︎ ︎рест < st & sh ?!

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** без мēня все будēт так же
[ ` так же ] < как со мн()й .

꧁ī wanna kn0w know knōw
[ !know ] ᯓ whAt is love?? .**.

piercing on your lip, it’s perfect
!n3ver seen an0ther girl
this perfect
👅 st1cking out your tongue for the picture . .
[ you’re so pretty ]
@ y o u ’ r e s o p o p u l a r .

все чистки, переезды, анмью в лс -- @st1shh 🙏🏻

. . i wānt to die al0ne ton1ght (((
[🙏🏻] plæse d0 n()t trý to save me
walking away from the
#. . br1ght l1ght (($))
× darkness will come to take me.

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