don’t fight because we hate those different from us. We fight because we love our own Folk.

One Folk. One Nation. Hail victory! ✋🏻

Forward from: Sons of Virginia Active Club (Uncensored)
Due to our continued efforts to build a strong collective of brave white youth here in the Commonwealth of Virginia, the powers that be have had our main telegram channel censored on the google play and App Store. We recommend downloading telegram web to bypass tech oligarchical censorship but we will also operate this channel for those who don’t. We are as determined as ever to keep pushing and we will not be silenced!

Sic Semper Tyrannis

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Forward from: The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)
Imagine being your average Nick Fuentes enjoyer during an anti-White riot like in France. Just scared to even venture out of your house and hoping the system pigs do their job and protect you. Imagine being ANY of these koshers who counter-signal guys like Patriot Front and Active Clubs. How do you think they would feel if suddenly their lives of ease and comfort were interrupted by something like that and the cops had zero control over the situation? You think they'd still be counter-signalling real Nationalists, or would they be praying that a couple hundred of us showed up to block the streets before the rioters got to their houses?

One day soon, something far bigger than the anti-White riots we've seen recently may happen in America. If the biggest conflict you've ever been apart of is an online trolling campaign against Ben Shapiro, your odds of making it drop drastically. You have to start thinking who you want as friends in the future. Do you want a bunch of antisocial permanently online nerds, or a bunch of IRL meeting trained bros who are going to be there when you need it. In a riot situation where thousands of hostiles have taken over the streets, the institutions we rely on for protection ALWAYS temporarily lose control. For however long until the police can gather adequate force, the mob rules.

Think about these two questions:

1. Who do you want as your friends when the institutions meant to protect you fail?

2. Who do YOU want to be when the institutions meant to protect you fail?


Forward from: NS Street Art
The importance of good street propaganda

Propaganda is an often overlooked aspect of our fight for what’s right. It is the best tool we have to expose ourselves to the world and to show our noble intentions and ideals. It should inspire and leave the viewers in awe and admiration, like the statues and monuments of old.

unfortunately many times we see the opposite. In our day today, we often find signs of expression of those who support our cause on our cities’ walls and streets, but these signs are lackluster at best.
Ill scribbled graffiti’s with slogans that mean nothing to the average viewer or even worse something that automatically turns the viewer away. Bad street art will never create a good image.
Would you be proud of something similar?
If we are proud of our heritage, we must honor it with well-thought-out works of beauty.

Think about it: those who want us to be miserable spend millions of dollars on entire teams of people whose only purpose is to research the best way to make an ad so compelling it will make you want to buy.

Our cause is far more important than some products: it is the future of our nation and the lives of our families. This is why you need to put effort into researching and studying your art before going out and painting graffiti.
A fighter trains before competing, he puts in the work before stepping in the ring. You should do the same when it comes to art.

Take a look at past graffiti that pop, look good, and are able to catch the eye of a passerby. Get good and show off your creativity. No one ever likes a copycat. Aim to create work that you would be proud to show even if it were to be the only thing someone saw from you.
And talking about yourself, don’t separate the art from the artist.
Your work is only as good as you are: be well-groomed, be strong, and clean. If you look good you do good and if you do good, we win!

Take care and be the best. You will thank yourself later.

Forward from: ACTIVE CLUB



Forward from: Canada Lifestyle
"Being “fit” with a physique is much more than how “good” you look…

A well-built physique is a status symbol that reflects your hard work. Money can not buy it, nor can you inherit it. You can not steal it, nor can you borrow it. You can not hold on to it, without constant work. It shows dedication. It shows discipline. It shows self-respect. It shows dignity. It shows patience, work ethic, and passion.

Being “fit” is far more than just looks."

Turn yourself into a symbol of our worldview.

Forward from: First Capital Proud Boys
First Capital Proud Boys
Sons of Pennsylvania extend an open invitation to any Proud Boy chapter to Fuck Around and Find Out ⚡🩸

Forward from: Frens Chan
How do you deal with boomer led groups like Pride Goys?
  •   Treat them like Antifa
  •   Try to reason with them
  •   Avoid them
  •   Force them to join your group
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